pensyarah universiti
jabatan parasitologi & entomologi perubatan
A PhD graduate from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia and hold a position as a senior lecturer in the Department of Parasitology and Medical Entomology, Faculty of Medicine, UKM. She specialises in medical parasitology with emphasis on molecular and serological diagnostics for parasitic diseases.
nurin jazlina nor azmi, suharni mohamad, wan nazatul shima shahidan, haslina taib, zeehaida mohamed, emelia osman. (2024). risk factors and approaches for detection of trichomonas tenax, the silent culprit in periodontal disease: a narrative review. - the saudi dental journal. 258-261.
asrul abdul wahab, ezura madiana md monoto, osman emelia. (2023). diagnostic challenges of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: a case report. - bangladesh journal of medical science. 222-224.
zarith suraya s., noor wanie h., nuraffini g., natasha nur afiqah mnf., mohd rizal n., mohd rafizul my., siti nor azreen am., ahmad imran m., anizah r., syamsa rizal a., zulkarnain mi., rahmah n., emelia o.. (2023). knowledge, attitude and practice (kap) and risk factors assessment associated with intestinal parasitic infections among orang asli community in gua musang, kelantan. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology & tropical medicine. 47.
zulkarnain md idris, mohd amirul fitri a. rahim, mohd bakhtiar munajat, wathiqah wahid, nuraffini ghazali, noor wanie hassan, muhd rafiq mohd kasri, emelia osman, inke nadia d. lubis, paul c.s. divis, kevin k.a. tetteh. (2023). exposure to plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax among indigenous communities in kelantan, malaysia. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology and tropical medicine. 1-100.
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, norsyahida arifin, petrick periyasamy, nor rafeah tumian, fuad ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, rahmah noordin, emelia osman. (2023). antigenic reactivity of recombinant enterocytozoon bieneusi proteins against serum antibodies in disseminated microsporidiosis patients. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology & tropical medicine. 64.
nor suhada anuar, anizah rahumatullah, norashikin samsudin, zeehaida mohamed, emelia osman, nik zairi zakaria, hussain ahmad and rahmah noordin. (2023). performance assessment of a lateral flow rapid test (ssrapidvr) compared with two commercial elisas in detecting strongyloides infection. - american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 353-355.
dian nd, muhammad ab, azman en, eddie na, azmi ni, yee vct, rahim mafa, munajat mb, rakna mims, kasri mrm, mohamed ai, ghazali n, hassan nw, manap snaa, osman e, wahid w, chuangchaiya s, lubis ind, divis pcs, chan s, idris zm. (2023). evidence of submicroscopic plasmodium knowlesi mono-infection in remote indigenous communities in kelantan, peninsular malaysia. - american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 1081-1085.
mohd amirul fitri a. rahim, mohd bakhtiar munajat, nor diyana dian, mohd ikhwan mukmin seri rakna, wathiqah wahid, nuraffini ghazali, noor wanie hassan, siti nor azreen abdul manap, muhd rafiq mohd kasri, ahmad imran mohamed...zulkarnain md idris. (2023). naturally acquired antibody response to plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax among indigenous orang asli communities in peninsular malaysia. - frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology. 1-15.
emelia osman, anis safirah mohammad zahariluddin, shalisah sharip, zulkarnain md idris, jen kit tan. (2022). metabolomic profiling reveals common metabolic alterations in plasma of patients with toxoplasma infection and schizophrenia. - genes. 1-11.
r.noordin, e.osman, n.kalantari, s.anuar, t.gorgani-firouzjaee, p.sithithaworn, nm.juri, a.rahumatullah. (2022). a point-of-care cassette test for detection of strongyloides stercoralis. - acta tropica. 1-5.
noor shazleen husnie mohd mohtar, emelia osman, mohd farihan md yatim, aishah hani azil. (2022). super- or single infection: wolbachia supergrouping of wild mosquito populations from varied location types in peninsular malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 27-38.
siti nur akmal ghazali, emelia osman, hidayatulfathi othman, syamsa rizal abdullah. (2022). potential application of gustatory receptor 1 (cmeggr1) gene as a molecular marker for identification of chrysomya megacephala (diptera: calliphoridae). - tropical biomedicine. 226-230.
anis safirah mohammad zahariluddin, zulkarnain md idris, shalisah sharip and emelia osman. (2021). potential association between latent toxoplasmosis and schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. - southeast asian journal of tropical medicine and public health. 96-111.
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, emelia osman and raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2021). disseminated microsporidiosis: an underdiagnosed and emerging opportunistic disease. - malaysian journal of pathology. 9-18.
wathiqah wahid, anis safirah mohammad zahariluddin, zuri shahidii kadir, shalisah sharip, zulkarnain md idris, emelia osman. (2021). reactivation of latent toxoplasmosis in a schizophrenia patient: a case report. - iranian journal of parasitology. 512-517.
nurin jazlina nor azmi, suharni mohamad, wan nazatul shima shahidan, haslina taib, zeehaida mohamed, emelia osman. (2024). risk factors and approaches for detection of trichomonas tenax, the silent culprit in periodontal disease: a narrative review. - the saudi dental journal. 258-261.
dian nd, muhammad ab, azman en, eddie na, azmi ni, yee vct, rahim mafa, munajat mb, rakna mims, kasri mrm, mohamed ai, ghazali n, hassan nw, manap snaa, osman e, wahid w, chuangchaiya s, lubis ind, divis pcs, chan s, idris zm. (2023). evidence of submicroscopic plasmodium knowlesi mono-infection in remote indigenous communities in kelantan, peninsular malaysia. - american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 1081-1085.
mohd amirul fitri a. rahim, mohd bakhtiar munajat, nor diyana dian, mohd ikhwan mukmin seri rakna, wathiqah wahid, nuraffini ghazali, noor wanie hassan, siti nor azreen abdul manap, muhd rafiq mohd kasri, ahmad imran mohamed...zulkarnain md idris. (2023). naturally acquired antibody response to plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax among indigenous orang asli communities in peninsular malaysia. - frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology. 1-15.
nor suhada anuar, anizah rahumatullah, norashikin samsudin, zeehaida mohamed, emelia osman, nik zairi zakaria, hussain ahmad and rahmah noordin. (2023). performance assessment of a lateral flow rapid test (ssrapidvr) compared with two commercial elisas in detecting strongyloides infection. - american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 353-355.
asrul abdul wahab, ezura madiana md monoto, osman emelia. (2023). diagnostic challenges of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: a case report. - bangladesh journal of medical science. 222-224.
emelia osman, aishah hani azil, syamsa rizal abdullah, noor hayati mohd isa. (2020). empowerment and improvementof the well-being of orang asli in malaysia. - . 15.
emelia osman, aishah hani azil, syamsa rizal abdullah & noor hayati mohd isa. (2018). pemerkasaan kesejahteraan hidup orang asli di malaysia. - . 20.
noor hayati mohd isa, syamsa rizal abdullah, aishah hani azil, zulkarnain md idris, emelia osman, 'azlin mohd yasin, anisah nordin, karis misiran.. (2021). mcqs with answer keys medical parasitology and entomology. - . 163.
zulkarnain md idris, mohd amirul fitri a. rahim, mohd bakhtiar munajat, wathiqah wahid, nuraffini ghazali, noor wanie hassan, ahmad imran mohamed, muhd rafiq mohd kasri, siti nor azreen abdul manap, emelia osman. (2023). serology describes heterogeneity in plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax transmission intensities in gua musang, kelantan. - 24th nih scientific conference. 1-327.
zulkarnain md idris, mohd amirul fitri a. rahim, mohd bakhtiar munajat, wathiqah wahid, nuraffini ghazali, noor wanie hassan, muhd rafiq mohd kasri, emelia osman, inke nadia d. lubis, paul c.s. divis, kevin k.a. tetteh. (2023). exposure to plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax among indigenous communities in kelantan, malaysia. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology and tropical medicine. 1-100.
emelia osman, nur azma amin, thieeraporn phraseart ma noon, siti nuratiqah hanani lahat,mohamad syairazi rosli, shazia farhana sham, petrick ramesh periyasamy, nuraffini ghazali, noor wanie hassan, siti nor azreen abd manap, rahmah noordin. (2023). comparison between igg-elisa and igg4-based lateral flow (ssrapid) assays for the diagnosis of strongyloides infection in immunocompromised patients. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology & tropical medicine. 61.
putri sabrina mohamed yusoff, norsyahida arifin, petrick periyasamy, nor rafeah tumian, fuad ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, rahmah noordin, emelia osman. (2023). antigenic reactivity of recombinant enterocytozoon bieneusi proteins against serum antibodies in disseminated microsporidiosis patients. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology & tropical medicine. 64.
zarith suraya s., noor wanie h., nuraffini g., natasha nur afiqah mnf., mohd rizal n., mohd rafizul my., siti nor azreen am., ahmad imran m., anizah r., syamsa rizal a., zulkarnain mi., rahmah n., emelia o.. (2023). knowledge, attitude and practice (kap) and risk factors assessment associated with intestinal parasitic infections among orang asli community in gua musang, kelantan. - 59th annual scientific conference of the malaysian society of parasitology & tropical medicine. 47.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
A CLUSTER-RANDOMIZED STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF VETERINARY INTERVENTION (VI) FOR THE NATIONAL LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS ELIMINATION PROGRAM (SABAH-VI) | institut kesihatan negara, kementerian kesihatan malaysia | 29.7% (2024-09-26 sehingga 2026-03-25) |