pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
Nurul Wahida Othman received her PhD from Australian National University, Canberra in 2013. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and former Head of the Centre for Insect Systematics (CIS), UKM (2017-2023). Her research interest is on insect physiology and biochemistry which focuses on the histology and regulations of the digestive, nervous and reproduction systems of pest insects and aesthetic insects such as stick insects and firefly. She also did research in insect toxicology and was involved in biopesticide development to control insect pests of oil palm, Metisa plana, and invasive species, the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Dr. Wahida is actively involved in various exhibitions to create awareness of insects for the community and has led a few STEAM activities such as Kem Serangga, Kem Skuad Palma Emas, I Want To Touch a Bug and Seni Insekta throughout the years. She is also an active member of Entomological Society of Malaysia (ENTOMA) and currently is the Vice President of the society.
nurul wahida othman, nur iylia maisarah, maizom hassan, rozida mohd khalid, mohd. rizuan zainal abidin, yusdayati rashid. (2024). insights on saliva and silk glands properties for targeted control of insect pest. - hyper-interdisciplinary conference in malaysia 2024 (hic 2024). 23.
nurul wahida binti othman;maizom binti hassan;rozida binti mohd. khalid. (2024). insights on the ultrastructure, regulations and protein profile of the salivary system of bagworm larvae, metisa plana, a major oil palm pest. - . .
nurul wahida othman, nur iylia maisarah baharom, maizom hassan, rozida mohd. khalid, cik mohd. rizuan zainal abidin & yusdayati rashid. (2024). insights on saliva and silk glands properties for targeted control of insect pest. - hyper-interdisciplinary conference in malaysia 2024 (hic 2024). 1.
nur aina che zuhar, nurul wahida othman. (2024). morfologi, histologi dan morfometrik salur penghadaman dan pundi madu kelulut, geniotrigona thoracica, lophotrigona canifrons dan tetrigona binghami. - prosiding simposium prasiswazah fst 2024 gugusan sains biologi dan bioteknologi. 158-163.
tuan fatin syamimi, nurul wahida othman. (2024). tahap ketoksikan racun serangga komersial fipronil terhadap kelulut heterotrigona itama dan geniotrigona thoracica. - prosiding simposium prasiswazah fakulti sains dan teknologi 2024 gugusan sains biologi dan bioteknologi. 153-157.
zulkifli nursyamin, muhammad syafiq yahya, sharifah nur atikah, kamil azmi tohiran, ahmad r. norhisham, nurul wahida othman, alex m. lechner, badrul azhar. (2023). identifying indicator bird species for sustainable oil palm plantation certification. - journal of cleaner production. 1-10.
nurul wahida othman, andrew b. barron, paul d. cooper. (2023). feeding and amines stimulate the growth of the salivary gland following short-term starvation in the black field cricket, teleogryllus commodus. - insects. 1-16.
norazila yusoff,idris abd ghani,nurul wahida othman,wan mohd aizat, maizom hassan. (2021). toxicity and sublethal effect of farnesyl acetate on diamondback moth, plutella xylostella (l.) (lepidoptera plutellidae). - insects. 1-12.
ameyra aman-zuki, siti zafirah ghazali, aqilah sakinah badrulisham, izfa riza hazmi, othman nurul wahida, salmah yaakop. (2021). proof on the divergence times of two sympatric species, rhynchophorus ferrugineus and r. vulneratus (coleoptera: curculionidae) by molecular clock analysis. - journal of entomological research society. 11-26.
nurul izdihar razali, shamsul bahri abd razak, fatimah hashim, nurul wahida othman, wahizatul afzan azmi. (2021). effect of larval food amount on in vitro rearing of indo-malayan stingless bee queen, heterotrigona itama (hymenoptera: apidae; meliponini). - sains malaysiana. 2859-2867.
noor farehan ismail, idris abd. ghani and nurul wahida othman. (2020). detrimental effect of commonly used insecticides in oil palm to pollinating weevil, elaeidobius kamerunicus faust (coleoptera: curculionidae). - journal of oil palm research. 439-452.
nur khairunnisa salleh, nurul wahida othman, norela sulaiman, ismail sahid. (2019). ultrastructure on the light organ of tropical synchronize firefly, pteroptyx tener. - sains malaysiana. 727-733.
maizom hassan, norazila yusoff, wan mohd aizat, nurul wahida othman & idris abd ghani. (2018). optimization method for proteomic analysis of the larva and adult tissues of plutella xylostella (l.) (lepidoptera: plutellidae). - sains malaysiana. .
norzainih jasmin jamin; nurul wahida othman. (2023). pengenalpastian sensila pada alat mulut larva dan dewasa kumbang palma merah, rhynchophorus ferrugineus (coleoptera: dryopthoridae). - serangga. 221-239.
nurul wahida othman, andrew b. barron, paul d. cooper. (2023). feeding and amines stimulate the growth of the salivary gland following short-term starvation in the black field cricket, teleogryllus commodus. - insects. 1-16.
zulkifli nursyamin, muhammad syafiq yahya, sharifah nur atikah, kamil azmi tohiran, ahmad r. norhisham, nurul wahida othman, alex m. lechner, badrul azhar. (2023). identifying indicator bird species for sustainable oil palm plantation certification. - journal of cleaner production. 1-10.
nur khairunnisa salleh, muhammad afiq senen, norela sulaiman, nurul wahida othman. (2022). kepekatan kandungan enzim lusiferase dan morfometrik organ cahaya kelip-kelip, pteroptyx tener (coleptera: lampyridae) spesies. - serangga. 12-27.
rabihah ismail, azman sulaiman, nurul wahida othman. (2022). kepelbagaian dan taburan serangga ranting pada altitud berbeza di gunung jerai, kedah, malaysia. - serangga. 204-219.
muhamad azmi mohammed, ameyra aman zuki, suhana yusof, nurul wahida othman, badrul munir md zain & salmah yaakop. (2018). classification of endosymbiont wolbachia (rickettsiales: anaplasmataceae) in opiine wasps (hymenoptera: braconidae). - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
nur hudawiyah, o. nurul wahida & s. norela. (2015). gross anatomy of central nervous system in firefly, pteroptyx tener (coleoptera: lampyridae). - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 5.
a. s. nurul hidayah, o. nurul wahida, m. n. norefrina shafinaz and a. g. idris. (2013). morphology of salivary gland and distribution of dopamine and serotonin on red palm weevil (rpw), rhynchophorus ferrugineus (coleoptera: curculionidae). - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
nurul wahida othman, salmah yaakop. (2022). sejuta pokok segunung harapan. - . 106.
mohd hanafy gausmian, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, nurul wahida othman, hee kah wai. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 8.
norela sulaiman, muzzneena ahmad mustapha, salmah yaakop, azman sulaiman, izfa riza hazmi, nurul wahida othman, juliana senawi, farah shafawati mohd taib, saiful mansor, abdullah samat, hani kartini agustar, shamsul khamis, lailatul nadhirah asri, nur ati. (2020). kelip-kelip anugerah alam di waktu malam. - . 30.
norela sulaiman, salmah yaakop, azman sulaiman, izfa riza hazmi, nurul wahida othman, juliana senawi, farah shafawati mohd taib, saiful mansor, abdullah samat, hani kartini agustar, lailatul nadhirah asri, nur athirah abdullah & nur khairunnisa salleh. (2020). kelip-kelip anugerah alam di waktu malam. - . 31.
norela sulaiman, salmah yaakop, azman sulaiman, izfa riza hazmi, nurul wahida othman, nur khairunnisa salleh, lailatul nadhirah asri, nur khairunnisa salleh. (2020). kelip-kelip anugerah alam di waktu malam. - . 11.
nurul wahida othman. (2023). malaysia insights: functional roles of insects. - . 176.
nurul wahida othman, salmah yaakop. (2022). sejuta pokok segunung harapan. - . 106.
mohd hanafy gausmian, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, nurul wahida othman, hee kah wai. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 8.
norela sulaiman, muzzneena ahmad mustapha, salmah yaakop, azman sulaiman, izfa riza hazmi, nurul wahida othman, juliana senawi, farah shafawati mohd taib, saiful mansor, abdullah samat, hani kartini agustar, shamsul khamis, lailatul nadhirah asri, nur ati. (2020). kelip-kelip anugerah alam di waktu malam. - . 30.
norela sulaiman, salmah yaakop, azman sulaiman, izfa riza hazmi, nurul wahida othman, juliana senawi, farah shafawati mohd taib, saiful mansor, abdullah samat, hani kartini agustar, lailatul nadhirah asri, nur athirah abdullah & nur khairunnisa salleh. (2020). kelip-kelip anugerah alam di waktu malam. - . 31.
mazlin bin mokhtar, ahmad fariz mohamed, nurul wahida othman, goh choo ta. (2005). round table dialogues : no. 12, malaysian network for integrated management of chemicals and hazardous substances for environment and development (myniche). - . 64.
nurul wahida othman, nur iylia maisarah, maizom hassan, rozida mohd khalid, mohd. rizuan zainal abidin, yusdayati rashid. (2024). insights on saliva and silk glands properties for targeted control of insect pest. - hyper-interdisciplinary conference in malaysia 2024 (hic 2024). 23.
nurul wahida othman, nur iylia maisarah baharom, maizom hassan, rozida mohd. khalid, cik mohd. rizuan zainal abidin & yusdayati rashid. (2024). insights on saliva and silk glands properties for targeted control of insect pest. - hyper-interdisciplinary conference in malaysia 2024 (hic 2024). 1.
nurul wahida binti othman;maizom binti hassan;rozida binti mohd. khalid. (2024). insights on the ultrastructure, regulations and protein profile of the salivary system of bagworm larvae, metisa plana, a major oil palm pest. - . .
mohamad harris nasir, nurul wahida othman, izyanti ibrahim, salmah yaakop and norefrina shafinaz md nor. (2023). optimized protein extraction method reveals differential protein expression in red palm weevil (rhynchophorus ferrugineus) digestive tract. - abstract book international symposium on insects (isoi) 2023. 75.
nur iylia maisarah baharom, nurul wahida othman, maizom hassan, rozida mohd. khalid, cik mohd. rizuan zainal abidin and yusdayati rashid. (2023). optimization on salivary protein extraction of bagworm, metisa plana larvae, the major oil palm pest for liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (lcms/ms). - international symposium on insects (isoi) 2023. 77.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
OIL PALM PLANTATION LANDSCAPE AS WILDLIFE REFUGE: A WAY FORWARD FOR WILDLIFE-FRIENDLY PLANTATION | felda global ventures holdings bhd | 78.9% (2022-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |
OIL PALM PLANTATION LANDSCAPE AS WILDLIFE REFUGE: A WAY FORWARD FOR WILDLIFE-FRIENDLY PLANTATION | malaysian palm oil green conservation foundation | 78.9% (2022-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SARAWAK) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 45.1% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SABAH) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 45.1% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |