pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian media & komunikasi (mention)
Arina Anis Azlan is a lecturer at the Centre for Research in Media and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her research interests are
in health communication, information management and communicative behaviour
among publics. She is currently involved in several research projects focusing on health communication and strategic communication to publics.
azlizan mat enh, andika wahab, arina anis azlan, kartini aboo talib, andi muhammad tri sakti, fazal mohamed mohamed sultan. (2024). life experiences and cultural adaptation among migrant workers in malaysia. - comparative migration studies. 1-22.
shariffah mamat, wan amizah wan mahmud, arina anis azlan, asyraf afthanorhan. (2023). developing a model for the security of malaysian youth privacy data: myprotect. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 360-374.
shariffah mamat, wan amizah wan mahmud, arina anis azlan. (2023). the influence of protection motivation to protect the security of personal data among youth. - asia pacific journal of youth studies. 95-114.
arina anis azlan, hazwani damanhuri, mohammad rezal hamzah, hafizah pasi, emma mohamad. (2023). attitudes toward plasmodium knowlesi malaria prevention behaviours among at-risk communities and health district officers efforts and challenges in promoting these behaviours: an elicitation study in peninsular malaysia. - jurnal komunikasi malaysian journal of communication. 269-292.
shariffah mamat, wan amizah wan mahmud, arina anis azlan. (2023). security threats to privacy data of malaysian youth's: online transaction and communication. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 336-352.
azlizan mat enh, andika wahab, arina anis azlan, kartini aboo talib, andi muhammad tri sakti, fazal mohamed mohamed sultan. (2024). life experiences and cultural adaptation among migrant workers in malaysia. - comparative migration studies. 1-22.
andi muhammad tri sakti, siti zaiton mohd ajis, arina anis azlan, hyung joon kim, elizabeth wong, emma mohamad. (2022). impact of covid-19 on school populations and associated factors: a systematic review. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-17.
emma mohamad, jen sern tham, siti zaiton mohd ajis, mohammad rezal hamzah, suffian hadi ayub, andi muhammad tri sakti, arina anis azlan. (2022). exposure to misinformation, risk perception, and confidence towards the government as factors influencing negative attitudes towards covid-19 vaccination in malaysia. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-20.
andi muhammad tri sakti, emma mohamad, arina anis azlan. (2021). mining of opinions on covid-19 large-scale social restrictions in indonesia: public sentiment and emotion analysis on online media. - journal of medical internet research. 1-9.
arina anis azlan, mohammad rezal hamzah, jen sern tham, suffian hadi ayub, abdul latiff ahmad, emma mohamad. (2021). associations between health literacy and sociodemographic factors: a cross-sectional study in malaysia utilising the hls-m-q18. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-11.
arina anis azlan. (2019). measures of ehealth literacy: options for the malaysian population. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 211-228.
arina anis azlan. (2019). communicating about inter-ethnic unity: an investigation on differences between youths of the three main ethnic groups in malaysia. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 1-17.
arina anis azlan, samsudin a rahim. (2017). situation complexity: delineating situational factors affecting individual communicative action in problem solving. - jurnal komunikasi. 242-260.
azlizan mat enh, andika wahab, arina anis azlan, kartini aboo talib, andi muhammad tri sakti, fazal mohamed mohamed sultan. (2024). life experiences and cultural adaptation among migrant workers in malaysia. - comparative migration studies. 1-22.
shariffah mamat, wan amizah wan mahmud, arina anis azlan. (2023). security threats to privacy data of malaysian youth's: online transaction and communication. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 336-352.
arina anis azlan, hazwani damanhuri, mohammad rezal hamzah, hafizah pasi, emma mohamad. (2023). attitudes toward plasmodium knowlesi malaria prevention behaviours among at-risk communities and health district officers efforts and challenges in promoting these behaviours: an elicitation study in peninsular malaysia. - jurnal komunikasi malaysian journal of communication. 269-292.
shariffah mamat, wan amizah wan mahmud, arina anis azlan, asyraf afthanorhan. (2023). developing a model for the security of malaysian youth privacy data: myprotect. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 360-374.
andi muhammad tri sakti, siti zaiton mohd ajis, arina anis azlan, hyung joon kim, elizabeth wong, emma mohamad. (2022). impact of covid-19 on school populations and associated factors: a systematic review. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-17.
wan idros wan sulaiman, maizatul haizan mahbob, arina anis azlan. (2011). learning outside the classroom : effects on student concentration and interest.. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia social and behavioral science). .
emily k. vraga, ullrich k. h. ecker, iris zezelj, aleksandra lazic, arina a. azlan. (2023). managing infodemics in the 21st century addressing new public health challenges in the information ecosystem. - . 14.
arina anis azlan. (2021). teori komunikasi dalam penyelidikan. - . 14.
ali salman, qurratul ain & arina anis azlan. (2018). impak media, komunikasi dan industri kreatif. - . 24.
emma mirza wati binti mohamad;abdul latiff bin ahmad;arina anis binti azlan;mohd helmi bin ali. (2023). leadership styles and strategies across malaysian universities. - . .
arina anis binti azlan;emma mirza wati binti mohamad. (2023). ehealth literacy among ethnics in malaysia. - . .
azmawati mohammed nawi, nur suhada ramli, mohd rohaizat hassan, noor azimah muhammad, faiz daud, wong zhiqin, muhamad izwan ismail, emma mirza wati mohamad, arina anis azlan. (2021). enhancing inter-professional collaboration in development of davoc© video for colorectal cancer screening awareness. - k-novasi 2021. 208-210.
junaidi awang besar, nik hairi omar, zurinah tahir, sharifah raihan syed jaafar, mohd. yuszaidy mohd. yusoff, muhd. norizam jamian & arina anis azlan. (2021). buku kompilasi kertas kerja persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda (persada) 2021 - tema 2. - persidangan kebangsaan sarjana muda 2021 (persada 2021). 1-289.
emma mirza wati binti mohamad;chong sheau tsuey;abdul latiff bin ahmad;sabariah binti mohamed salleh;arina anis binti azlan;shahrul nazmi bin sannusi. (2021). pembangunan indikator kesejahteraan lelaki pelbagai etnik di malaysia. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR CHANGE COMMUNICATION FOR HEALTH | the united nations international children’s emergency fund (unicef) | 68.3% (2023-06-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |
HEALTH, WELLNESS AND ENTREPRENEURIAL VALUES AMONG GEN-Z IN MALAYSIA | direct selling association of malaysia (dsam) | 11.7% (2025-02-26 sehingga 2025-05-14) |