pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
ai ling pang, agus arsad, muhammad abbas ahmad zaini, renuka garg, muhammad saqlain iqbal, ujjwal pal, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, azrul azlan hamzah, swee-yong pung, mohsen ahmadipour. (2024). a comprehensive review on photocatalytic removal of heavy metal ions by polyaniline-based nanocomposites. - chemical engineering communications. 275-299.
nurkhaizan zulkepli, jumril yunas, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, dedi, mohamad shukri sirat , muhammad hilmi johari, nur nasyifa mohd maidin, aini ayunni mohd raub, azrul azlan hamzah. (2024). synthesis and characterization of sio2-based graphene nanoballs using copper-vapor-assisted apcvd for thermoelectric application. - nanomaterials. 1-11.
sharifa ezat wan puteh, wan kamal wan mujani, cheah fook choe, azrul azlan hamzah hamzah. (2024). projek inovasi jarum mikro tanpa sakit. - . 1.
lilik hasanah, rahma mutia, chandra wulandari, budi mulyanti, siti kudnie sahari, roer eka pawinanto, azrul azlan hamzah. (2023). investigating the effect of surface termination and thickness of mxene on the detection response of the spr sensor using fdtd simulation. - results in optics. 1-7.
nabilah alias, akrajas ali umar, siti naqiyah sadikin, jaenudin ridwan, azrul azlan hamzah, marjoni imamora ali umar, abang annuar ehsan, muhammad nurdin, yiqiang zhan. (2023). air-processable perovskite solar cells by hexamine molecule phase stabilization. - acs omega. 18874-18881.
nurkhaizan zulkepli, jumril yunas, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, dedi, mohamad shukri sirat , muhammad hilmi johari, nur nasyifa mohd maidin, aini ayunni mohd raub, azrul azlan hamzah. (2024). synthesis and characterization of sio2-based graphene nanoballs using copper-vapor-assisted apcvd for thermoelectric application. - nanomaterials. 1-11.
dahyunir dahlan, anla fet hardi, siti naqiyah sadikin, marjoni imamora ali umar, azrul azlan hamzah, vivi fauzia, jaenudin ridwan, maulidiyah maulidiyah, muhammad nurdin, akrajas ali umar. (2023). improving the optoelectrical properties of humid stable, hexamined perovskite lattice by phenetylammonium cation additive. - optical materials. 1-8.
ai ling pang, muhammad saqlain iqbal, nik akmar rejab, ujjwal pal, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, ahmad ghadafi ismail, azrul azlan hamzah, mohsen ahmadipour. (2023). photocatalytic degradation of organic dye under uv light using cacu3ti4o12 nanoparticles synthesized by sol gel route: effect of calcination temperature. - inorganic chemistry communications. 1-7.
anis amirah alim, roharsyafinaz roslan, sh. nadzirah, lina khalida saidi, p. susthitha menon, ismail aziah, dee chang fu, siti aishah sulaiman, nor azian abdul murad, azrul azlan hamzah. (2023). geometrical characterisation of tio2-rgo field-effect transistor as a platform for biosensing applications. - micromachines, mdpi. 1-18.
mohammad rezaei ardani, ai ling pang, ujjwal pal, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, ahmad ghadafi ismail, azrul azlan hamzah, waheed ahmad khanday, mohsen ahmadipour. (2023). ultrasonic-assisted of tio2-mwcnt nanocomposite with advanced photocatalytic efficiency for elimination of dye pollutions. - diamond and related materials. 1-15.
ai ling pang, agus arsad, muhammad abbas ahmad zaini, renuka garg, muhammad saqlain iqbal, ujjwal pal, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, azrul azlan hamzah, swee-yong pung, mohsen ahmadipour. (2024). a comprehensive review on photocatalytic removal of heavy metal ions by polyaniline-based nanocomposites. - chemical engineering communications. 275-299.
siti naqiyah sadikin, jaenudin ridwan, marjoni imamora ali umar, aini ayuni mohd raub, jumril yunas, azrul azlan hamzah, dahyunir dahlan, mohd yusri abd rahman, akrajas ali umar. (2023). photocatalytic activity and stability properties of porous tio2 film as photocatalyst for methylene blue and methylene orange degradation. - international journal of electrochemical science. 1-8.
aini ayunni mohd raub, jumril yunas, mohd ambri mohamed, jamal kazmi, jaenudin ridwan, azrul azlan hamzah. (2022). statistical optimization of zinc oxide nanorod synthesis for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue. - sains malaysiana. 1933-1944.
le trung hieu, chung-han chiang, deepak anandan, chang-fu dee, azrul azlan hamzah, ching-ting lee, chung-hsiung lin, edward yi chang. (2022). improvements of electrical and thermal characteristics for algan/gan hemt grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition on silicon-on-insulator (soi) substrate. - semiconductor science and technology. 1-8.
nurkhaizan zulkepli, jumril yunas, mohd ambri mohamed, mohamad shukri sirat, azrul azlan hamzah. (2022). atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition growth of graphene for the synthesis of sio2 based graphene ball. - sains malaysiana. 1927-1932.
nurkhaizan zulkepli, jumril yunas, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, dedi, mohamad shukri sirat , muhammad hilmi johari, nur nasyifa mohd maidin, aini ayunni mohd raub, azrul azlan hamzah. (2024). synthesis and characterization of sio2-based graphene nanoballs using copper-vapor-assisted apcvd for thermoelectric application. - nanomaterials. 1-11.
ai ling pang, agus arsad, muhammad abbas ahmad zaini, renuka garg, muhammad saqlain iqbal, ujjwal pal, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, azrul azlan hamzah, swee-yong pung, mohsen ahmadipour. (2024). a comprehensive review on photocatalytic removal of heavy metal ions by polyaniline-based nanocomposites. - chemical engineering communications. 275-299.
n. r. mohamad, n. a. jamil, m. f. m. r. wee, m. a. mohamed, m. a. azam, a. a. hamzah, p. s. menon. (2023). deposition of polypyrrole-carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotube nanohybrid thin film for surface plasmon resonance sensor. - international journal of nanoelectronics and materials. 305-315.
lilik hasanah, rahma mutia, chandra wulandari, budi mulyanti, siti kudnie sahari, roer eka pawinanto, azrul azlan hamzah. (2023). investigating the effect of surface termination and thickness of mxene on the detection response of the spr sensor using fdtd simulation. - results in optics. 1-7.
dahyunir dahlan, anla fet hardi, siti naqiyah sadikin, marjoni imamora ali umar, azrul azlan hamzah, vivi fauzia, jaenudin ridwan, maulidiyah maulidiyah, muhammad nurdin, akrajas ali umar. (2023). improving the optoelectrical properties of humid stable, hexamined perovskite lattice by phenetylammonium cation additive. - optical materials. 1-8.
weihong zhang, muhamad ramdzan buyong, mohd ambri mohamed, john larue, azrul azlan hamzah. (2023). fabrication and characterization of carbon cantilevers derived from photoresists. - the 18th international conference on nano/micro engineered and molecular systems (ieee nems 2023). 232-236.
ps menon, k loganathan, na jamil, nr mohamad, cf dee, mfmr wee, ma mohamed, h soleimani, by majlis, aa hamzah. (2022). plasmonic biosensing of kidney wastes using carbon-based derivatives. - 4th ieee international flexible electronics technology conference (ifetc). 29-30.
govind maniam, jahariah sampe, azrul azlan hamzah, mohammad faseehuddin, and noorhidayah. (2021). biosensor interface controller for chronic kidney disease monitoring using internet of things (iot). - virtual conference on engineering, science and technology (vicest) 2020. 1-6.
mei, g.s., mohamad, n.r., jamil, n.a., dee, c.f., hamzah, a.a., menon, p.s.. (2020). robust design of bimetallic zno nanofilm spr sensor using taguchi method. - 4th electron devices technology and manufacturing conference (edtm 2020). 1-4.
nurkhaizan zulkepli, jumril yunas, mohd ambri mohamed, azrul azlan hamzah. (2020). model analysis on the geometrical and technological aspect of bi2te3 based mems thermoelectric. - 2020 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics (icse). 172-175.
azrul azlan hamzah, sh. nadzirah. (2023). encyclopedia of sensors and biosensors. - . 9.
a atiqah, fa sabaruddin, n ismail, a jalar, ma bakar, aa hamzah, ra ilyas, m asrofi. (2022). industrial applications of nanocellulose and its nanocomposites. - . 22.
fatin nabilah mohd faudzi, azrul azlan hamzah. (2021). nanoparticles in analytical and medical devices. - . 12.
muhamad ramdzan buyong, azrul azlan hamzah, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2020). dielektroforesis manipulasi zarah mikrometer dari perspektif perubatan. - . 318.
muhamad ramdzan buyong, norazreen abd aziz, azrul azlan hamzah, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). sensor dan aktuator mems perkembangan & kegunaan. - . 28.
azrul azlan hamzah, sh. nadzirah. (2023). encyclopedia of sensors and biosensors. - . 9.
a atiqah, fa sabaruddin, n ismail, a jalar, ma bakar, aa hamzah, ra ilyas, m asrofi. (2022). industrial applications of nanocellulose and its nanocomposites. - . 22.
fatin nabilah mohd faudzi, azrul azlan hamzah. (2021). nanoparticles in analytical and medical devices. - . 12.
azrul azlan hamzah. (2018). sensor dan aktuator mems: perkembangan dan kegunaan. - . 48.
muhamad ramdzan buyong, norazreen abd aziz, azrul azlan hamzah, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). sensor dan aktuator mems perkembangan & kegunaan. - . 28.
muhamad ramdzan buyong, azrul azlan hamzah, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2020). dielektroforesis manipulasi zarah mikrometer dari perspektif perubatan. - . 318.
sharifa ezat wan puteh, wan kamal wan mujani, cheah fook choe, azrul azlan hamzah hamzah. (2024). projek inovasi jarum mikro tanpa sakit. - . 1.
azrul azlan bin hamzah;a. rahman bin a. jamal;norlaila binti mustafa;nor azian binti abdul murad;jumril yunas;siti aishah binti sulaiman. (2023). development of mems-based lateral flow assay for detection of ldlr gene mutations for familial hypercholesterolemia (fh). - . .
muhamad ramdzan bin buyong;norazreen binti abd aziz;azrul azlan bin hamzah;mohd ambri bin mohamed;nadiah binti abu. (2023). dielectrophoretic lab-on-a-chip platform for exosomes detection and characterization.. - . .
azrul azlan bin hamzah;burhanuddin bin yeop majlis;dee chang fu;dilla duryha binti berhanuddin;jumril yunas;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong;mohd ambri bin mohamed. (2023). improvement of bi2te3 thermoelectric properties using sio2 graphene balls for mems thermoelectric microgenerator . - . .
p susthitha menon, navakanta bhat, badariah bais, tan eu gene, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar, bernard lim, jagadheswan rajendran, azrul azlan hamzah, fernando guarin. (2022). ieee electron devices society newsletter. - ieee eds stem program: electronics in coding and robotics. 39-40.
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