pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)
Pensyarah di Pusat Penuaan Sihat dan Kesejahteraan, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Meminati bidang penyelidikan berkaitan gaya hidup dan kesihatan DNA dan aktif dalam penyelidikan berkaitan pemakanan dan genetik serta pemakanan dan toksikologi.
Passionate researcher, active lecturer. Teaching and researching in lifestyle and genome health, also in food and toxicology. OECD GLP laboratory director in Malaysia.
chenxi xie, xiaopei hao, hao yuan, chongyu wang, razinah sharif, haibo yu. (2024). crosstalk between circrna and tumor microenvironment of hepatocellular carcinoma: mechanism, function and applications. - oncotargets and therapy. 7-26.
theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2024). effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - international dairy journal. 1-9.
razinah sharif, ooi theng choon. (2024). understanding exposomes and its relation with cancer risk in malaysia based on epidemiological evidence: a narrative review. - genes and environment. 1-10.
nur mahirah amani mohammad, , mohd razif shahril, suzana shahar & razinah sharif. (2023). identification of empirically derived dietary patterns associated with colorectal cancer and adenoma. - 28th malaysian dietitians' association national conference 2023. 1.
mohamed s zulfarina, razinah sharif, ahmad mohd sharkawi, sabarul afian mokhtar, ahmad nazrun shuid and isa naina mohamed. (2023). quality of energy intake in malaysian adolescents: prevalence, characteristics, determinants and impact of implausible reporters. - public health nutrition. 122-133.
theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2024). effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - international dairy journal. 1-9.
chenxi xie, xiaopei hao, hao yuan, chongyu wang, razinah sharif, haibo yu. (2024). crosstalk between circrna and tumor microenvironment of hepatocellular carcinoma: mechanism, function and applications. - oncotargets and therapy. 7-26.
ooi theng choon, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2023). the effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplementation on the expression levels of pro-inflammatory mediators and metabolic changes among older adults: findings from the biomarkers and untargeted metabolomic analysis. - nutrients. 1-15.
mohamed s zulfarina, razinah sharif, ahmad mohd sharkawi, sabarul afian mokhtar, ahmad nazrun shuid and isa naina mohamed. (2023). quality of energy intake in malaysian adolescents: prevalence, characteristics, determinants and impact of implausible reporters. - public health nutrition. 122-133.
mohd razif shahril, tubanur irfan unal, jyh eiin wong, razinah sharif, denise koh, shoo thien lee, bee koon poh. (2023). results from the malaysia 2022 report card on physical activity for children and adolescents. - journal of exercise science & fitness. 88-94.
razinah sharif, ooi theng choon. (2024). understanding exposomes and its relation with cancer risk in malaysia based on epidemiological evidence: a narrative review. - genes and environment. 1-10.
theng choon ooi, devinder kaur ajit singh, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab razinah sharif. (2022). reply to the comments on "higher levels of lead and aluminium are associated with increased risk of falls among community-dwelling older adults: an 18-month follow-up study". - geriatrics and gerontology international. 183-185.
razinah sharif, suzana shahar, nor fadilah rajab & michael fenech. (2022). dietary pattern, genomic stability and relative cancer risk in asian food landscape. - nutrition and cancer. 1171-1187.
razinah sharif, yau jia xin, nor hidayah abdul hamid, nur mahirah amani mohammad, suzana shahar & raja affendi raja ali. (2022). dietary risk factors and odds of colorectal adenoma in malaysia: a case-control study. - nutrition and cancer. 2757-2768.
theng choon ooi, kok meng chan, razinah sharif. (2020). protective effects of zinc l-carnosine against hydrogen peroxide-induced dna damage and micronucleus formation in ccd-18co human colon fibroblast cells. - free radical research. 330-340.
theng choon ooi, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2024). effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplement among older adults: a randomised, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. - international dairy journal. 1-9.
razinah sharif, ooi theng choon. (2024). understanding exposomes and its relation with cancer risk in malaysia based on epidemiological evidence: a narrative review. - genes and environment. 1-10.
chenxi xie, xiaopei hao, hao yuan, chongyu wang, razinah sharif, haibo yu. (2024). crosstalk between circrna and tumor microenvironment of hepatocellular carcinoma: mechanism, function and applications. - oncotargets and therapy. 7-26.
ooi theng choon, azizan ahmad, nor fadilah rajab, razinah sharif. (2023). the effects of 12 weeks colostrum milk supplementation on the expression levels of pro-inflammatory mediators and metabolic changes among older adults: findings from the biomarkers and untargeted metabolomic analysis. - nutrients. 1-15.
mohamed s zulfarina, razinah sharif, ahmad mohd sharkawi, sabarul afian mokhtar, ahmad nazrun shuid and isa naina mohamed. (2023). quality of energy intake in malaysian adolescents: prevalence, characteristics, determinants and impact of implausible reporters. - public health nutrition. 122-133.
wan syafira ishak, hanis mastura yahya, razinah shariff. (2023). covid-19 dan warga emas. - . 124.
razinah sharif. (2022). misteri makanan dan kanser. - . 172.
razinah sharif, nor fadilah rajab, suzana shahar, asheila ak meramat. (2021). rahsia penuaan sihat: amalan berpuasa dan penanda biokimia. - . 145.
razinah sharif, nor fadilah rajab. malisanurhidayu yaacob. (2020). kelulut: antioksidan dan tekanan oksidatif. - . 106.
razinah sharif. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 30.
razinah sharif. (2023). covid-19 dan warga emas. - . 14.
razinah sharif. (2023). covid-19 dan warga emas. - . 4.
razinah sharif, wan syafira ishak. (2023). covid-19 dan warga emas. - . 12.
razinah binti sharif @ mohd sharif, noor hazfalinda binti hamzah. (2023). covid-19: anda tanya, kami jawab. - . 3.
razinah binti sharif @ mohd sharif. (2023). covid-19: anda tanya, kami jawab. - . 15.
wan syafira ishak, hanis mastura yahya, razinah shariff. (2023). covid-19 dan warga emas. - . 124.
razinah sharif, noor hazfalinda hamzah. (2023). covid19: anda tanya kami jawab. - . 328.
razinah sharif, nor kamaliana khamis, zurina mahadi. (2022). pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: cabaran, strategi dan peluang. - . 167.
razinah sharif. (2022). misteri makanan dan kanser. - . 172.
razinah sharif, nor kamaliana khamis, zurina mahadi. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
nurdina afiqah z and razinah sharif. (2023). the relationship between nutritional status and dna damage in women experiencing infertility in malaysia. - nutrition society malaysia 38th scientific conference. 93-94.
razinah sharif. (2023). berbaloikah susu kolostrum untuk kesihatan. - dewan kosmik. 28-30.
nur afifah mursyida zaujan, mohd razif shahril, suzana shahar, ezanee azlina mohamad hanif, azizi abdullah, rohaizak muhammad, razinah sharif, ponnusamy subramaniam, michael fenech. (2023). breast cancer survivors are more physically active compared to healthy women: preliminary findings from c*star (cancer survivors trajectories of aging research) study. - maso scientific conference on obesity 2023. 101.
nur mahirah amani mohammad, , mohd razif shahril, suzana shahar & razinah sharif. (2023). identification of empirically derived dietary patterns associated with colorectal cancer and adenoma. - 28th malaysian dietitians' association national conference 2023. 1.
nor azian abdul murad, nor azila muhammad azami, saiful effendi syafruddin, & razinah sharif. (2022). corona id 1.0 - pemerkasaan literasi kesihatan terhadap pelajar sekolah semasa era pandemik covid19. - knovasi kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 88.9% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |