pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian kesihatan komuniti (reach)
My research interests are in the areas of exercise and lipid metabolism, physical activity and cardiometabolic health. Occasionally I dabble in other areas such as sleep quality and occupational health. Outside the academic world I enjoy yoga, self-improvement and traveling.
nur zakiah binti mohd saat;masne binti kadar;siti aishah bt. hanawi;mahadir bin ahmad;nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;hanis mastura binti yahya. (2024). hubungan antara masa tayangan, aktiviti fizikal, diet harian, kerisauan, kemurungan , kesejahteraan remaja sekolah di selangor. - . .
nursyafiq ali shibramulisi, nor farah fauzi. (2024). association of physical and working activities with work-related musculoskeletal disorders (wrmsd): a cross-sectional study among dentists & dental therapists in primary dental clinic in perak. - malaysian association of dental public health specialists (madphs) conference 2024. 26.
isnaini herawati, arimi fitri mat ludin, mutalazimah m, ismarulyusda ishak and nor m. f. farah. (2023). breathing exercise for hypertensive patients: a scoping review. - frontiers in physiology. 1-16.
nur zakiah mohd saat, milla zulkifli, anis afiqah zuha, nur shazana shamsulkamar, nor farah muhamad fauzi, and siti aishah hanawii. (2023). impact and rationale of the health status of housewives in low-income urban communities. - sulam innovate showcase & symposium (suiss) 2023. 1.
n.z.m saat , siti aishah hanawi , hazlenah hanafiah nor m.f.farah , siti hanisa awal. (2023). relationship between physical activity and musculoskeletal symptoms among educators in kuala lumpur. - scope. 891-900.
n. z. m. saat , siti aishah hanawi , nurul hasanah hasmuni chew , mahadir ahmad , nor m. f. farah , masne kadar , hanis mastura yahya , nor malia abd warif and muhammad khairuddin md daud. (2023). the association of eating behaviour with physical activity and screen time among adolescents in the klang valley, malaysia: a cross-sectional study. - healthcare. 1-13.
harris kamal kamaruddin, nor m f farah, abdul rashid aziz, toby mündel, ahmad munir che muhamed. (2023). carbohydrate mouth rinse is no more effective than placebo on running endurance of dehydrated and heat acclimated athletes. - european journal of applied physiology. 1507-1518.
muhammad irfan haiqal, mohd izham mohamad, wen jin chai, nor m. f. farah, nik shanita safii, jasmiza khuzairi jasme, nor aini jamil. (2023). prevalence of relative energy deficiency in sport (red-s) among national athletes in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-11.
isnaini herawati, arimi fitri mat ludin, mutalazimah m, ismarulyusda ishak and nor m. f. farah. (2023). breathing exercise for hypertensive patients: a scoping review. - frontiers in physiology. 1-16.
wei joo chen, arimi fitri mat ludin and nor m. f. farah. (2022). can acute exercise lower cardiovascular stress reactivity? findings from a scoping review. - journal of cardiovascular development and disease. 1-16.
norsham juliana, mohd effendy nadia, nadia ahmad roslan, ahmad rohi ghazali, nor farah mohamad fauzi, mohd azmani sahar, ainul huda sulaiman, abd rahman hayati, abdul latiff mohamed. (2019). comparison of heart rate variability among malay male young adult with different bmi and level of adiposity. - the international medical journal of malaysia. 73-79.
n. z. m. saat , siti aishah hanawi , nurul hasanah hasmuni chew , mahadir ahmad , nor m. f. farah , masne kadar , hanis mastura yahya , nor malia abd warif and muhammad khairuddin md daud. (2023). the association of eating behaviour with physical activity and screen time among adolescents in the klang valley, malaysia: a cross-sectional study. - healthcare. 1-13.
harris kamal kamaruddin, nor m f farah, abdul rashid aziz, toby mündel, ahmad munir che muhamed. (2023). carbohydrate mouth rinse is no more effective than placebo on running endurance of dehydrated and heat acclimated athletes. - european journal of applied physiology. 1507-1518.
muhammad irfan haiqal, mohd izham mohamad, wen jin chai, nor m. f. farah, nik shanita safii, jasmiza khuzairi jasme, nor aini jamil. (2023). prevalence of relative energy deficiency in sport (red-s) among national athletes in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-11.
isnaini herawati, arimi fitri mat ludin, mutalazimah m, ismarulyusda ishak and nor m. f. farah. (2023). breathing exercise for hypertensive patients: a scoping review. - frontiers in physiology. 1-16.
n.z.m saat , siti aishah hanawi , hazlenah hanafiah nor m.f.farah , siti hanisa awal. (2023). relationship between physical activity and musculoskeletal symptoms among educators in kuala lumpur. - scope. 891-900.
wei joo chen, ahmad nabilatulhuda & nor m. f. farah. (2023). comparisons of physical activity patterns in children with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children. - proceedings of the 8th international conference on movement, health and exercise. 257-265.
nor farah mohamad fauzi, sunshine tan siew ee, masne kadar. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
denise koh choon lian, nor farah mohamad fauzi. (2022). kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti. - . 15.
'arif azlan, nadzirah ismail, nor farah mohamad fauzi, ruzita talib. (2020). lecture notes in bioengineering : enhancing health and sports performance by design. - proceedings of the 2019 movement, health & exercise (mohe) and international sports science conference (issc). 12.
mohd hasnun arif hassan, ahmad munir che muhamed, nur fahriza mohd ali, denise koh choon lian, kok lian yee, nik shanita safii, sarina md yusof, nor farah mohamad fauzi. (2020). lecture notes in bioengineering : enhancing health and sports performance by design. - proceedings of the 2019 movement, health & exercise (mohe) and international sports science conference (issc). 1-550.
nursyafiq ali shibramulisi, nor farah fauzi. (2024). association of physical and working activities with work-related musculoskeletal disorders (wrmsd): a cross-sectional study among dentists & dental therapists in primary dental clinic in perak. - malaysian association of dental public health specialists (madphs) conference 2024. 26.
nur zakiah binti mohd saat;masne binti kadar;siti aishah bt. hanawi;mahadir bin ahmad;nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;hanis mastura binti yahya. (2024). hubungan antara masa tayangan, aktiviti fizikal, diet harian, kerisauan, kemurungan , kesejahteraan remaja sekolah di selangor. - . .
nur zakiah mohd saat, milla zulkifli, anis afiqah zuha, nur shazana shamsulkamar, nor farah muhamad fauzi, and siti aishah hanawii. (2023). impact and rationale of the health status of housewives in low-income urban communities. - sulam innovate showcase & symposium (suiss) 2023. 1.
ahmad rohi bin ghazali;bariah bt. mohd. ali;shazli ezzat bin ghazali;mahadir bin ahmad;zaini bin said;nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;ponnusamy subramaniam;ismarulyusda ishak;norhayati binti ibrahim;noh bin amit;mazlyzam bin abdul latif;gan chun hong. (2023). pendigitalan projek tunas fsk dalam cabaran pandemik covid-19. - . .
nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;arimi fitri bin mat ludin;mahadir bin ahmad. (2021). modulation of postprandial metabolism in response to feeding by high intensity interval training (hiit). - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN MODUL AKTIVITI CARA KERJA (MACK) DAN PENILAIAN KESEJAHTERAAN WARGA EMAS (PKWA) TERHADAP KUALITI HIDUP WARGA EMAS | jabatan kebajikan masyarakat, kementerian pembangunan wanita, keluarga dan masyarakat | 98% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 88.9% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |