pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan awam
Dr. Azrul’s research interest is primarily in structural dynamics and its applications in solving various engineering problems, building structure response and damage analysis to explosive loads and mostly in structural engineering & materials.
khaled elsayed, azrul a. mutalib, mohamed elsayed , mohd reza azmi. (2024). numerical study of ppvc modular steel constructions (mscs) with selected connection strategies under varied earthquake scenarios. - results in engineering. 1-21.
shafrida sahrani, mohamad hanif md saad, azrul a. mutalib, dyg norkhairunnisa abang zaidel. (2024). incorporating the internet of things (iot) learning module into the smart building course. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 615-623.
noor azim mohd. radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib, a. b. m. a. kaish. (2024). thermal and structural behavior of fire exposed beam column connections consisting of corbels cast with columns and continuity bars. - journal of structural engineering. 1-15.
esraa kh. abuzaida, s.a. osman, azrul bin a. mutalib, salah r. al zaidee. (2024). slurry infiltrated fiber concrete properties: a review. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 155-167.
azrul bin a mutalib;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;siti aminah bt. osman;iskandar bin yahya;mohd reza bin azmi;abdul hadi bin azman. (2024). development of 3d-printable ultra-high performance nano concrete composites using nanographene. - . .
noor azim mohd. radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib, a. b. m. a. kaish. (2024). thermal and structural behavior of fire exposed beam column connections consisting of corbels cast with columns and continuity bars. - journal of structural engineering. 1-15.
mohammed chyad liejy, ahmed w. al zand, azrul a. mutalib, mustafa farooq alghaaeb, ali a. abdulhameed, alyaa a. al-attar, wadhah m. tawfeeq, and salam j. hilo. (2023). flexural performance of a novel steel cold-formed beam-pssdb slab composite system filled with concrete material. - buildings. 1-20.
husam a. salah, azrul a. mutalib, a. b. m. a. kaish, agusril syamsir and hassan amer algaifi. (2023). development of ultra-high-performance silica fume-based mortar incorporating graphene nanoplatelets for 3-dimensional concrete printing application. - buildings. 1-20.
mohammed chyad liejy, ahmed w. al zand, azrul a. mutalib, ali a. abdulhameed, a. b. m. a. kaish,wadhah m.tawfeeq, shahrizan baharom, alyaa a. al-attar, ammar n. hanoon, zaher mundher yaseen. (2023). prediction of the bending strength of a composite steel beam-slab member filled with recycled concrete. - materials. 1-18.
noor azim mohd. radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib, a.b.m.a. kaish. (2023). external precast concrete nib beam-to-column connection under elevated temperatures: experimental and finite element analysis. - structures. 1-21.
noor azim mohd. radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib, a. b. m. amrul kaish. (2021). a review of the structural fire performance testing methods for beam-to-column connections. - advances in civil engineering. 1-18.
m. abedini, a. a. mutalib, chunwei zhang, j. mehrmashhadi, s. n. raman, r. alipour, t. momeni, m. h. mussa. (2020). large deflection behavior effect in reinforced concrete columns exposed to extreme dynamic loads. - frontiers of structural and civil engineering. 532-553.
azrul a. mutalib, mohamed h. mussa & aizat mohd taib. (2020). behaviour of prestressed box beam strengthened with cfrp under effect of strand snapping. - gradevinar. 103-113.
noor azim mohd radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib and a. b. m. amrul kaish. (2020). a review of precast concrete beam-to-column connections subjected to severe fire conditions. - advances in civil engineering. 1-23.
s. y. laseima, a. a. mutalib, s. a. osman, n. h. hamid. (2020). seismic behavior of exterior rc beam-column joints retrofitted using cfrp sheets. - latin american journal of solids and structures. 1-21.
khaled elsayed, azrul a. mutalib, mohamed elsayed , mohd reza azmi. (2024). numerical study of ppvc modular steel constructions (mscs) with selected connection strategies under varied earthquake scenarios. - results in engineering. 1-21.
noor azim mohd. radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib, a. b. m. a. kaish. (2024). thermal and structural behavior of fire exposed beam column connections consisting of corbels cast with columns and continuity bars. - journal of structural engineering. 1-15.
fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib, mohamad sattar rasul, marlissa omar, mohd fakhrul azizie mohd zaid. (2023). exploration and verification of fourth industrial revolution generic skills attributes for entry-level civil engineers. - international journal of evaluation and research in education. 121-130.
husam a. salah, azrul a. mutalib, hassan amer algaifi, iskandar bin yahya, m. a. i. yusof, nazmus sakib, mohamed elsayed. (2023). assessment of the mechanical properties of high strength mortar incorporating silica fume and graphene nanoplatelets: experimental and mathematical modeling. - sustainability. 1-12.
husam a. salah, azrul a. mutalib, a. b. m. a. kaish, agusril syamsir and hassan amer algaifi. (2023). development of ultra-high-performance silica fume-based mortar incorporating graphene nanoplatelets for 3-dimensional concrete printing application. - buildings. 1-20.
shamir sakir, sudharshan n. raman, a. b. m. amrul kaish, azrul a. mutalib. (2020). calibration of astm c230 cone for measuring flow diameter of self-flowing mortar according to the efnarc recommendation. - international conference on rheology and processing of construction materials and international symposium on self-compacting concrete. 266-272.
azrul a. mutalib, muhamad azry khoiry, mohd. yazmil md. yatim, shahrizan baharom, shahrom md. zain, noor ezlin ahmad basri, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman and roszilah hamid. (2017). implementation and adaptation of cdio in community project: civilens dedicated journey. - proceedings 7th world engineering education forum weef 2017. .
fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib. (2017). a review on issues and challenges in incorporating complex engineering problems in engineering curriculum and proposed solutions. - proceedings 7th world engineering education forum weef 2017. .
n. hamzah, z. ismail, s.n. kamaruzzaman, a.a. mutalib, a.i. che-ani. (2016). a cmms expert using bim for ibs building maintenance. - the 4th international building control conference (ibcc) 2016. matec web of conferences. 1-10.
s. a. osman, muhamad azry khoiry, nasri nasir, nur izzi md yusof, a. mutalib, noraini hamzah & kamaruddin taib. (2016). implementation of bridge modeling competition in evaluating the students competency. - proceedings of 2016 ieee global engineering education conference, educon 2016. 1109-1114.
zul-atfi ismail, azrul a. mutalib, noraini hamzah dan muhammad khairi sulaiman. (2023). pengenalan bim dalam industri pembinaan. - . 79.
noor azim mohd. radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib. (2021). teknologi konkrit rintangan kebakaran terowong. - . 170.
azrul a. mutalib, siti fatin mohd. razali, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2019). kurikulum dan instruksi (curriculum & instruction). - . 14.
roszilah hamid, shahrizan baharom, azrul a. mutalib & muhammad imran mohd junaidi. (2018). ig-home inovasi rumah lestari. - . 15.
roszilah hamid, shahrizan baharom, azrul a. mutalib, muhammad imran mohd junaidi. (2018). inovasi rumah lestari. - . 16.
mohd kamaruzaman, f., hamid,r., mutalib, a.a., rasul, m.s.. (2019). pengurusan & kepimpinan siri 2 (management & leadership series 2). - . 7.
azrul a. mutalib, siti fatin mohd. razali, wan hamidon wan badaruzzaman. (2019). kurikulum dan instruksi (curriculum & instruction). - . 14.
roszilah hamid, shahrizan baharom, azrul a. mutalib & muhammad imran mohd junaidi. (2018). ig-home inovasi rumah lestari. - . 15.
roszilah hamid, shahrizan baharom, azrul a. mutalib, muhammad imran mohd junaidi. (2018). inovasi rumah lestari. - . 16.
azrul a. mutalib, roszilah hamid, shahrizan baharom & muhammad imran mohd junaidi. (2017). aktiviti ig-home inovasi rumah lestari. - . 16.
zul-atfi ismail, azrul a. mutalib, noraini hamzah dan muhammad khairi sulaiman. (2023). pengenalan bim dalam industri pembinaan. - . 79.
noor azim mohd. radzi, roszilah hamid, azrul a. mutalib. (2021). teknologi konkrit rintangan kebakaran terowong. - . 170.
nur akmal abdullah goh, mohd. marzuki mustapha, abd. wahab mohammad, othman jaafar, siti fatin mohd razali, azrul a. mutalib, wan aizon wan ghopa, zambri harun [and (seven) others]. (2016). laporan akhir rintis program inisiatif libat sama (pilbs). - . 87.
azrul a. mutalib, shahrizan baharom, nur izzi md yusoff, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, siti fatin mohd razali, suraya sharil, lily khairiah kadaruddin, mohd fairus awang, siti zubaidah ahmad, nor azura. (2013). 1st final year project symposium 2013. - . 339.
azrul bin a mutalib;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;siti aminah bt. osman;iskandar bin yahya;mohd reza bin azmi;abdul hadi bin azman. (2024). development of 3d-printable ultra-high performance nano concrete composites using nanographene. - . .
ros nadiah rosli, azrul a. mutalib, noor hasyimah rosman, muhamad nazri borhan. (2023). persepsi majikan, latihan industri, pelajar pra-siswazah, kejuruteraan awam. - persepsi majikan terhadap latihan industri pelajar kejuruteraan awam bagi sesi 2021/2022. 1-3.
ahmed wadood rifaat;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;roszilah binti hamid;azrul bin a mutalib;a.b.m. amrul kaish. (2023). innovate self-compacting geopolymer concrete using recycled waste materials for marine sustainable construction.. - . .
wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;shahrizan bin baharom;azrul bin a mutalib;mohd reza bin azmi. (2023). internally stiffened concrete-filled steel tube beams externally strengthened by carbon fibre reinforced polymer sheeting under static loading. - . .
mohd. yazmil bin md. yatim;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;siti aminah bt. osman;azrul bin a mutalib;mohd reza bin azmi. (2023). punching shear behaviour of two-way flat slabs reinforced with inclined stirrups. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KELAKUAN STRUKTUR SISTEM GALANG KEKISI BERKEMBAR BERKERATAN SESALUR KELULI TERBENTUK SEJUK | ari utara sdn bhd (273092-u) | 81.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |