pegawai sains
jabatan mikrobiologi & imunologi perubatan
tzar mohd nizam, sahlawati mustakim, hamidah yusoff, ratna mohd tap. (2024). antifungal susceptibility of molecularly confirmed aspergillus species from clinical samples. - malaysian journal of pathology. 71-78.
alfizah hanafiah, asif sukri, hamidah yusoff, chia sing chan, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, sharifah azura salleh and hui-min neoh. (2024). insights into the microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes from hospital environmental surfaces: a prime source of antimicrobial resistance. - antibiotics. 1-15.
clarence ko ching huat, nor azura rosidi, hamidah yusoff, nazihah abd jalal, norliza ismail, chia wai kit, nur farhana mohd fozi. (2023). buku panduan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan ukm. - . 20.
alfizah binti hanafiah;sharifah azura binti salleh;hamidah binti yusoff;neoh hui min;nur hazlin binti hazrin chong. (2023). new approach of infection control and pathogen eradication in hctm using metagenomic analysis. - . .
tzar mohd nizam bin khaithir;hamidah binti yusoff;mohd hafidzul bin jasman. (2023). assessment of adverse health effect of indoor fungal exposure in preclinical building, faculty of medicine, university kebangsaan malaysia.. - . .
alfizah hanafiah, asif sukri, hamidah yusoff, chia sing chan, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, sharifah azura salleh and hui-min neoh. (2024). insights into the microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes from hospital environmental surfaces: a prime source of antimicrobial resistance. - antibiotics. 1-15.
asif sukri, alfizah hanafiah, hamidah yusoff, nur atiqah shamsul nizam, zarith nameyrra, zhiqin wong and raja affendi raja ali. (2022). multidrug-resistant helicobacter pylori strains: a five-year surveillance study and its genome characteristics. - antibiotics. 1-12.
tzar mohd nizam, sahlawati mustakim, hamidah yusoff, ratna mohd tap. (2024). antifungal susceptibility of molecularly confirmed aspergillus species from clinical samples. - malaysian journal of pathology. 71-78.
chuan hun ding, hamidah yusoff, najihan abdul samat muttaqillah, yee loong tang, toh leong tan, petrick periyasamy, andrea yu-lin ban. (2018). the crucial role of molecular testing to facilitate the diagnosis of pneumocystis pneumonia during pregnancy. - malaysian journal of pathology. .
syafiqa al-azua a, sarah hanis cma, vigneswari ak, augustin msk, muhammad azam s, muttaqillah najihan as, hamidah y, zetti zr, raja affendi ra. (2018). molecular detection of infective pathogens in patients with inflammatory bowel disease of different disease status. - medicine and health (1823-2140). .
chuan hun ding, md mostafizur rahman, mohd nizam tzar, hamidah yusoff, hartini satim. (2017). non-dermatophytic moulds and yeasts as agents of onychomycosis in a malaysian medical centre. - bangladesh journal of medical science. 380-383.
jasper elvin james, jacinta santhanam, mei chen lee, choon xian wong, parameswari sabaratnam, hamidah yusoff, mohd nizam tzar, mohd fuat abdul razak. (2017). in vitro antifungal susceptibility of neoscytalidium dimidiatum clinical isolates from malaysia. - mycopathologia. 305-313.
alfizah hanafiah, asif sukri, hamidah yusoff, chia sing chan, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, sharifah azura salleh and hui-min neoh. (2024). insights into the microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes from hospital environmental surfaces: a prime source of antimicrobial resistance. - antibiotics. 1-15.
tzar mohd nizam, sahlawati mustakim, hamidah yusoff, ratna mohd tap. (2024). antifungal susceptibility of molecularly confirmed aspergillus species from clinical samples. - malaysian journal of pathology. 71-78.
asif sukri, alfizah hanafiah, hamidah yusoff, nur atiqah shamsul nizam, zarith nameyrra, zhiqin wong and raja affendi raja ali. (2022). multidrug-resistant helicobacter pylori strains: a five-year surveillance study and its genome characteristics. - antibiotics. 1-12.
tzar mohd nizam khaithir, chuan hun ding, hamidah yusoff, afiqah najwa rozalli, nora azyan mustaffa, ahmad fitri kamaruzaman, fuzla aizahani mohd shaffie, winnie xiao hui jiau. (2019). epidemiology, laboratory detection and distribution of aspergillus species from clinical samples in a tertiary medical centre from malaysia. - international medical journal. 483-486.
chuan hun ding, hamidah yusoff, najihan abdul samat muttaqillah, yee loong tang, toh leong tan, petrick periyasamy, andrea yu-lin ban. (2018). the crucial role of molecular testing to facilitate the diagnosis of pneumocystis pneumonia during pregnancy. - malaysian journal of pathology. .
tzar mohd nizam khaithir, hamidah yusoff, marianayati muhammad. (2020). teknik asas makmal mikologi perubatan. - . 101.
clarence ko ching huat, nor azura rosidi, hamidah yusoff, nazihah abd jalal, norliza ismail, chia wai kit, nur farhana mohd fozi. (2023). buku panduan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan ukm. - . 20.
tzar mohd nizam khaithir, ding chuan hun, anita sulong & hamidah yusoff. (2021). laboratory guide to clinical microbiology. - . 19.
ramliza ramli, alfizah hanafiah & hamidah yusoff. (2021). laboratory guide to clinical microbiology. - . 11.
tzar mohd nizam khaithir, hamidah yusoff, marianayati muhammad. (2020). teknik asas makmal mikologi perubatan. - . 101.
alfizah binti hanafiah;sharifah azura binti salleh;hamidah binti yusoff;neoh hui min;nur hazlin binti hazrin chong. (2023). new approach of infection control and pathogen eradication in hctm using metagenomic analysis. - . .
tzar mohd nizam bin khaithir;hamidah binti yusoff;mohd hafidzul bin jasman. (2023). assessment of adverse health effect of indoor fungal exposure in preclinical building, faculty of medicine, university kebangsaan malaysia.. - . .
tzar mohd nizam bin khaithir, siti zubaidah binti abdul karib, hamidah binti yusoff, mohd hafidzul bin jasman, mohd shukri mohd aris. (2023). assessment of health symptoms of indoor fungal exposure in simulation laboratory, preclinical building, faculty of medicine, university kebangsaan malaysia. - . 1-9.
asif sukri, alfizah hanafiah, hamidah yusoff, nur atiqah shamsul nizam, zarith nameyrra, zhiqin wong, raja affendi raja ali. (2022). emergence of multidrug resistance helicobacter pylori strains isolated from patients with history of failure eradication therapy: a five-year surveillance study in klang valley, malaysia. - international union of microbiological societies (iums 2022). 1.
tzar, m.n.1, hamidah yusoff1, sahlawati mustakim2, ratna mohd tap3. (2021). antifungal susceptibility profiles of molecularly confirmed aspergillus species from clinical samples. - isham asia virtual congress 2021. 1.
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