pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Ir. Dr. Zambri Harun adalah Pengerusi, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan di Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Sebelum berkhidmat di UKM, beliau telah bekerja sebagai jurutera proses di Motorola (M) Sdn Bhd dan sebagai pengurus reka bentuk mekanikal dan elektrik untuk Projek Reka Bentuk, Pembinaan and Pentauliahan Gerbang Selatan Bersepadu (GSB). Beliau menerima ijazah BSc. dan MEng. dalam bidang kejuruteraan mekanikal dari Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), New York pada tahun 1997 dan 1998. PhD beliau dalam bidang gelora dari University of Melbourne. Beliau secara aktif menyelidik gelora, aplikasi mekanik bendalir dan tenaga boleh diperbaharui. Beliau juga menyelidik dan merupakan advokasi inisiatif kenderaan akhir hayat peringkat kebangsaan. Beliau mengetuai geran TRGS dalam bidang ini. Beliau telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 100 artikel dalam prosiding persidangan, jurnal serta bab dalam buku baik dalam bidang kejuruteraan atau pendidikan kejuruteraan. Beliau merupakan ketua penyelidik kumpulan gelora yang menghasilkan cerowong angin UKM yang dipanggil Pangkor Low Speed Wind Tunnel (PLSWT). Beliau adalah jurutera profesional yang berdaftar dengan Lembaga Jurutera dan ahli Institusi Jurutera, Malaysia and secara aktif terlibat dalam bidang perundingan secara persendirian dan merupakan panel penemuduga jurutera profesional.
Ir. Dr. Zambri Harun is the Chairman, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Prior to joining UKM, he worked as a process engineer at Motorola (M) Sdn Bhd and as a mechanical and electrical (M&E) design manager for the design, construction and commissioning of the Integrated Customs and Immigration Complex (ICIQ), Johor Bahru. He received BSc and MEng in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), New York in 1997 and 1998. His PhD is in turbulence flow from the University of Melbourne. He actively researches turbulence, the application of fluid mechanics and renewable energy. He also researches and also a national-level advocate in end of life vehicles (ELV) initiatives. He lead a TRGS grant in this field. He has published more than 100 articles in conference proceedings, journals as well as chapters in book / book either in the field of engineering or engineering education. He is the lead researcher of the turbulent group that produces the UKM wind tunnel called Pangkor Low Speed Wind Tunnel (PLSWT). He is a professional engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and a member of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia and is actively involved in the field of consulting privately and is board member of professional engineer examination.
zambri bin harun;firdaus bin mohamad hamzah;wan hanna melini binti wan mohtar;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani. (2025). influence of adverse flow conditions in multi-channel pump intake towards the effectiveness of anti-vortex device (avd). - . .
adhitya surya manggala, ervina ahyudanari, mokhamad nur cahyadi, agus budi raharjo, zambri harun and maria lea escantilla lebuna. (2024). optimization of land area mapping and volume calculations using drone lidar livox mid-40 data with the downsampling method. - bio web of conferences. 1-14.
muhammad umer khan mughal, khalid waheed, muhammad imran sadiq, altaf hossain molla, zambri harun, and amin etminan. (2024). water flow boiling in micro/mini channels using volume of fluid model. - applied sciences. 1-14.
noraini abdul malek, dzuraidah abd wahab, zambri harun, nurhasyimah abd aziz, abdul hadi azman, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2024). assessing cleaning in remanufacturing: a case study of shot blasting efficiency to alternator design. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 429-437.
hashimah hashim, muhamad yasir mohamad ribuang, puteri sarah mohamad saad, shafinaz sobihana shariffudin, and zambri harun. (2024). power control of solar cell voltage by using dc-dc boost converter. - 2024 ieee 4th international conference in power engineering applications (icpea). 69-73.
muhammad umer khan mughal, khalid waheed, muhammad imran sadiq, altaf hossain molla, zambri harun, and amin etminan. (2024). water flow boiling in micro/mini channels using volume of fluid model. - applied sciences. 1-14.
asmail a.m. abdalkarem, roaa ansaf, wan khairul muzammil, adnan ibrahim, zambri harun, ahmad fazlizan. (2023). preliminary assessment of the naca0021 trailing edge wedge for wind turbine application. - heliyon. 1-21.
muhammad syafiq sulaiman, dzuraidah abd wahab, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). preliminary study on end-of-life vehicles recycling rate for malaysia. - energy reports. 235-246.
razieh khaksari haddad, zambri harun. (2023). correction: haddad, r.k.; harun, z. development of a novel quantitative risk assessment tool for uk road tunnels. fire 2023, 6, 65. - fire. 1-2.
hilal shams, altaf hossain molla, mohd nizam ab rahman, hawa hishamuddin, zambri harun, nallapaneni manoj kumar. (2023). exploring industry-specific research themes on e-waste: a literature review. - sustainability. 1-22.
morteza khashehchi, zambri harun & yasser mahmoudi larimi. (2021). evolution of the invariants of the velocity gradient tensor in the developing region of a round jet using tomographic piv. - journal of turbulence. 640-655.
mahir faris abdullah, rozli zulkifli, hazim moria, asmaa soheil najm, zambri harun, shahrir abdullah, wan aizon wan ghopa, noor humam sulaiman. (2021). assessment of tio2 nanoconcentration and twin impingement jet of heat transfer enhancement-a statistical approach using response surface methodology. - energies. 1-29.
eslam reda lotfy and zambri harun. (2020). wind turbulence statistics of the atmospheric inertial sublayer under near-neutral conditions. - atmosphere. 1-15.
