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bariah mohd ali, low yu chen, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, norlaili arif, hamzaini abdul hamid, wan haslina wan abdul halim, siti salasiah mokri. (2023). association between changes in axial length and relative peripheral eye length in myopic children undergoing orthokeratology treatment for 12 months. - bcla clinical conference 2023. 1-2.
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nur nabila mohd isham, siti salasiah mokri. (2023). classification of lung cancer in ct images using gan cnn. - . 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
AN INTELLIGENT CKD DETECTION BASED ON MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN RETINAL PHOTOGRAPHY | advanced information system (sia), center for development of advanced technologies (cdta), telecom division, algeria | 98.1% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |