pensyarah perubatan
jabatan ortopedik & traumatologi
lim ch, mohamed haflah nh, abdullah-sani mh, loh ck, abdul rahman mr. (2023). synchronous primary parosteal osteosarcoma and primary mediastinal germ cell tumour with atypical mycobacterial infection - a rare phenomenon: a case report. - malaysian orthopaedic journal. 189-192.
nor hazla muhammad haflah. (2023). buletin universiti (portal e-warga). - . 1-6.
nik-madihah nik-azis, nurulhuda mohd, badiah baharin, fazalina mohd fadzilah, nor hazla mohamed haflah, mohd shahrir mohamed said. (2023). functional disability and symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis in adults with periodontitis. - healthcare. 1-11.
homihidayah othman, nor hazla mohamed haflah, mohamed h. sani, wan faisham wan ismail, levin kesu belani. (2023). distal tibiofibular joint reconstruction using autograft in a rare case of lower limb sclerosing/spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma: a two-year follow-up. - cureus. 1-3.
muhammad iman bin azman; soon yong thow; ezra ding kai sing; nor hazla mohamed haflah; ng min hwei; shalimar abdullah; azmi baharudin; amaramalar selvi naicker; ohnmar htwe@ rashidah hj ismail; mohamed hafizudin abdullah sani; yogeswaran lokanathan. (2022). comparison of the recovery rate and function of injured axon in nerve conduit seeded with mesenchymal stem cells versus unseeded nerve conduit in cynomolgus monkey. - 51st malaysian orthopaedic association annual scientific meeting and annual general meeting 2022. 43.
nik-madihah nik-azis, nurulhuda mohd, badiah baharin, fazalina mohd fadzilah, nor hazla mohamed haflah, mohd shahrir mohamed said. (2023). functional disability and symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis in adults with periodontitis. - healthcare. 1-11.
shin yee lee, soon yong thow, shalimar abdullah, min hwei ng, nor hazla mohamed haflah. (2022). advancement of electrospun nerve conduit for peripheral nerve regeneration: a systematic review (2016-2021). - international journal of nanomedicine. 6723-6758.
nik-madihah nik azis, nurulhuda mohd, fazalina mohd fadzilah, nor hazla mohamed haflah, mohd shahrir mohamed said, badiah baharin. (2021). rheumatoid arthritis serotype and synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in patients with periodontitis: a case-control study. - plos one. 1-13.
hanita mohd hussin, mahazura mat lawi, nor hazla mohamed haflah, abdul yazid mohd kassim, ruszymah bt hj idrus, yogeswaran lokanathan. (2020). centella asiatica (l.)-neurodifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells promote the regeneration of peripheral nerve. - tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 237-251.
aa ahmad, khairunnisa, s abdullah, nhm haflah, o htwe, rbh idrus, anm hwei, as naicker. (2015). enhancement of nerve regeneration using muscle-stuffed veins seeded with human neural-differentiated mesenchymal stem cells (smsv) as a nerve conduit in a rat model. - the journal of hand surgery (eur). .
khairunnisa ramli, aminath ifasha g, amir adham ahmad, ohnmar htwe, nor hazla mohamed haflah, zhe kang law, shariful hasan, amaramalar selvi naicker, sabarul afian mokhtar, mohd hisam ma, azmi baharudin, geok chin tan, ruszymah bhi, shalimar a, mh ng mh. (2019). efficacy of human cell-seeded muscle-stuffed vein conduit in rat sciatic nerve repair. - tissue engineering-part a. 1438-1455.
khairunnisa ramli, ifasha aminath gasim, amir adham ahmad, shariful hassan, zhe kang law, geok chin tan, azmi baharuddin, amaramalar selvi naicker, ohnmar htwe, nor hazla mohammed haflah, ruszymah b. h. idrus, shalimar abdullah, min hwei ng. (2019). human bone marrow-derived mscs spontaneously express specific schwann cell markers. - cell biology international. 233-252.
a. imran nordin; irna hamil hamzah; nadhirah rasid; hanif baharin; puteri nor ellyza nohuddin; hamidah alias; nor hazla mohamed hafsah; nor bayah abdul kadir; maizatul hayati mohammad yatim; mohd yazid kassim. (2019). game requirements gathering among hospitalised paediatric cancer patients : a thematic analysis. - malaysian journal of computer science. 79-91.
shalimar abdullah, azammuddin alias, nor hazla mohamed-haflah, roohi ahmad, parminder singh gill, nur azuatul akmal kamaludin, jamari sapuan. (2019). functional outcome after successful revascularisation and replantation surgery of the fingers, wrist, forearm and arm. - journal of clinical and diagnostic research. RC01-RC04.
teik wei diong, nor hazla mohamed haflah, abdul yazid mohd kassim, sharifah majedah idrus al habshi, mohd hassan shukur. (2018). use of computed tomography in determining the occurence of dorsal and intra-articular screw penetration in volar locking plate osteosynthesis of distal radius fracture. - the journal of hand surgery (asian-pacific volume). 26-32.
homihidayah othman, nor hazla mohamed haflah, mohamed h. sani, wan faisham wan ismail, levin kesu belani. (2023). distal tibiofibular joint reconstruction using autograft in a rare case of lower limb sclerosing/spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma: a two-year follow-up. - cureus. 1-3.
lim ch, mohamed haflah nh, abdullah-sani mh, loh ck, abdul rahman mr. (2023). synchronous primary parosteal osteosarcoma and primary mediastinal germ cell tumour with atypical mycobacterial infection - a rare phenomenon: a case report. - malaysian orthopaedic journal. 189-192.
nik-madihah nik-azis, nurulhuda mohd, badiah baharin, fazalina mohd fadzilah, nor hazla mohamed haflah, mohd shahrir mohamed said. (2023). functional disability and symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis in adults with periodontitis. - healthcare. 1-11.
shin yee lee, soon yong thow, shalimar abdullah, min hwei ng, nor hazla mohamed haflah. (2022). advancement of electrospun nerve conduit for peripheral nerve regeneration: a systematic review (2016-2021). - international journal of nanomedicine. 6723-6758.
umar hakimin m. ghani, juzaily f. leong, mohamed h. sani, nurwahyuna rosli, nor hazla mohd-haflah. (2021). metastatic vascular pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma in a previously treated cervical carcinoma patient: a diagnostic dilemma. - cureus. 1-9.
azrulhizam shafi`i, anton satria prabuwono, mohammad khatim hasan, riza sulaiman, abdul yazid mohd kassim, nor hazla mohamed hafla.. (2011). design of total hip replacement digital templating software. - 2011 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics, iceei 2011; bandung. .
nor hazla muhammad haflah. (2023). buletin universiti (portal e-warga). - . 1-6.
soon yong thow; muhammad iman bin azman; ezra ding kai sing; azmi baharudin; amaramalar selvi naicker; ohnmar htwe@ rashidah hj ismail; shalimar abdullah; mohamed hafizudin abdullah sani; yogeswaran lokanathan; nor hazla mohamed haflah; ng min hwei. (2022). optimization of electrospun poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofibers on collagen mat as a nerve guidance conduit. - 51st malaysian orthopaedic association annual scientific meeting & annual general meeting 2022. 46.
muhammad iman bin azman; soon yong thow; ezra ding kai sing; nor hazla mohamed haflah; ng min hwei; shalimar abdullah; azmi baharudin; amaramalar selvi naicker; ohnmar htwe@ rashidah hj ismail; mohamed hafizudin abdullah sani; yogeswaran lokanathan. (2022). comparison of the recovery rate and function of injured axon in nerve conduit seeded with mesenchymal stem cells versus unseeded nerve conduit in cynomolgus monkey. - 51st malaysian orthopaedic association annual scientific meeting and annual general meeting 2022. 43.
nurulhuda mohd, badiah baharin, nik madihah nik azis, mohd shahrir mohamed said, hazla mohamed haflah, fazalina mohd fadzilah. (2020). periodontal disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis: a cross sectional study. - . 1-2.
nor hazla mohamed haflah, soon kang law, fuad ismail. (2019). a retrospective study of prognostic factors, treatment modalities and outcome of soft tissue sarcoma of extremities: universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre (ukmmc) experience. - isols 2019 20th general meeting of the international society of limb salvage. 745.
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