pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
Dr. Haniza is an Associate Professor and currently serves as the Assistant Dean for Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She completed her Bachelor of Audiology (Honours) from UKM in 2001, followed by a Masters in Audiological Sciences from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, in 2003. In 2011, she received her PhD specializing in Vestibular Diagnosis from The University of Western Australia. In 2012, Dr. Haniza completed a Research and Clinical Fellowship at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney, focusing on ‘Characteristics of Intractable Benign Positioning Vertigo’. She further enhanced her expertise in 2018 with a Vestibular and Balance Clinical attachment at Hospital Robert Debré in Paris, France, concentrating on the pediatric population. Dr. Haniza`s research interests are centered on both subjective and objective vestibular and balance assessments in adults and pediatrics. Her current research projects focus on assessing the vestibular and balance status in pediatric post-chemotherapy patients, pediatric and adult cochlear implant recipients, deaf and hard-of-hearing children, and adult stroke patients. In addition to her academic and research roles, Dr. Haniza is the President of The Malaysian National Society of Audiologists (MANSA). She has played a pivotal role in establishing and managing the Balance and Vestibular Research Lab at UKM, contributing significantly to the field of audiology in Malaysia.
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, che muhammad amir che awang, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd normani zakaria, suzaily wahab, nor haniza abdul wahat, nashrah maamor. (2024). exploring the effects of alternate auditory attention tasks on electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells in healthy normal hearing adults. - auditory and vestibular research. 142-151.
nor haniza abdul wahat. (2023). kelab audiologi, fsk, ukm menyantuni anak-anak pekak ke petrosains. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-3.
nor haniza abdul wahat. (2023). kesan toksik ubatan punca masalah pendengaran dan keseimbangan badan. - bernama tv: buletin bernama. .
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, noor alaudin abdul wahab, nashrah maamor, nor haniza abdul wahat, che muhammad amir che awang, mohd normani zakaria. (2023). exploring the effects of alternate auditory attention tasks on electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells in healthy normal hearing adults. - audiology undergraduate colloquium. 17-18.
sharifah zainon sayed, nor haniza abdul wahat, raymond azman ali, norhayati hussein and marniza omar. (2023). test-retest reliability, effects of age and comparison of horizontal 2 semicircular canals gain values between head impulse and suppression head impulse paradigms. - journal of international advanced otology. 33-40.
mohd normani zakaria, rosdan salim, nor haniza abdul wahat , mohd khairi md daud, wan najibah wan mohamad. (2023). cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cvemp) findings in adults with sensorineural hearing loss (snhl): comparisons between 500 hz tone burst and narrowband ce chirp stimuli. - scientific reports. 1-8.
normah che din, cila umat, nor haniza abdul wahat, azhar talib. (2022). mapping the evidence of multidimensional health approaches in treating individuals with prader-willi syndrome: a scoping review protocol. - bmj open. 1-5.
nur amirah zakaria, nashrah maamor, nor haniza abdul wahat. (2021). hearing health information in malaysian public schools: a step towards addressing a public health concern. - international journal of audiology. 1009-1015.
s.z. sayed, n.h. abdul wahat, a.a. raymond, n. hussein, m. omar, a.m.m. shahizon, w.a. wan zaidi. (2018). the identification of vestibular dysfunction in a patient with cerebellar infarct. - international journal of stroke. .
tian kar quar, sigfrid d soli, yin fang chan, wan syafira ishak, nor haniza abdul wahat. (2017). the effect of non-native and non-regional speech testing on a multi-lingual population. - international journal of audiology. 92-98.
sharifah zainon sayed, nor haniza abdul wahat, raymond azman ali, norhayati hussein and marniza omar. (2023). test-retest reliability, effects of age and comparison of horizontal 2 semicircular canals gain values between head impulse and suppression head impulse paradigms. - journal of international advanced otology. 33-40.
mohd normani zakaria, adnan tahir, zuraida zainun, rosdan salim, nurul syarida mohd sakeri, nor haniza abdul wahat. (2021). the influence of type of visual image and gender on the perception of horizontality: a subjective visual horizontal (svh) study. - acta oto-laryngologica. 62-65.
siti aisyah ahmad, nor haniza abdul wahat, mohd normani zakaria, sylvette r. wiener-vacher, nurul ain abdullah. (2020). cvemps and ovemps normative data in malaysian preschool and primary school-aged children. - international journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 1-6.
mohd normani zakaria, nor haniza abdul wahat, zuraida zainun, nurul syarida mohd sakeri, and rosdan salim. (2020). the test-retest reliability of subjective visual horizontal testing: comparisons between solid and dotted line images. - journal of audiology & otology. 107-111.
marniza omar, nor haniza abdul wahat, mohd fawwaz afif zulkafli, nur fajarina husain, suhaina sulaiman. (2018). does postural instability in type 2 diabetes relate to vestibular function?. - indian journal of otology. .