razieh. k. haddad, rozli zulkifli, cristian maluk and zambri harun. (2020). experimental investigation on the influences of different horizontal fire locations on smoke temperature stratification under tunnel ceiling. - journal of applied fluid mechanics. 1289-1298.
razieh khaksari haddad, cristian maluk, eslam reda dan zambri harun. (2019). critical velocity and backlayering conditions in rail tunnel fires: state-of-the-art review. - journal of combustion. 1-20.
muhammad umer khan mughal, khalid waheed, muhammad imran sadiq, altaf hossain molla, zambri harun, and amin etminan. (2024). water flow boiling in micro/mini channels using volume of fluid model. - applied sciences. 1-14.
asmail a.m. abdalkarem, roaa ansaf, wan khairul muzammil, adnan ibrahim, zambri harun, ahmad fazlizan. (2023). preliminary assessment of the naca0021 trailing edge wedge for wind turbine application. - heliyon. 1-21.
muhammad syafiq sulaiman, dzuraidah abd wahab, zambri harun, hawa hishamuddin, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). preliminary study on end-of-life vehicles recycling rate for malaysia. - energy reports. 235-246.
razieh khaksari haddad, zambri harun. (2023). correction: haddad, r.k.; harun, z. development of a novel quantitative risk assessment tool for uk road tunnels. fire 2023, 6, 65. - fire. 1-2.
altaf hossain molla, hilal shams, zambri harun, ahmad nizam che kasim, manoj kumar nallapaneni, mohd nizam ab rahman. (2023). evaluation of end of life vehicle recycling system in india in responding to the sustainability paradigm an explorative study. - scientific reports. 1-18.
hashimah hashim, muhamad yasir mohamad ribuang, puteri sarah mohamad saad, shafinaz sobihana shariffudin, and zambri harun. (2024). power control of solar cell voltage by using dc-dc boost converter. - 2024 ieee 4th international conference in power engineering applications (icpea). 69-73.
adhitya surya manggala, ervina ahyudanari, mokhamad nur cahyadi, agus budi raharjo, zambri harun and maria lea escantilla lebuna. (2024). optimization of land area mapping and volume calculations using drone lidar livox mid-40 data with the downsampling method. - bio web of conferences. 1-14.
hashimah hashim, muhamad naqiuddin hazwan, puteri sarah mohamad saad, zambri harun. (2023). the real-time monitoring of air quality using iot-based environment system. - 2023 19th ieee international colloquium on signal processing & its applications (cspa), 3-4 march 2023,. 54-58.
m.n.f.m. kazim, y.j. zhe, z. harun, m.z. nuawi, m.r. rasani, m.n. rahman y. (2023). a comparative study of dual cylinders and triangle bluff bodies for piezoelectric energy harvesting. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-6.
roaa ansaf, islam hashem, mohd rasidi rasani, zambri harun. (2023). influence of guide walls on the aerodynamic performance of a vertical-axis wind turbine. - the international meeting on advances in thermofluids (imat) 2021. 20001-20009.
zambri harun. (2020). vortex dynamics theories and applications. - . 222.
zambri harun, tajul ariffin norizan dan wan hanna melini wan mohtar. (2020). vortex dynamics theories and applications. - . 14.
zambri harun, eslam reda lotfy. (2019). turbulence and related phenomena. - . 22.
rozli zulkifli, shahrum abdullah, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abu mansor dan nor kamaliana khamis. (2014). automotive engineering and mobility research. - . 714.
zambri harun, tajul ariffin norizan dan wan hanna melini wan mohtar. (2020). vortex dynamics theories and applications. - . 14.
zambri harun, eslam reda lotfy. (2019). turbulence and related phenomena. - . 22.
zambri harun. (2020). vortex dynamics theories and applications. - . 222.
nur akmal abdullah goh, mohd. marzuki mustapha, abd. wahab mohammad, othman jaafar, siti fatin mohd razali, azrul a. mutalib, wan aizon wan ghopa, zambri harun [and (seven) others]. (2016). laporan akhir rintis program inisiatif libat sama (pilbs). - . 87.
rozli zulkifli, shahrum abdullah, sallehuddin mohamed haris, zulkifli mohd nopiah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abu mansor dan nor kamaliana khamis. (2014). automotive engineering and mobility research. - . 714.
zambri bin harun;firdaus bin mohamad hamzah;wan hanna melini binti wan mohtar;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani. (2025). influence of adverse flow conditions in multi-channel pump intake towards the effectiveness of anti-vortex device (avd). - . .
dzuraidah abd wahab, nurhasyimah abd aziz, zambri harun, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2024). pembuatan semula daripada perspektif reka bentuk dan inovasi produk: penjajaran kepada ekonomi kitaran. - -. 18-19.
norhana binti arsad;shahrir bin abdullah;yushaizad yusof;noorfazila binti kamal;siti salasiah binti mokri;anuar mikdad bin muad;zambri bin harun;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;aqilah binti baseri huddin;asraf bin mohamed moubark;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;mohd. (2023). development of face recognition for an online examination. - . .
zambri harun. (2023). urban heat island (uhi). - impact of urban heat islands on humans, environment. -.
meor iqram meor ahmad*, zainuddin sajuri, zambri harun, rizauddin ramli, wan fathul hakim wan zamri, abdul hadi azman, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir dan mohd anas mohd sabri. (2023). pemantauan prestasi akademik pelajar bagi jkmp ukm berdasarkan sistem ihpp. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023. 1-13.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EFFECTS OF CONVERGING AND DIVERGING RIBLETS ON TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS | intelllisense sdn. bhd. | 18.2% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |