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jabatan kejuruteraan kimia & proses
Nor Yuliana Yuhana. BEng (Hons) in Chemical Engineering (Sheffield, UK), MEng in Advanced Technology in Petrochemicals, Polymer & Plastics (McGill Canada & Institut Francais du Petrole, France), PhD in Material Science (UKM Malaysia), Chartered Engineer (Engineering Council, UK) and Professional Engineer (BEM, Malaysia). She is a Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She is currently working on plastic recycling and ternary nanocomposite systems. Her interests are in sustainability aspect of plastic, and processing-structure-property relationship of polymer blends and composites, phase separation in polymer blends, and also in the barrier and thermal properties of polymer. Besides research, she is a travel lover.
nasuha mohamad nasrol, noorashikin md saleh, tanusha devi elan solan, nor yuliana yuhana, farhanini yusoff, saliza asman. (2024). adsorption of heavy metal from wastewater by bioabsorbent modified azolla microphylla and lemna minor. - sains malaysiana. 1167-1183.
noor hafizah abdul halim, engku zaharah engku zawawi, nor yuliana yuhana and noor najmi bonnia. (2023). effects of bamboo charcoal addition on the mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid)/polypropylene blend nanocomposites. - malaysian journal of microscopy. 350-360.
noor hafizah abd halim; ahmad zafir romli; nor yuliana yuhana; engku zaharah engku zawawi. (2023). studies on the properties of different blending ratios of polypropylene and poly-lactide acid blends. - aip conference proceedings. 1-5.
nur izzah binti ahmad juanda, noorashikin md saleh, nor yuliana yuhana, saliza asman, farhanini yusoff. (2023). analysis of methylphenol concentration in selangor, malaysia rivers using solid phase extraction technique coupled with uv vis spectroscopy. - sains malaysiana. 1435-1450.
ang wei lun;abdul wahab bin mohammad;nor yuliana binti yuhana. (2023). synthesis of thin film composite membrane with enhanced water permeability and rejection capability for desalination and water reclamation. - . .
masrianis ahmad, huda abdullah, nor yuliana yuhana, brian yuliarto, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman. (2022). enhanced photovoltaic performance of various temperature tio2-sio2-ni-go dye-sensitized solar cells assembled with pan gel electrolyte. - journal of sol-gel science and technology. 269-278.
zainab fakhri merzah, sokina fakhry, tyser gaaz allami, nor yuliana yuhana, ahmed alamiery. (2022). enhancement of the properties of hybridizing epoxy and nanoclay for mechanical, industrial, and biomedical applications. - polymers. 1-16.
ferial ghaemi, amirhassan amiri, mohd yazid bajuri, nor yuliana yuhana, massimiliano ferrara. (2021). corrigendum to "role of different types of nanomaterials against diagnosis, prevention and therapy of covid-19" [sustainable cities and society 72 (2021) 103,046]. - sustainable cities and society. 1-2.
ferial ghaemi, amirhassan amiri, mohd yazid bajuri, nor yuliana yuhana, massimiliano ferrara. (2021). role of different types of nanomaterials against diagnosis, prevention and therapy of covid-19. - sustainable cities and society. 1-22.
shabbah begum, nor yuliana yuhana, noorashikin md saleh, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, abu bakar sulong. (2021). review of chitosan composite as a heavy metal adsorbent: material preparation and properties. - carbohydrate polymers. 1-9.
nasuha mohamad nasrol, noorashikin md saleh, tanusha devi elan solan, nor yuliana yuhana, farhanini yusoff, saliza asman. (2024). adsorption of heavy metal from wastewater by bioabsorbent modified azolla microphylla and lemna minor. - sains malaysiana. 1167-1183.
h. abdullah, savisha mahalingam, n. h. azami, siti khairani bejo, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, brian yuliarto, iskandar yahya, abreeza manap, s. fatihah, norliza abd rahman, nor yuliana yuhana, jian xian kang. (2023). characterization of polyanilineagrgo nanocomposites for saprophytic and pathogenic leptospira bacteria detection in water. - polymer bulletin. 2713-2718.
nur izzah binti ahmad juanda, noorashikin md saleh, nor yuliana yuhana, saliza asman, farhanini yusoff. (2023). analysis of methylphenol concentration in selangor, malaysia rivers using solid phase extraction technique coupled with uv vis spectroscopy. - sains malaysiana. 1435-1450.
vishantini tangavaloo, nor yuliana yuhana, yu lih jiun. (2021). production and properties of natural rubber glove using sustainable benign accelerator. - progress in rubber plastics and recycling technology. 340-353.
ho dany, wong whui dhong, koh weng jiat, tan kiant leong, nor yuliana yuhana, gilbert tan. (2021). deodorizing methods for recycled high-density polyethylene plastic wastes. - materiale plastice. 129-136.
nasuha mohamad nasrol, noorashikin md saleh, tanusha devi elan solan, nor yuliana yuhana, farhanini yusoff, saliza asman. (2024). adsorption of heavy metal from wastewater by bioabsorbent modified azolla microphylla and lemna minor. - sains malaysiana. 1167-1183.
noor hafizah abdul halim, engku zaharah engku zawawi, nor yuliana yuhana and noor najmi bonnia. (2023). effects of bamboo charcoal addition on the mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid)/polypropylene blend nanocomposites. - malaysian journal of microscopy. 350-360.
nur izzah binti ahmad juanda, noorashikin md saleh, nor yuliana yuhana, saliza asman, farhanini yusoff. (2023). analysis of methylphenol concentration in selangor, malaysia rivers using solid phase extraction technique coupled with uv vis spectroscopy. - sains malaysiana. 1435-1450.
zainab fakhri merzah, sokina fakhry, tyser gaaz allami, nor yuliana yuhana, ahmed alamiery. (2022). enhancement of the properties of hybridizing epoxy and nanoclay for mechanical, industrial, and biomedical applications. - polymers. 1-16.
masrianis ahmad, huda abdullah, nor yuliana yuhana, brian yuliarto, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman. (2022). enhanced photovoltaic performance of various temperature tio2-sio2-ni-go dye-sensitized solar cells assembled with pan gel electrolyte. - journal of sol-gel science and technology. 269-278.
noor hafizah abd halim; ahmad zafir romli; nor yuliana yuhana; engku zaharah engku zawawi. (2023). studies on the properties of different blending ratios of polypropylene and poly-lactide acid blends. - aip conference proceedings. 1-5.
pi yeap, ny yuhana, s fariz, mz otoh. (2020). temperature on on the mechanical, thermal and barrier property of polyurethane. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-10.
qy lai, ny yuhana, s fariz, mz otoh. (2020). the mechanical and thermal properties of polyurethanes/precipitated calcium carbonate composites. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-11.
noor hafizah abdul halim, engku zaharah engku zawawi, ahmad zafir romli, rozana mohd dahan, nor yuliana yuhana. (2020). influence of organoclay on behaviour of polylactic acid (pla)/polypropylene (pp) blend. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-7.
nishata royan rajendran royan, abu bakar sulong, nor yuliana yuhana mohd, hafizuddin ab ghani & sahrim ahmad. (2016). effect of uv/o3 modified rh on the tensile properties of rhdpe/rh composite. - proceedings of international conference on advanced processes and systems in manufacturing (apsim 2016). .
nor yuliana yuhana, nadhratun naiim mobarak, farah hannan anuar & azizah baharum. (2022). modul 5r plastik & kelestarian alam sekitar. - . 10.
nor yuliana yuhana. (2022). plastic waste issues : what other countries do?. - . 120.
irfana kabir ahmad, nurul' ain ab jalil, noor hasyimah rosman, nadhratun naim mobarak, farah hannan anuar, azizah baharom, nor yuliana yuhana, nurul aqilah mohd zaini, akmal mahazar. (2022). modul 5r: plastik dan kelestarian alam sekitar. - . 33.
n. y. yuhana. (2017). handbook of epoxy blends. - . 32.
nor yuliana yuhana, nadhratun naiim mobarak, farah hannan anuar & azizah baharum. (2022). modul 5r plastik & kelestarian alam sekitar. - . 10.
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, nor yuliana yuhana, mohd shabudin mastar@masdar, mohd zulhaziman, shuhaida harun, siti kartom kamaruddin. (2022). pembangunan produk dan rekabentuk siri 7. - . 11.
irfana kabir ahmad, nurul' ain ab jalil, noor hasyimah rosman, nadhratun naim mobarak, farah hannan anuar, azizah baharom, nor yuliana yuhana, nurul aqilah mohd zaini, akmal mahazar. (2022). modul 5r: plastik dan kelestarian alam sekitar. - . 33.
n. y. yuhana. (2017). handbook of epoxy blends. - . 32.
nor yuliana yuhana. (2022). plastic waste issues : what other countries do?. - . 120.
ang wei lun;abdul wahab bin mohammad;nor yuliana binti yuhana. (2023). synthesis of thin film composite membrane with enhanced water permeability and rejection capability for desalination and water reclamation. - . .
mohd shaiful bin sajab;mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;masli irwan bin rosli;shuhaida binti harun;nor yuliana binti yuhana;peer mohamed. (2023). translational education through industrial design and prototyping facility. - . .
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, nor yuliana yuhana & masli irwan rosli. (2023). meningkatkan kompetensi teknikal dan simulasi melalui projek kursus kawalan proses lanjutan. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan 2023, peka. 1-3.
muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, yuliana yuhana, mohd shahbudin mastar@masdar, nur tantiyani ali othman. (2023). sustainable development goals (sdgs) principles in chemical plant design evaluation for final year undergraduate students. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023. 1-3.
peer mohamed;jamaliah binti md jahim;nor yuliana binti yuhana. (2022). polymeric scaffolding of granular activated carbon immobilized bacteria via hot melt extrusion. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTINUOUS CO2 MINERAL CARBONATION PROCESS | petronas research sdn bhd | 65.8% (2021-04-01 sehingga 2027-03-31) |