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, che muhammad amir che awang, noor alaudin abdul wahab, mohd normani zakaria, suzaily wahab, nor haniza abdul wahat, nashrah maamor. (2024). exploring the effects of alternate auditory attention tasks on electromotility of cochlear outer hair cells in healthy normal hearing adults. - auditory and vestibular research. 142-151.
mohd normani zakaria, rosdan salim, nor haniza abdul wahat , mohd khairi md daud, wan najibah wan mohamad. (2023). cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cvemp) findings in adults with sensorineural hearing loss (snhl): comparisons between 500 hz tone burst and narrowband ce chirp stimuli. - scientific reports. 1-8.
sharifah zainon sayed, nor haniza abdul wahat, raymond azman ali, norhayati hussein and marniza omar. (2023). test-retest reliability, effects of age and comparison of horizontal 2 semicircular canals gain values between head impulse and suppression head impulse paradigms. - journal of international advanced otology. 33-40.
normah che din, cila umat, nor haniza abdul wahat, azhar talib. (2022). mapping the evidence of multidimensional health approaches in treating individuals with prader-willi syndrome: a scoping review protocol. - bmj open. 1-5.
sharifah zainon sayed, nor haniza abdul wahat, azman ali raymond, norhayati hussein, wan asyraf wan zaidi, marniza omar. (2021). quantitative vestibular function tests in posterior circulation stroke patients: a review. - medical journal of malaysia. 783-790.
nor haniza abdul wahat, nur zakiah mohd saat, chee kai ching, lim ya qin, goh choon may, nurzila omar, sakinah che ros, fatimah sheikh mohd, tan mon ping, siti sarah omar. (2012). time management skill and stress level among audiology and speech sciences students of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - procedia - social and behavioral sciences. .
sharifah zainon sayed mohd khan, nor haniza abdul wahat, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2023). stroke, vestibular and balance (dys) function. - . 142.
nor wahiza abdul wahat, nor haniza abdul wahat, mastura mahamed. (2020). panduan penulisan tesis. - . 50.
nor haniza abdul wahat. (2020). panduan penulisan tesis. - . 17.
nor haniza abdul wahat. (2020). panduan penulisan tesis. - . 17.
nurul syarida mohd sakeri, rosdan salim, zuraida zainun, nor haniza abdul wahat, mohd normani zakaria. (2020). disability functional diversity. - . 9.
nurul syarida mohd sakeri, mohd normani zakaria, nor haniza abdul wahat, zuraida zainun, rosdan salim, saiful adli jamaluddin. (2020). hearing impairment and disability: identification, assessment, and intervention. - . 11.
sharifah zainon sayed mohd khan, nor haniza abdul wahat, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2023). stroke, vestibular and balance (dys) function. - . 142.
nor wahiza abdul wahat, nor haniza abdul wahat, mastura mahamed. (2020). panduan penulisan tesis. - . 50.
lokman saim, siti zamratol-mai sarah mukari, asma abdullah, goh bee see, kartini ahmad, cila umat, raja juanita raja lope and 17 others. (2015). protocol for ukm cochlear implant program: guidelines for professionals 2015. - . 43.
nor haniza abdul wahat. (2023). kelab audiologi, fsk, ukm menyantuni anak-anak pekak ke petrosains. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-3.
nor haniza abdul wahat. (2023). kesan toksik ubatan punca masalah pendengaran dan keseimbangan badan. - bernama tv: buletin bernama. .
siti aisyah mohammad tahir, noor alaudin abdul wahab, nashrah maamor, nor haniza abdul wahat, che muhammad amir che awang, mohd normani zakaria.. (2023). meneroka kesan tugas perhatian auditori silih ganti terhadap elektromotiliti sel rambut luar koklea pada orang dewasa dengan pendengaran normal. - persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda (persada) 2023. 1.
che muhammad amir che awang, noor alaudin abdul wahab, suzaily wahab, nashrah maamor, mohd. normani zakaria, nor haniza abdul wahat, siti aisyah mohammad tahir. (2023). a preliminary study of the effect of various contralateral auditory attention tasks on efferent pathway among patient with schizophrenia. - xxviii international evoked response audiometry study group biennial symposium. 158-159.
nur izzah nasir, nor haniza abdul wahat, akmaliza ali, asma abdullah. (2023). adaptation and validation of the malay pediatric vestibular symptom questionnaire (pvsq): a pilot study. - audiology undergraduate colloquium. 7-8.
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