pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
a. t. mohd amin; s. s. mokri; r. ahmad; f. ismail; a. a. abd. rahni. (2024). analysis of inter-fraction respiratory variability effect on data-driven respiratory signal estimation methods from cbct imaging. - ieee nuclear science symposium/medical imaging conference. -.
a. t. mohd amin; s. s. mokri; r. ahmad; a. a. abd. rahni. (2024). evaluation of complimentary rebinning reconstruction for off-center flat panel detector cbct imaging. - ieee nuclear science symposium/medical imaging conference. -.
hameedur rahman, tanvir fatima naik bukht, rozilawati ahmad, ahmad almadhor, abdul rehman javed. (2023). efficient breast cancer diagnosis from complex mammographic images using deep convolutional neural network. - computational intelligence and neuroscience. 1-11.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, nurul elni md yusof, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, norhafidzah mohamed sharif, khadijah mohamad nassir, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). evaluation of occupational radiation exposure to radiography students during clinical attachment using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, wan anwah filzah wan anuar, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, noraini ahmad wahid, nur khalis sukiman, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). quantifying cumulative equivalent dose in radiotherapy trainees during clinical practices: towards establishing radiation exposure baseline. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1-26.
hameedur rahman, tanvir fatima naik bukht, rozilawati ahmad, ahmad almadhor, abdul rehman javed. (2023). efficient breast cancer diagnosis from complex mammographic images using deep convolutional neural network. - computational intelligence and neuroscience. 1-11.
haliimah a. nattabi, norhafidzah m. sharif, noorazrul yahya, rozilawati ahmad, mazlyfarina mohamad, faizah m.zaki, ahmad n.yusoff. (2022). is diagnostic performance of quantitative 2d-shear wave elastography optimal for clinical classification of benign and malignant thyroid nodules?: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - academic radiology. S114-S121.
rozilawati ahmad, luiza bondar, peter voet, jan-willem mens, sandra quint, glenn dhawtal, ben heijmen & mischa hoogeman. (2013). a margin-of-the-day online adaptive intensity-modulated radiotherapy strategy for cervical cancer provides superior treatment accuracy compared to clinically recommended margins: a dosimetric evaluati. - acta oncologica. 52(7):1430-1436.
rozilawati ahmad, mischa s. hoogeman, sandra quint, jan willem mens, eliana m. vasquez osario, ben j.m. heijmen. (2012). residual setup errors caused by rotation and non-rigid motion in prone-treated cervical cancer patients after online cbct image-guidance. - radiotherapy and oncology. 103:322-326.
m.l. bondar, m.s. hoogeman, j.w. mens, s.quint, r. ahmad, g. dhawtal, and b.j. heijmen. (2012). individualized nonadaptive and online-adaptive intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment strategies for cervical cancer patients based on pretreatment acquired variable bladder filling computed. - international journal of radiation oncology biology physics. 83(5):1617-1623.
adam tan mohd amin, siti salasiah mokri, rozilawati ahmad, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2019). development of a 4d digital phantom for cone-beam ct (cbct) imaging on the varian on-board imager (obi). - international journal of integrated engineering. 90-99.
hameedur rahman, tanvir fatima naik bukht, rozilawati ahmad, ahmad almadhor, abdul rehman javed. (2023). efficient breast cancer diagnosis from complex mammographic images using deep convolutional neural network. - computational intelligence and neuroscience. 1-11.
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype approach (scimort). - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S14-S15.
haliimah a. nattabi, norhafidzah m. sharif, noorazrul yahya, rozilawati ahmad, mazlyfarina mohamad, faizah m.zaki, ahmad n.yusoff. (2022). is diagnostic performance of quantitative 2d-shear wave elastography optimal for clinical classification of benign and malignant thyroid nodules?: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - academic radiology. S114-S121.
adam tan mohd amin, siti salasiah mokri, rozilawati ahmad, fuad ismail, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2021). evaluation methodology for respiratory signal extraction from clinical cone-beam ct (cbct) using data-driven methods. - international journal of integrated engineering. 1-8.
adam tan mohd amin, siti salasiah mokri, rozilawati ahmad, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2019). development of a 4d digital phantom for cone-beam ct (cbct) imaging on the varian on-board imager (obi). - international journal of integrated engineering. 90-99.
a. t. mohd amin; s. s. mokri; r. ahmad; f. ismail; a. a. abd. rahni. (2024). analysis of inter-fraction respiratory variability effect on data-driven respiratory signal estimation methods from cbct imaging. - ieee nuclear science symposium/medical imaging conference. -.
a. t. mohd amin; s. s. mokri; r. ahmad; a. a. abd. rahni. (2024). evaluation of complimentary rebinning reconstruction for off-center flat panel detector cbct imaging. - ieee nuclear science symposium/medical imaging conference. -.
kinersh gopalakrishnan, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, wan nordiana wan abdul rahman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2022). development of a mobile augmented reality system for radiotherapy practitioner training. - 6th kuala lumpur international conference on biomedical engineering 2021. 471-477.
adam tan mohd amin; siti salasiah mokri; rozilawati ahmad; fuad ismail; ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2021). comparison of data-driven respiratory signal extraction methods from cone-beam ct (cbct) - a preliminary clinical study. - 2020 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes). 236-240.
muhammad akmal ahmad, seri mastura mustaza, siti salasiah mokri, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, rizauddin ramli, wan nordiana w abd rahman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2021). development of a 3d printed motion mechanism for a 4d respiratory motion phantom. - 2020 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes). 132-135.
ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, noorazrul yahya, nani adilah suhaimi, noraini ahmad wahid & muhammad fairuz abdul hadi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 9.
rozilawati ahmad. (2023). covid-19: anda tanya, kami jawab. - . 14.
rozilawati ahmad. (2014). personalized management of complex anatomy variations in cervical cancer imrt. - . 100.
nabaa mohammed ali, mustafa salih al-musawi, hayder hamza alabedi, moneer k. faraj, rozilawati ahmad, sura abdulkareem madlool. (2023). the efficiency of gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of glioma. - medical physics conference 2023. 1.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, nurul elni md yusof, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, norhafidzah mohamed sharif, khadijah mohamad nassir, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). evaluation of occupational radiation exposure to radiography students during clinical attachment using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, wan anwah filzah wan anuar, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, noraini ahmad wahid, nur khalis sukiman, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). quantifying cumulative equivalent dose in radiotherapy trainees during clinical practices: towards establishing radiation exposure baseline. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1-26.
ashrani aizzuddin bin abd rahni;mohd marzuki bin mustafa;fuad bin ismail;rozilawati binti ahmad;siti salasiah binti mokri;nor aniza binti azmi;hanani binti abdul manan. (2023). deep learning based 4d respiratory motion estimation for lung cancer radiotherapy treatment delivery: a simulation study. - . .
nor aniza azmi , hamidah hamzah ,rozilawati ahmad , rosmizan ahmadrazali. (2023). perception of radiation therapists on psychosocial and supportive care in cancer patient care: a preliminary study. - sinaran: newsletter 2023. 9-11.
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