My academic strength lies in the field of Nano Functional Material with a specialisation in the area of material for energy and sensor application. In 2007, I awarded For Women In Science (FWIS 2007) by L`oreal Malaysia. In June 2011, I obtained an international grant, COMSTECH-TWAS Research Grants for dye-sensitized solar cell application. In 2012, I was successfully obtained 1 Internal grant (UKM), and 2 national grants (ERGS and e-ScienceFund), beside I was awarded as a young scientist by The Malaysian Solid State, Science and Technology Society (MASS). In July 2013, I obtained an international grant, Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Research Grant for microbial detection sensor. Up to now, I obtained 18 research grants as a project leader. I have published more than 150 research papers in journals and conferences (ISI/SCOPUS). In December 2013, I was selected as a member of Young Scientist Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM) for 3-years-term until December 2016. On 6th May 2014, I was selected to join the ‘Talent Prospect under Talent Management: Media Event Showcasing Research Universities’ Success Stories Exhibition, Category: Young Researcher, held at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). In October 2014, I was awarded “Anugerah Inovasi UKM” (Individual Researcher category), by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In February 2015, I was selected to be a member of the Young Global Academy (GYA) for a 5-year term, from February 2015 until January 2020. In December 2019, I was awarded Top Researcher Scientist Malaysia (TRSM) by Academy Science of Malaysia (ASM)
abdul khaliq, jahariah sampe, fazida hanim hashim, huda abdullah, noor hidayah mohd yunus, muhammad asim noon. (2024). a comprehensive review: ultra-low power all-digital phase-locked loop rf transceivers for biomedical monitoring applications. - analog integrated circuits and signal processing. 391-415.
farah ayuni binti mohd hatta;huda abdullah;mohd izhar ariff bin mohd kashim;nazrul anuar bin nayan;wardah binti mustafa din;razanah binti ramya @ abd rahim. (2024). impact of carotenoids active ingredient functional groups towards chromaticity stability in pla-carotenoids as potential intelligent packaging indicator. - . .
huda abdullah;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;masturah binti markom;md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). solution-processed zto (zinc-tin-oxide) as an alternative czts solar cell buffer layer. - . .
sumarni mansur, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, nurul jannah ismail , siti hamimah sheikh abdul kadir, mohd hafiz puteh, huda abdullah, juhana jaafar, mukhlis a. rahman, tutuk djoko kusworo, ahmad fauzi ismail, abdul latif ahmad. (2023). hybrid inorganic organic psf/hap dual-layer hollow fibre membrane for the treatment of lead contaminated water. - membranes. 1-17.
wan hanna melini wan mohtar, wan ikhlas wan mohtar, siti nur eliane suriane shokri, huda abdullah. (2023). perspective of malaysian undergraduate engineering students on academic plagiarism. - international journal of engineering education. 937-948.
huda abdullah, aravintha ram suppiah, jion wei yu, jamal jurait, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, norshafadzila mohammad naim, siti khairani bejo, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, yap wing fen, brian yuliarto, md fauzi ahmad, noraziah mohamad zin. (2023). preparation and characterization of polyanilinecuni nanocomposite thin film sensors for detection of pathogenic leptospira. - materials science & engineering b. 1-11.
savisha mahalingam, abreeza manap, ramisha rabeya, kam sheng lau, chin hua chia, huda abdullah, nowshad amin, puvaneswaran chelvanathan. (2023). electron transport of chemically treated graphene quantum dots-based dye-sensitized solar cells. - electrochimica acta. 1-10.
faten bashar kamal eddin, yap wing fen, josephine ying chyi liew, nurul illya muhamad fauzi, wan mohd ebtisyam mustaqim mohd daniyal, huda abdullah. (2023). development of plasmonic-based sensor for highly sensitive and selective detection of dopamine. - optics and laser technology. 1-13.
erik bhekti yutomo, fatimah arofiati noor, toto winata, brian yuliarto, huda abdullah. (2023). theoretical insights on the effect of alloying with co in the mechanism of graphene growth on a cuco (1 1 1) catalyst. - applied surface science. 1-11.
sumarni mansur, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, nurul jannah ismail , siti hamimah sheikh abdul kadir, mohd hafiz puteh, huda abdullah, juhana jaafar, mukhlis a. rahman, tutuk djoko kusworo, ahmad fauzi ismail, abdul latif ahmad. (2023). hybrid inorganic organic psf/hap dual-layer hollow fibre membrane for the treatment of lead contaminated water. - membranes. 1-17.
abdul khaliq, jahariah sampe, fazida hanim hashim, huda abdullah, noor hidayah mohd yunus, muhammad asim noon. (2024). a comprehensive review: ultra-low power all-digital phase-locked loop rf transceivers for biomedical monitoring applications. - analog integrated circuits and signal processing. 391-415.
wan hanna melini wan mohtar, wan ikhlas wan mohtar, siti nur eliane suriane shokri, huda abdullah. (2023). perspective of malaysian undergraduate engineering students on academic plagiarism. - international journal of engineering education. 937-948.
ain zafirah kamaruddin, lim kar keng, muhammad azmi abdul hamid, naif h. al-hardan, huda abdullah & ensaf mohammed al-khalqi. (2023). the characteristic of ph-sensing of potentiometric on zinc oxide and aluminium-doped zinc oxide nanostructures. - sains malaysiana. 3253-3246.
h. abdullah, savisha mahalingam, n. h. azami, siti khairani bejo, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, brian yuliarto, iskandar yahya, abreeza manap, s. fatihah, norliza abd rahman, nor yuliana yuhana, jian xian kang. (2023). characterization of polyanilineagrgo nanocomposites for saprophytic and pathogenic leptospira bacteria detection in water. - polymer bulletin. 2713-2718.
abreeza manap, savisha mahalingam, siti nurul akmal yusof, nurfanizan afandi, huda abdullah. (2022). impact behaviour of aluminum particles upon aluminum, magnesium, and titanium substrates using high pressure and low-pressure cold spray. - sains malaysiana. 585-597.
abdul khaliq, jahariah sampe, fazida hanim hashim, huda abdullah, noor hidayah mohd yunus, muhammad asim noon. (2024). a comprehensive review: ultra-low power all-digital phase-locked loop rf transceivers for biomedical monitoring applications. - analog integrated circuits and signal processing. 391-415.
faten bashar kamal eddin, yap wing fen, josephine ying chyi liew, nurul illya muhamad fauzi, wan mohd ebtisyam mustaqim mohd daniyal, huda abdullah. (2023). development of plasmonic-based sensor for highly sensitive and selective detection of dopamine. - optics and laser technology. 1-13.
ain zafirah kamaruddin, lim kar keng, muhammad azmi abdul hamid, naif h. al-hardan, huda abdullah & ensaf mohammed al-khalqi. (2023). the characteristic of ph-sensing of potentiometric on zinc oxide and aluminium-doped zinc oxide nanostructures. - sains malaysiana. 3253-3246.
wan hanna melini wan mohtar, wan ikhlas wan mohtar, siti nur eliane suriane shokri, huda abdullah. (2023). perspective of malaysian undergraduate engineering students on academic plagiarism. - international journal of engineering education. 937-948.
huda abdullah, aravintha ram suppiah, jion wei yu, jamal jurait, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, norshafadzila mohammad naim, siti khairani bejo, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, yap wing fen, brian yuliarto, md fauzi ahmad, noraziah mohamad zin. (2023). preparation and characterization of polyanilinecuni nanocomposite thin film sensors for detection of pathogenic leptospira. - materials science & engineering b. 1-11.
