Lulus MOG(UKM) dan menjadi pensyarah O&G sejak 2006. Lulus MRCOG(UK) pada 2008 dan FRCOG pada 2022. Menyempurnakan latihan sub-bidang Urogynecology di NUH pada 2012. Menjadi penyelaras MOG 2007-2017 dan kini memegang jawatan Ketua ASSC daripada Februari 2018-Februari 2023. Ahli Editorial Board untuk BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
ixora binti kamisan @ atan;hatta bin sidi;rahana binti abd rahman;lim pei shan. (2024). an association between pelvic floor dysfunction with sexual dysfunction, marital disharmony and stress-level among malaysian women attending ppukm gynaecology clinic. - . .
ixora kamisan atan, nurul wahidah wagimon, teh siok chin, aisyah al zabidi, rima anggrena dasrilsyah, lim pei shan. (2023). defect specific posterior repair vs posterior colporrhaphy (pc): medium-term outcomes. - medical journal of malaysia. 5.
nur farihan mukhtar, beng kwang ng, suria hayati md pauzi, yin ping wong, mohammad rafiuddin hamizan, pei shan lim, nurismah md isa. (2023). abnormal pap smear among pregnant women - feasibility of opportunistic cervical screening. - european journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology: x. 1-5.
beng kwang ng, joo ngor chuah, fook choe cheah, nor azlin mohamed ismail, geok chin tan, kon ken wong and pei shan lim. (2023). maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis.. - frontiers in surgery. 1-8.
nur azirah raidah abdul rahim, rahana abd rahman, chew kah teik, mohd. azrai abu, lim pei shan. (2023). a retrospective study of anaemia and pregnancy outcomes in hctm ukm. - medicine & health. 14.
beng kwang ng, joo ngor chuah, fook choe cheah, nor azlin mohamed ismail, geok chin tan, kon ken wong and pei shan lim. (2023). maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis.. - frontiers in surgery. 1-8.
nurliza abdol manap, beng kwang ng, su ee phon, abdul kadir abdul karim, pei shan lim, maimuinah fadhil. (2022). endometrial cancer in pre-menopausal women and younger: risk factors and outcome. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-12.
yin ping wong, fook choe cheah, kon ken wong, shamsul azhar shah, su ee phon, beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, teck yee khong, geok chin tan. (2022). gardnerella vaginalis infection in pregnancy: effects on placental development and neonatal outcomes. - placenta. 79-87.
mukhtar nur farihan, beng kwang ng, su ee phon, mohamed ismail nor azlin, abdul ghani nur azurah and pei shan lim. (2022). prevalence, knowledge and awareness of pelvic floor disorder among pregnant women in a tertiary centre, malaysia. - international journal of environemental reseacrh and public health. 1-11.
noorazizah arsad, nurlina abd razak, mohd hashim omar, mohamad nasir shafiee, aida kalok, fook choe cheah, pei shan lim. (2022). antenatal corticosteroids to asian women prior to elective cesarean section at early term and effects on neonatal respiratory outcomes. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-9.
nur farihan mukhtar, beng kwang ng, suria hayati md pauzi, yin ping wong, mohammad rafiuddin hamizan, pei shan lim, nurismah md isa. (2023). abnormal pap smear among pregnant women - feasibility of opportunistic cervical screening. - european journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology: x. 1-5.
rima anggrena dasrilsyah, beng kwang ng, ixora kamisan atan, su yen khong, zalina nusee, pei shan lim. (2021). validation of the malay version of the pqol questionnaire. - international urogynecology journal. 3163-3167.
rima anggrena dasrilsyaha, aida kalok, beng kwang ng, anizah ali, kah teik chew and pei shan lim. (2021). perineal skin tear repair following vaginal birth skin adhesive versus conventional suture - a randomised controlled trial. - journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 242-247.
abdul kadir abdul karim, mohamad nasir shafiee, nor haslinda abd aziz, mohd hashim omar, nur azurah abdul ghani, pei shan lim, reena rahayu md zin and norfilza mokhtar. (2019). reviewing the role of progesterone therapy in endometriosis. - gynecological endocrinology. 10-16.
beng kwang ng, su ee phon, ani amelia zainuddin, wendy yin ling ng, nordashima abd shukor, pei shan lim. (2018). bowel endometriosis: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. - hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 1-4.
beng kwang ng, joo ngor chuah, fook choe cheah, nor azlin mohamed ismail, geok chin tan, kon ken wong and pei shan lim. (2023). maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis.. - frontiers in surgery. 1-8.
ixora kamisan atan, nurul wahidah wagimon, teh siok chin, aisyah al zabidi, rima anggrena dasrilsyah, lim pei shan. (2023). defect specific posterior repair vs posterior colporrhaphy (pc): medium-term outcomes. - medical journal of malaysia. 5.
nur farihan mukhtar, beng kwang ng, suria hayati md pauzi, yin ping wong, mohammad rafiuddin hamizan, pei shan lim, nurismah md isa. (2023). abnormal pap smear among pregnant women - feasibility of opportunistic cervical screening. - european journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology: x. 1-5.
nurliza abdol manap, beng kwang ng, su ee phon, abdul kadir abdul karim, pei shan lim, maimuinah fadhil. (2022). endometrial cancer in pre-menopausal women and younger: risk factors and outcome. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-12.
yin ping wong, fook choe cheah, kon ken wong, shamsul azhar shah, su ee phon, beng kwang ng, pei shan lim, teck yee khong, geok chin tan. (2022). gardnerella vaginalis infection in pregnancy: effects on placental development and neonatal outcomes. - placenta. 79-87.
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ixora binti kamisan @ atan;hatta bin sidi;rahana binti abd rahman;lim pei shan. (2024). an association between pelvic floor dysfunction with sexual dysfunction, marital disharmony and stress-level among malaysian women attending ppukm gynaecology clinic. - . .
wong yin ping;cheah fook choe;clarence ko ching huat;wong kon ken;lim pei shan;tan geok chin;nor haslinda binti abd aziz;muhamad fakhri bin mohd saleh;chia wai kit. (2022). evaluation of the molecular mechanisms of cytokine and growth factor signaling in human placental trophoblast cell lines when co-infected with gardnerella vaginalis. - . .
nor haslinda abd aziz, noor azyani yazid, chin kok yong, wong sok kuan, nur vaizura mohamad, lim pei shan, aida hani mohd kalok, rahana abd rahman. (2020). relationship between maternal serum levels of 25(oh)d in the first trimester and vitamin d status with daily vitamin d dietary intake and adverse pregnancy outcomes. - 1st ogsm virtual conference 2020. 2.
liew yee shan, muhammad syahiran mohd abdul kader jailani, ami farhana amir abdul nasir, nur iffah syahidah md azani, toh charng jeng, soon bee hong, lim pei shan. (2019). the prevalence and risk factors of chronic scar pain after lower segment caesarean section in universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre. - 11th medical undergraduate annual scientific research meeting. 30.
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