pensyarah universiti
jabatan biokimia
Dr. Khaizurin ialah pensyarah kanan di Jabatan Biokimia di Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), yang terletak di kampus Kuala Lumpur. Beliau memperoleh ijazah sarjana muda dalam bidang Biokimia dari Universiti Putra Malaysia (2003). Pada tahun 2006, beliau menamatkan pengajian Master Sains (Kajian Mekanisme Dadah) di bawah penyeliaan Profesor Dr. Daud Ahmad Israf Ali dari universiti yang sama. Dr. Khaizurin menerima Ph.D. dalam Biologi Sistem dari Universiti Warwick, United Kingdom pada tahun 2013 di bawah penyeliaan Profesor John McCarthy.
Kajian Dr. Khaizurin kini tertumpu kepada menggunakan yis Saccharomyces cerevisiae sebagai model untuk mengkaji tekanan oksidatif dan penuaan, serta mengkaji sifat biokimia ekstrak Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Minat beliau yang lain adalah dalam kajian mengenai radang (inflamasi), terbukti oleh keahliannya dalam kumpulan Kajian Penuaan dan Penyakit Degeneratif (Kluster Penjagaan Kesihatan Komuniti) dan Kajian Sepsis (MySepsis) (Kluster Jangkitan & Imuniti) di dalam fakulti.
Dr. Khaizurin is a senior lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), located in Kuala Lumpur campus. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from Universiti Putra Malaysia (2003). In 2006 she completed her Masters in Science (Drug Mechanism Studies) under the supervision of Professor Dr. Daud Ahmad Israf Ali from the same university. Dr. Khaizurin received her Ph.D. in Systems Biology from the University of Warwick, the United Kingdom in 2013 under the supervision of Professor John McCarthy.
Dr. Khaizurin`s research is currently focusing on utilizing the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model to study oxidative stress and aging. as well as investigating the biochemical properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae crude extract. Her other interest is inflammation studies, hence depicted by her being a member of both Ageing and Degenerative Diseases (Community Healthcare Cluster) and Sepsis Research (MySepsis) (Infection & Immunity Cluster) groups, in the faculty.
siti bazilah zulkefli, khaizurin tajul arifin, goon jo aan. (2023). current measures of healthspan in aging. - international journal of biochemistry & physiology. 1-19.
siva shantini jayashankar, khaizurin tajul arifin and muhammad luqman nasaruddin. (2023). b-hydroxybutyrate regulates activated microglia to alleviate neurodegenerative processes in neurological diseases: a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-14.
khaizurin tajul arifin, tan toh leong. (2022). it is tea time. - the health newspaper, malaysia. 18.
khaizurin tajul arifin, wan junizam wan yusof. (2022). panduan pengukuran status oksidatif. - . 5.
aneeza khairiyah binti wan hamizan;farah dayana binti zahedi;khaizurin binti tajul arifin;salina binti husain. (2022). the clinical usefulness of nasal brushings for dust mite induced allergic rhinitis. - . .
siva shantini jayashankar, khaizurin tajul arifin and muhammad luqman nasaruddin. (2023). b-hydroxybutyrate regulates activated microglia to alleviate neurodegenerative processes in neurological diseases: a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-14.
muhammad luqman nasaruddin and khaizurin tajul arifin. (2021). application of metabolomics in the study of starvation-induced autophagy in saccharomyces cerevisiae: a scoping review. - journal of fungi. 1-16.
toh leong tan, christabel wan-li kang, kai shen ooi, swee thian tan, nurul saadah ahmad, dian nasriana nasuruddin, azlin ithnin, khaizurin tajul arifin, yook heng lee, nurul izzaty hassan, kok beng gan, hui-min neoh. (2021). comparison of spla2-iia performance with high-sensitive crp, neutrophil percentage, pct and lactate to identify bacterial infection: a prospective study. - scientific reports. 1-9.
nurul saadah ahmad, toh leong tan, khaizurin tajul arifin, wan zurinah wan ngah, yasmin anum mohd yusof. (2020). high spla2-iia level is associated with eicosanoid metabolism in patients with bacterial sepsis syndrome. - plos one. 1-13.
nik nurhanan nik mansor, tan toh leong, eka safitri, dedi futra, nurul saadah ahmad, dian nasriana nasuruddin, azlin itnin, ida zarina zaini, khaizurin tajul arifin, lee yook heng and nurul izzaty hassan. (2018). an amperometric biosensor for the determination of bacterial sepsis biomarker, secretory phospholipase group 2-iia using a tri-enzyme system. - sensors. 1-15.
khaizurin tajul arifin, noor ikhwan shansuddin, norwahidah abdul karim & suzana makpol. (2022). hot water extract from saccharomyces cerevisiae scavenges dpph and reduces senescence associated b-galactosidase (sa-b-gal) in human dermal fibroblasts. - sains malaysiana. 2415-2424.
khaizurin tajul arifin, tuan sheng goh, muhammed whisz qr, blitzer bm, saidatul akmaliah a, nurliza aj, pei jia l, rachael shristi w. (2019). tocotrienol-rich fraction (trf) improves the viability of wild-type saccharomyces cerevisiae in the initial stationary phase. - medicine & health. 106-117.
ikhwan ns, suzana m, norwahidah ak, khaizurin ta. (2018). hot water extract of saccharomyces cerevisiae enhibits antioxidant acticity. - medicine and health. .
nurul saadah a, toh leong t, khaizurin ta, wan zurinah wn, yasmin anum my. (2018). secretory phospholipase a2 group iia (spla2-iia) triggers eicosanoid pathway in bacterial sepsis model using u937 cell. - medicine and health. .
l.w. durani, f. jaafar, j. k. tan, k. tajul arifin, y.a. mohd yusof, w.z wan ngah, s. makpol. (2015). targeting genes in insulin-associated signalling pathway, dna damage, cell proliferation and cell differentiation pathways by tocotrienol-rich fraction in preventing cellular senescence of ........... - clinica terapeutica. e365-373.
siva shantini jayashankar, khaizurin tajul arifin and muhammad luqman nasaruddin. (2023). b-hydroxybutyrate regulates activated microglia to alleviate neurodegenerative processes in neurological diseases: a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-14.
khaizurin tajul arifin, noor ikhwan shansuddin, norwahidah abdul karim & suzana makpol. (2022). hot water extract from saccharomyces cerevisiae scavenges dpph and reduces senescence associated b-galactosidase (sa-b-gal) in human dermal fibroblasts. - sains malaysiana. 2415-2424.
muhammad luqman nasaruddin and khaizurin tajul arifin. (2021). application of metabolomics in the study of starvation-induced autophagy in saccharomyces cerevisiae: a scoping review. - journal of fungi. 1-16.
toh leong tan, christabel wan-li kang, kai shen ooi, swee thian tan, nurul saadah ahmad, dian nasriana nasuruddin, azlin ithnin, khaizurin tajul arifin, yook heng lee, nurul izzaty hassan, kok beng gan, hui-min neoh. (2021). comparison of spla2-iia performance with high-sensitive crp, neutrophil percentage, pct and lactate to identify bacterial infection: a prospective study. - scientific reports. 1-9.
nurul saadah ahmad, toh leong tan, khaizurin tajul arifin, wan zurinah wan ngah, yasmin anum mohd yusof. (2020). high spla2-iia level is associated with eicosanoid metabolism in patients with bacterial sepsis syndrome. - plos one. 1-13.
khaizurin tajul arifin, wan junizam wan yusof. (2022). panduan pengukuran status oksidatif. - . 5.
nurul saadah ahmad, tan toh leong, khaizurin tajul arifin. (2021). fungsi & kepentingan enzim fosfolipase a2 kumpulan iia rembesan (spla2-iia) dalam sepsis jangkitan bakteria. - . 95.
aneeza khairiyah binti wan hamizan;farah dayana binti zahedi;khaizurin binti tajul arifin;salina binti husain. (2022). the clinical usefulness of nasal brushings for dust mite induced allergic rhinitis. - . .
khaizurin tajul arifin, tan toh leong. (2022). it is tea time. - the health newspaper, malaysia. 18.
livesh balasubramaniam, norsuhaida ali, farah aina saiful azli, vivian chin enrou, adi muhammad iqbal shah zarin, khaizurin tajul arifin. (2021). presence of beta glucan and antioxidant activity in saccharomyces cerevisiae hot water extract. - 13th muasrm: medical research: challenges & resilience during a pandemic. 25.
khaizurin binti tajul arifin;suzana binti makpol. (2020). the mechanism of antiaging effect of saccharomyces cerevisiae (sc) extract on aged human dermal fibroblasts. - . .
noor ikhwan shansudin, norwahidah abdul karim, suzana makpol, khaizurin tajul arifin. (2019). free radical scavenging and senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (sa-b-gal) reduction by hot water saccharomyces cerevisiae extract. - 30th national scientific conference. 45.
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