khaled baradieh, muhammad ammirrul atiqi b mohd zainuri, nor azwan mohamed kamari, yushaizad yusof, huda abdullah, mohd hairi bin mohd zaman. (2023). fault detection and classification in the photovoltaic arrays using machine learning. - 2023 ieee industrial electronics and applications conference (ieacon). 177-182.
kang jian xian, huda abdullah, brian yuliarto, md akhtaruzzaman, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, yap wing fen, md fauzi mohamad. (2022). czts thin-film solar cell, zinc tin oxide (zto), cadmium sulphate, morphological. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored), november 8-9, 2022, bangi, malaysia. 119-125.
muhamad azuddin hassan, mohd ambri mohamed, huda abdullah, iskandar yahya. (2021). effect of channel length on single walled carbon nanotubes thin film characteristics deposited via spray coating technique. - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 169-172.
iskandar yahya, muhamad azuddin hassan, seri mastura mustaza, huda abdullah, s. k. clowes, s. ravi p. silva. (2021). the influence of growth method towards carbon nanotube field effect transistor performance. - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 149-152.
a.n. jannah, s.a. halim, h. abdullah. (2020). surface morphology studies on laser irradiated target and bi(pb)srcacuo thin films. - materials science forum- the icnne 2019 conference proceedings. 89-93.
haliza othman, nur arzilah ismail, fazila hanim hashim, huda abdullah. (2019). pengukuran rasch dalam penilaian hasil pembelajaran pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 38.
iskandar yahya, seri mastura mustaza huda abdullah. (2019). transparent conducting films. - . 19.
ab. samad kechot, mohamed anwar omar din, azhar abdul latif, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2016). teknologi di alam melayu. - . Bab 1 : 23 - 34.
abdul samad kechot, daeng haliza daeng jamal, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2015). ensiklopedia kejuruteraan alam melayu. - . 211-215.
haliza othman, nur arzilah ismail, fazila hanim hashim, huda abdullah. (2019). pengukuran rasch dalam penilaian hasil pembelajaran pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 38.
iskandar yahya, seri mastura mustaza huda abdullah. (2019). transparent conducting films. - . 19.
ab. samad kechot, mohamed anwar omar din, azhar abdul latiff, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2016). teknologi di alam melayu. - . 11.
ab. samad kechot, mohamed anwar omar din, azhar abdul latif, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2016). teknologi di alam melayu. - . Bab 1 : 23 - 34.
abdul samad kechot, daeng haliza daeng jamal, huda abdullah & mohd zaki nuawi. (2015). ensiklopedia kejuruteraan alam melayu. - . 211-215.
mariyam jameelah ghazali, baba md deros, badariah bais, dzuraidah abd wahab, fatihah suja`, huda abdullah, jamaliah md jahim. (2008). proceedings of engineering postgraduate conference 2008. - . 74.
huda abdullah;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;masturah binti markom;md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). solution-processed zto (zinc-tin-oxide) as an alternative czts solar cell buffer layer. - . .
farah ayuni binti mohd hatta;huda abdullah;mohd izhar ariff bin mohd kashim;nazrul anuar bin nayan;wardah binti mustafa din;razanah binti ramya @ abd rahim. (2024). impact of carotenoids active ingredient functional groups towards chromaticity stability in pla-carotenoids as potential intelligent packaging indicator. - . .
huda abdullah;siti masrinda bt. tasirin;masturah binti markom;iskandar bin yahya. (2022). metal oxide thin film based flexible dssc incorporate with gel polymer electrolyte. - . .
kaliswaran a/l ganesan, noorfazila kamal, huda abdullah. (2021). design of portable biosensor reader for leptospira detection. - prosiding prasiswazah 2021(1). 28-39.
huda abdullah;norliza binti abd rahman;nor yuliana binti yuhana;iskandar bin yahya. (2021). fabrication of pani doped with metal alloys (fe, al, ni,mn,co,pd, pt) based electrochemical biosensor irradiated with gamma ray for leptospira detection application. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |