pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
My area of expertise is hematopoietic stem cell (HSCs) research. My group is studying hematotoxicity and leukemogenesis pathways targeting HSCs niche via genetic, epigenetic and lineage-directed mechanisms with the aim to foster cancer stem cell research. We are also exploring the method for ex-vivo maintenance and cryopreservation of HSCs to obtain optimal stem cell products that have important applications in regenerative medicine.
kasmawati abu bakar, azly sumanty ab. ghani, zariyantey abdul hamid, nur zakiah mohd saat. (2024). correlation of d dimer level with demographic dan comorbidities risk factors in terengganu covid-19 patients: a preliminary analysis. - malaysian journal of pathology. 169.
kasmawati abu bakar, zariyantey abdul hamid, azly sumanty ab. ghani, wan zuhairah w. embong. (2024). sosio demographic profile and correlation of d-dimer and fibrinogen levels with demographic factors among covid-19 patients in terengganu. - malaysian journal of pathology. 169-170.
nur afizah yusoff, zariyantey abd hamid, paik wah chow, salwati shuib, izatus shima taib, and siti balkis budin. (2024). stem cells and lineage commitment: methods and protocols. - . 12.
penny george, zariyantey abdul hamid, md zuki abu bakar and b hemabarathy bharatham. (2024). nano-cockle shell powder and alginate as novel injectable bone filler: a preliminary formulation and characterization study. - life sciences, medicine and biomedicine. 1-15.
nurul syahira mohamad zamani, ernest yoon choong hoe, aqilah baseri huddin, wan mimi diyana wan zaki, zariyantey abd hamid. (2023). deep learning for an automated image-based stem cell classification. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 1181-1189.
ramya dewi, nur afizah yusoff, siti razila abdul razak and zariyantey abd hamid. (2023). analysis of self-renewing and differentiation-related micrornas and transcription factors in multilineage mouse hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells induced by 1,4-benzoquinone. - peerj. 1-21.
syaifuzah sapian; asma ali ibrahim mze; fatin farhana jubaidi; nor anizah mohd nor; izatus shima taib; zariyantey abd hamid; satirah zainalabidin; nur najmi mohamad anuar;haliza katas; jalifah latip; juriyati jalil; nur faizah abu bakar; siti balkis budin. (2023). therapeutic potential of hibiscus sabdariffa linn. in attenuating cardiovascular risk factors. - pharmaceuticals. 1-25.
nur afizah yusoff, zariyantey abd hamid , siti balkis budin and izatus shima taib. (2023). linking benzene, in utero carcinogenicity and fetal hematopoietic stem cell niches: a mechanistic review. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-30.
asma afifah shamhari, nur erysha sabrina jefferi, zariyantey abd hamid, siti balkis budin, muhd hanis md idris and izatus shima taib. (2023). the role of promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger and glial derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 1 gfra1 in the cryopreservation of spermatogonia stem cells. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-27.
nur erysha sabrina jefferi, asma afifah shamhari, nur khayrin zulaikha noor azhar, joyce goh yi shin, nur annisa mohd kharir, muhammad afiq azhar, zariyantey abd hamid, siti balkis budin, izatus shima taib. (2023). the role of er alpha and er beta in castration resistant prostate cancer and current therapeutic approaches. - biomedicines. 1-29.
kasmawati abu bakar, azly sumanty ab. ghani, zariyantey abdul hamid, nur zakiah mohd saat. (2024). correlation of d dimer level with demographic dan comorbidities risk factors in terengganu covid-19 patients: a preliminary analysis. - malaysian journal of pathology. 169.
kasmawati abu bakar, zariyantey abdul hamid, azly sumanty ab. ghani, wan zuhairah w. embong. (2024). sosio demographic profile and correlation of d-dimer and fibrinogen levels with demographic factors among covid-19 patients in terengganu. - malaysian journal of pathology. 169-170.
ubashini vijakumaran, fazlina nordin, zariyantey abdul hamid, maha abdullah, gee jun tye. (2022). tat kappa (tatk): a novel cell penetrating peptide for delivery of pluripotent proteins into target cells. - sains malaysiana. 567-576.
fatin farhana jubaidi, satirah zainalabidin, izatus shima taib, zariyantey abdul hamid, siti balkis budin. (2022). pemodelan semula jantung dalam kardiomiopati diabetes: peranan inflamasi, tekanan oksidatif dan apoptosis yang mendasari pembentukan dan perkembangannya. - sains malaysiana. 4043-4057.
ubashini vijkumaran, fazlina nordin, zariyantey abdul hamid, maha abdullah, tye gee jun. (2020). development of cell penetrating peptides for effective delivery of recombinant factors into target cells. - protein & peptide letters. 1092-1101.
kasmawati abu bakar, azly sumanty ab. ghani, zariyantey abdul hamid, nur zakiah mohd saat. (2024). correlation of d dimer level with demographic dan comorbidities risk factors in terengganu covid-19 patients: a preliminary analysis. - malaysian journal of pathology. 169.
kasmawati abu bakar, zariyantey abdul hamid, azly sumanty ab. ghani, wan zuhairah w. embong. (2024). sosio demographic profile and correlation of d-dimer and fibrinogen levels with demographic factors among covid-19 patients in terengganu. - malaysian journal of pathology. 169-170.
nur erysha sabrina jefferi, asma afifah shamhari, nur khayrin zulaikha noor azhar, joyce goh yi shin, nur annisa mohd kharir, muhammad afiq azhar, zariyantey abd hamid, siti balkis budin, izatus shima taib. (2023). the role of er alpha and er beta in castration resistant prostate cancer and current therapeutic approaches. - biomedicines. 1-29.
izatus shima taib, asma afifah shamhari, nur erysha sabrina jefferi, siti balkis budin, adam muhammad zackry zulkifly, zariyantey abd hamid. (2023). evnol suprabiotm attenuates prostate epithelial changes by regulating the sex hormone in sprague-dawley rats. - asia pacific journal of molecular biology and biotechnology. 104.
ramya dewi, nur afizah yusoff, siti razila abdul razak and zariyantey abd hamid. (2023). analysis of self-renewing and differentiation-related micrornas and transcription factors in multilineage mouse hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells induced by 1,4-benzoquinone. - peerj. 1-21.
nurul syahira mohamad zamani, wan mimi diyana wan zaki, aqilah baseri huddin, zariyantey abdul hamid. (2022). region of interest localisation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell images. - 2022 10th ieee conference on systems, process & control (icspc2022). 330-334.
syarif husin lubis, saiful ridzuan, ismarul yusda ishak, hidayatul fathi othman, nihayah mohammed, zariyantey abdul hamid, nor najwatul akmal , norazizah, nurul farahana, shahida, shanti,nor zafirah... (2012). the relationship between time spent on facebook and cumulative grade point average (cgpa) among third year biomedical science students in faculty health sciences, ukm. - procedia-social and behavioral sciences. .
nur afizah yusoff, zariyantey abd hamid, paik wah chow, salwati shuib, izatus shima taib, and siti balkis budin. (2024). stem cells and lineage commitment: methods and protocols. - . 12.
zariyantey abd hamid, muhd khairul akmal wak harto, nur afizah yusof. (2023). merungkai khasiat rosel dalam bidang kesihatan. - . 22.
muhammad arif othman, zariyantey abd hamid,ramanaesh rao, wan mimi diyana wan zaki, aqilah baseri huddin & ramya dewi mathialagan. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
zariyantey abd hamid, nur afizah yusoff. (2023). merungkai khasiat rosel dalam bidang kesihatan. - . 17.
zariyantey abd hamid, chow paik wah, nor fadilah rajab. (2020). benzena: perosak sel stem darah dan punca penyakit darah. - . 113.
nur afizah yusoff, zariyantey abd hamid, paik wah chow, salwati shuib, izatus shima taib, and siti balkis budin. (2024). stem cells and lineage commitment: methods and protocols. - . 12.
nurfatin syazreen mohd rizam, zariyantey abd hamid, hemabarathy bharatham, ramya dewi mathialagan & shawal maradona abdul wahab. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
b.hemabarathy bharatham, nursyamimi rasmadi & zariyantey abd hamid. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
muhammad arif othman, zariyantey abd hamid,ramanaesh rao, wan mimi diyana wan zaki, aqilah baseri huddin & ramya dewi mathialagan. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 6.
zariyantey abd hamid, ramya dewi mathialagan. (2023). covid-19: pembunuh senyap dunia. - . 12.
noor hazfalinda binti hamzah, zariyantey binti abd hamid, izatus shima binti taib. (2023). covid-19 pembunuh senyap dunia. - . 195.
nor fadilah rajab, zariyantey abd hamid, noor amalina ramle. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 358.
zariyantey abd hamid, chow paik wah, nor fadilah rajab. (2020). benzena: perosak sel stem darah dan punca penyakit darah. - . 113.
zariyantey binti abd hamid;aqilah binti baseri huddin;wan mimi diyana binti wan zaki. (2023). development of artificial intelligence- based automated bioimaging method for analysis of colony forming units of hematopoietic progenitor cells with application of benzene toxicity model . - . .
zariyantey abd hamid, nur afizah yusoff, farah ezleen aqilah abu bakar, siti balkis budin, izatus shima taib. (2023). in utero effects of hydroquinone on maternal and fetal hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and roles of cell lineages. - 8th international biotechnology symposium. 160.
nur afizah yusoff, ramya dewi a/p mathialagan, nor fadilah rajab and zariyantey abd hamid. (2022). benzene metabolite 1,4-benzoquinone promotes dna repair mechanism via homologous recombination in mouse bone marrow and hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. - 13th international symposium of health sciences. 72-73.
zariyantey abd hamid, ramya dewi a/p mathialagan and nur afizah yusoff. (2022). detoxification mechanism in mouse bone marrow cells and multi-lineages hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells induced by 1,4-benzoquinone. - 13th international symposium of health sciences 2022. 166.
izatus shima binti taib;mahanem binti mat noor;siti balkis bt. budin;zariyantey binti abd hamid. (2022). kesan evnol suprabio tm terhadap gangguan steroidogenesis melalui mekanisme tekanan oksidatif pada testis tikus aruhan bisfenol f. - . .
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