pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian media & komunikasi (mention)
Dr Jamaluddin Aziz is an associate professor in Critical Media Studies. His areas of research interest include gender, culture, film and media discourses. He is currently the chief editor of AKADEMIKA Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities and a sub-editor for GEMA, an online journal on language studies, UKM. He was appointed as a gender expert for the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development in 2015 and has trained women leaders and netpreneurs as part of his advocacy.
jamaluddin aziz. (2024). older women rejoining workforce. - the star. 1-2.
meilian jiang, abdul latiff ahmad, jamaluddin aziz. (2024). new media and cross-cultural adaptation: a bibliometric analysis using vosviewer. - e-bangi. 273-285.
jamaluddin aziz. (2024). interactive: women rejoining the workforce need a better deal. - the star. 1-7.
jamaluddin bin aziz; holger briel. (2024). visual hate speech and its discontents: young adult chinese and malaysians' perception and attitude towards visual hate speech. - international journal of communication. 27-47.
jamaluddin aziz. (2023). interactive: optimising diaper duty leave for malaysian dads. - the star. 1-14.
jamaluddin aziz. (2020). woman filmmaking in a malay muslim construct: a critical appraisal of shuhaimi baba's oeuvre. - feminist media studies. 1298-1301.
jamaluddin bin aziz; holger briel. (2024). visual hate speech and its discontents: young adult chinese and malaysians' perception and attitude towards visual hate speech. - international journal of communication. 27-47.
jamaluddin aziz. (2019). retrieving trends and issues of penyiaran/broadcasting in malaysian parliamentary debates from 1957 to 2018: a culturomics approach. - jurnal komunikasi, malaysian journal of communication. 172-192.
jamaluddin aziz. (2019). exploring gender issues associated with wanita/woman and perempuan/woman in malaysian parliamentary debates: a culturomic approach. - gema online journal of language studies. 278-303.
norhayati hamzah, jamaluddin aziz. (2019). historical and didactic themes in bustan al-salatin by nur al-din alraniri: a study based on book i-book iv. - jurnal al-tamaddun. 117-142.
mohd helmi yusoh, jamaluddin aziz. (2018). pemerkasaan watak wanita dalam filem berunsurkan islam: kajian kes ketika cinta bertasbih. - gema online journal of language studies. 140-160.
jamaluddin bin aziz; holger briel. (2024). visual hate speech and its discontents: young adult chinese and malaysians' perception and attitude towards visual hate speech. - international journal of communication. 27-47.
balqis aini mustafa, abdul latiff ahmad, jamaluddin aziz, andika ab. wahab. (2023). komunikasi antarabudaya pelarian rohingya di malaysia: peranan pekerjaan dan pendidikan dalam akulturasi dan integrasi. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 194-209.
jamaluddin aziz, jamila mohd, norhayati hamzah, abdulhamid badru. (2023). push!: exploring the myth of childbirth in malay films. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 270-283.
nor fariza mohd nor, tasha erina taufek, azhar jaludin, jamaluddin aziz, lam kuok choy, sabrina tiun. (2023). a corpus assisted discourse analysis case study of public opinion on climate change in malaysia. - gema online® journal of language studies. 34-55.
jamaluddin aziz, fuzirah hashim. (2022). exploring global decolonising projects and english studies in the 21st century: a thematic analysis. - gema online: journal of language studies. 128-140.
jamaluddin aziz, norizan abdul razak. (2010). developing digital literacy among women entrepreneurs. - the international conference on arts and culture (icac `10) : recent researches in mechanics, transportation and culture. .
jamaluddin aziz, norizan abdul razak, jalaluddin abdul malek, nor fariza m. n., zaini amir. (2009). community broadband: towards education for all. - education and educational technology (edu `09) - recent advances in education and educational technology / university of genova, genova, italy. .
nor fariza mohd nor, norizan razak, jamaluddin aziz. (2009). promoting e-learning: constructing knowledge through collaborative learning. - 8th wseas international conference on e-activities (e-activities `09) / 8th wseas international conference on information security and privacy (isp `09). .
jamaluddin aziz. (2009). bridging digital divide: malaysian experience in building a portal for children. - proceedings 2009 2nd international conference on computer science and information technology (iccsit2009). .
jalaluddin abdul malek, norizan abdul razak, jamaluddin aziz, nor fariza mohd nor, zaini amir. (2009). the digital social impact in ict literacy program for rural community. - 8th wseas international conference on e-activities (e-activities `09) / 8th wseas international conference on information security and privacy (isp `09). .
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 15.
jamaluddin aziz, nor fariza mohd nor. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 17.
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 138.
azuraliza abu bakar, ruzy suliza hashim, jamaluddin aziz, mohd helmie langmeri & shahrum yusof. (2021). kajian sains data dalam analitik kesejahteraan rakyat. - . 28.
nor fariza mohd nor & jamaluddin aziz. (2016). linguistik terapan dalam penyelidikan bahasa. - . 31.
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 15.
jamaluddin aziz, nor fariza mohd nor. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 17.
balqis aini mustafa, abdul latiff ahmad, jamaluddin aziz. (2022). reimagining refugee integration, realizing sustainable development goals: progress and bariers in malaysia, indonesia, thailand and japan. - . 12.
azuraliza abu bakar, ruzy suliza hashim, jamaluddin aziz, mohd helmie langmeri & shahrum yusof. (2021). kajian sains data dalam analitik kesejahteraan rakyat. - . 28.
jamaluddin aziz. (2018). overview of women's and gender studies in malaysia. - . 7.
nor fariza mohd nor, jamaluddin aziz. (2023). understanding culturomics. - . 138.
jamaluddin aziz. (2012). transgressing women: space and the body in contemporary noir thrillers. - . 329.
omar yusoff dan jamaluddin aziz. (2010). jawi peranakan di pulau pinang. - . 159.
jamaluddin aziz. (2024). interactive: women rejoining the workforce need a better deal. - the star. 1-7.
jamaluddin aziz. (2024). older women rejoining workforce. - the star. 1-2.
jamaluddin aziz. (2023). interactive: the need to enable and empower working mothers. - the star. 1-13.
jamaluddin aziz. (2023). ruang bicara:wartawan perdana vs pemberita warga. - bernama. .
jamaluddin aziz. (2023). teknik dan kemahiran berkomunikasi untuk pemimpin wanita. - . 1-12.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
CONSTRUCTING RIDA-RESPONSIVE SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES FOR ISLAMIC ECOTOURISM IN SARAWAK | kementerian pelancongan, seni dan budaya (motac) | 19.8% (2025-01-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |