pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penciptaan nilai & kesejahteraan insan (insan)
Dr. Farhana merupakan pensyarah kanan di Pusat Penciptaan Nilai dan Kesejahteraan Insan (INSAN), Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan (FEP), UKM. Karier beliau sebagai pensyarah bermula sebagai tutor di FEP pada tahun 2006. Berkelulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pentadbiran Perniagaan dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), beliau kemudian menyambung pengajian di peringkat Sarjana dalam bidang yang sama di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Pada tahun 2016 beliau telah dianugerahkan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dari University of Waikato, New Zealand. Beliau aktif dalam penyelidikan berkaitan peluang dan proses keusahawanan dan keusahawanan dari perspektif Islam. Kini beliau merupakan Penolong Dekan Keusahawanan dan Kreativiti di Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, UKM
noor azuan binti hashim;rosmah bt. mat isa;hawati binti janor;norazila binti mat;farhana binti sidek. (2024). adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders. - . .
siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;farhana binti sidek;nor asiah binti omar;wye chung khain. (2024). forming a sustainable model of consumer’s palm oil-based food consumption, and food waste management among different personality traits and generations in malaysia.. - . .
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
hamizah binti abd hamid;zizah binti che senik;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob;nur sa`adah binti muhamad;teng huei chun. (2023). a context-sensitive model of transnational entrepreneurship for malaysian transnational entrepreneurs . - . .
hamizah abd hamid, robert j. pidduck, alexander newman, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek. (2023). intercultural resource arbitrageurs: a review and extension of the literature on transnational entrepreneurs. - journal of business research. 1-14.
hamizah abd hamid, robert j. pidduck, alexander newman, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek. (2023). intercultural resource arbitrageurs: a review and extension of the literature on transnational entrepreneurs. - journal of business research. 1-14.
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
abu h ayob, hamizah abd hamid, farhana sidek. (2022). individual values and career choice: does cultural context condition the relationship?. - analyses of social issues and public policy. 560-581.
farhana sidek, kathryn pavlovich, jenny gibb. (2018). entrepreneurship as worship: a malay muslim perspective. - journal of management and organization. .
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
hamizah abd hamid, robert j. pidduck, alexander newman, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek. (2023). intercultural resource arbitrageurs: a review and extension of the literature on transnational entrepreneurs. - journal of business research. 1-14.
abu h ayob, hamizah abd hamid, farhana sidek. (2022). individual values and career choice: does cultural context condition the relationship?. - analyses of social issues and public policy. 560-581.
aisyah abdul rahman, abu hanifah ayob, mohd helmi ali, nor asiah omar, rasidah arshad, azlina ahmad, norliza abdullah, rosmah mat isa, sofiah md auzair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, arif mohd sham, muhammad asri abd ghani. (2019). jurnal pengurusan. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-181.
nor asiah omar, ahmad sabri kassim, muhamad azrin nazri, farhana sidek. (2018). the impact of customer value co-creation and relationship quality on relationship equity: personality traits as a moderator. - jurnal pengurusan. .
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob. (2022). world scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship. volume3: spirituality, entrepreneurship and social change. - . 18.
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, abu hanifah ayob. (2022). world scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship. volume3: spirituality, entrepreneurship and social change. - . 18.
nor liza abdullah, zizah che senik, farhana sidek. (2021). pengurusan enterprise kecil dan sederhana. - . 26.
noor azuan binti hashim;rosmah bt. mat isa;hawati binti janor;norazila binti mat;farhana binti sidek. (2024). adoption of digital technologies for information dissemination on palm oil among smallholders. - . .
siti ngayesah binti ab. hamid;farhana binti sidek;nor asiah binti omar;wye chung khain. (2024). forming a sustainable model of consumer’s palm oil-based food consumption, and food waste management among different personality traits and generations in malaysia.. - . .
hamizah binti abd hamid;zizah binti che senik;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob;nur sa`adah binti muhamad;teng huei chun. (2023). a context-sensitive model of transnational entrepreneurship for malaysian transnational entrepreneurs . - . .
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abdul hamid. (2023). the role of compassion in guiding muslim entrepreneurs' opportunity recognition.. - 36th anzam conference: changing management values and practices for a sustainable future. 1-11.
hamizah binti abd hamid;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2023). towards a model of transnational entrepreneurship. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KEUSAHAWANAN DAYA ASNAF UKM-MIB | maybank islamic berhad | 39.8% (2024-10-01 sehingga 2025-10-30) |