pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian media & komunikasi (mention)
Emma has 20 years of experience as an academic and a health communication researcher. She is passionate with the role communication to nurture positive health behaviours and strongly believes in the importance of health literacy to empower society in making informed health decisions. She is currently researching communication behaviours related to obesity, nutrition, COVID-19 and Knowlesi Malaria in Malaysia, where she works closely with UNICEF and The Ministry of Health to design effective behavior interventions. She was also a research consultant for the World Health Organisation where she led the development of a health literacy framework for Malaysia and is involved in the development of the National Health Literacy Policy. Emma was also a global UNICEF Think Tank member on Social Behaviour Change and Community Engagement. Emma led numerous research grants in the past including international grants from the WHO, UNICEF Malaysia and the Ministry of Higher Education LRGS Grant. She holds administrative position as the Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Director at UKM x UNICEF Communication For Development Centre in Health, also known as HEALTHCOMM. Emma keeps an active lifestyle where she enjoys jumprope, road running, trail running and mountain hiking in her spare time. She is a social media influencer in health, particularly in jumprope (IG: emma.jumprope). You may reach her at:
emma mirza wati mohamad. (2024). academia: between junk and genius. - bfm evening edition. .
rodziah romli, syahnaz mohd hashim, rahana abd rahman, kah teik chew, emma mirza wati mohamad, azmawati mohammed nawi. (2024). understanding cervical cancer screening motivations from women and health practitioners' perspectives: a qualitative exploration. - gynecologic oncology reports. 1-9.
weilun ju, shahrul nazmi sannusi, emma mohamad. (2023). stigmatizing monkeypox and covid-19: a comparative framing study of the washington post's online news. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-20.
weilun ju, shahrul nazmi sannusi, emma mohamad. (2023). "public goods" or "diplomatic tools": a framing research on chinese and american media reports regarding chinese covid-19 vaccine. - media asia. 43-81.
arina anis azlan, hazwani damanhuri, mohammad rezal hamzah, hafizah pasi, emma mohamad. (2023). attitudes toward plasmodium knowlesi malaria prevention behaviours among at-risk communities and health district officers efforts and challenges in promoting these behaviours: an elicitation study in peninsular malaysia. - jurnal komunikasi malaysian journal of communication. 269-292.
rodziah romli, rahana abd rahman, kah teik chew, syahnaz mohd hashim ,emma mirza wati mohamad, azmawati mohammed nawi. (2022). empirical investigation of e-health intervention in cervical cancer screening: a systematic literature review. - plos one. 1-17.
andi muhammad tri sakti, siti zaiton mohd ajis, arina anis azlan, hyung joon kim, elizabeth wong, emma mohamad. (2022). impact of covid-19 on school populations and associated factors: a systematic review. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-17.
rodziah romli, emma mirza wati mohamad, rahana abd rahman, chew kah teik, syahnaz mohd hashim and azmawati mohammed nawi. (2022). translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of the malay version of the protection motivation theory scale questionnaire for pap smear screening. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-11.
emma mohamad, jen sern tham, siti zaiton mohd ajis, mohammad rezal hamzah, suffian hadi ayub, andi muhammad tri sakti, arina anis azlan. (2022). exposure to misinformation, risk perception, and confidence towards the government as factors influencing negative attitudes towards covid-19 vaccination in malaysia. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-20.
norrafizah jaafar, komathi perialathan, manimaran krishnan, nurashma juatan, masitah ahmad, teresa yong sui mien, kamarul zaman salleh, affendi isa, suraiya s. mohamed, nor hanizah a. hanit, wan shakira rodzlan hasani, emma mohamad, mohammad zabri johari. (2021). malaysian health literacy: scorecard performance from a national survey. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-11.
emma mirza wati mohamad & nurhazwani ahmad damanhuri. (2019). etika pemimpin pendapat kesihatan wanita di instagram. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 193-210.
mohammed fadel arandas chang peng kee emma mirza wati mohamad, syed arabi idid. (2019). framing the first palestinian general elections by malaysia's new straits times. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 141-158.
emma mohamad dan wan chooi han. (2017). komunikasi pemimpin pendapat dalam isu pembedahan plastik: suatu analisis kandungan dalam instagram selebriti media sosial terpilih. - jurnal komunikasi. 261-279.
rodziah romli, syahnaz mohd hashim, rahana abd rahman, kah teik chew, emma mirza wati mohamad, azmawati mohammed nawi. (2024). understanding cervical cancer screening motivations from women and health practitioners' perspectives: a qualitative exploration. - gynecologic oncology reports. 1-9.
rodziah romli, rahana abd rahman, syahnaz mohd hashim, kah teik chew, emma mirza wati mohamad, azmawati mohammed nawi. (2023). women's motivation towards pap smear screening based on sexual and screening status: a cross-sectional study using protection motivation theory. - journal of education and health promotion. 1-6.
weilun ju, shahrul nazmi sannusi, emma mohamad. (2023). "public goods" or "diplomatic tools": a framing research on chinese and american media reports regarding chinese covid-19 vaccine. - media asia. 43-81.
mohamad fazlan kamaruzaman; emma mohamad. (2023). analisis tingkah laku pencarian maklumat covid-19 dari perspektif model literasi e-kesihatan transaksional. - jurnal komunikasi (malaysian journal of communication). 183-201.
arina anis azlan, hazwani damanhuri, mohammad rezal hamzah, hafizah pasi, emma mohamad. (2023). attitudes toward plasmodium knowlesi malaria prevention behaviours among at-risk communities and health district officers efforts and challenges in promoting these behaviours: an elicitation study in peninsular malaysia. - jurnal komunikasi malaysian journal of communication. 269-292.
emma mirza wati mohamad. (2021). teori penyelidikan dalam komunikasi jilid 1. - . 16.
sabariah mohamed salleh, emma mirza wati mohamad. (2018). reka bentuk penyelidikan komunikasi. - . 15.
abdul latiff ahmad, emma mohamad. (2018). media di era konvergens. - . 6.
emma mohamad, ummu khadijah wan sulaiman. (2018). media di era konvergens. - . 16.
emma mohamad, abdul latiff ahmad. (2018). media di era konvergens. - . 4.
emma mirza wati mohamad. (2021). teori penyelidikan dalam komunikasi jilid 1. - . 16.
sabariah mohamed salleh, emma mirza wati mohamad. (2018). reka bentuk penyelidikan komunikasi. - . 15.
emma mohamad, ummu khadijah wan sulaiman. (2018). media di era konvergens. - . 16.
emma mohamad, abdul latiff ahmad. (2018). media di era konvergens. - . 4.
abdul latiff ahmad, emma mohamad. (2018). media di era konvergens. - . 6.
abdul latiff, emma mohamad. (2018). media di era konvergens. - . 150.
emma mirza wati mohamad & sabariah mohamed salleh. (2014). srikandi phd: cerita, cita-cita dan cabaran. - . 270.
emma mirza wati mohamad. (2024). academia: between junk and genius. - bfm evening edition. .
arina anis binti azlan;emma mirza wati binti mohamad. (2023). ehealth literacy among ethnics in malaysia. - . .
emma mirza wati binti mohamad;abdul latiff bin ahmad;arina anis binti azlan;mohd helmi bin ali. (2023). leadership styles and strategies across malaysian universities. - . .
rodziah ramli, azmawati mohammed nawi, rahana abd rahman, emma mirza wati mohamad, kah teik chew, syahnaz mohd hashim. (2023). development and validation of electronic health video sedar to improve motivation and uptake towards cervical cancer screening. - 23rd national public health colloqium. 89.
rodziah ramli, emma mirza wati mohammad, rahana abd rahman, chew kah teik, shahnaz mohd hashim, azmawati mohammed nawi. (2022). women's motivation towards pap smear screening: a cross sectional study based on protection motivation theory. - 23rd nih scientific conference. 20.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR CHANGE COMMUNICATION FOR HEALTH | the united nations international children’s emergency fund (unicef) | 68.3% (2023-06-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |
HEALTH, WELLNESS AND ENTREPRENEURIAL VALUES AMONG GEN-Z IN MALAYSIA | direct selling association of malaysia (dsam) | 11.7% (2025-02-26 sehingga 2025-05-14) |