chm. dr. (ph.d) farah hannan binti anuar

pensyarah universiti

jabatan sains kimia

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Dr. Farah Hannan Anuar received her BSc (First Class Hons.) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2007) and PhD from University College Dublin, Ireland (2012). She is currently the Head of Chemical Technology Programme (Undergraduate) at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her researches cover the aspects of synthesis and properties of copolymers and biodegradable polymers, as well as polymer applications in cosmetics, solid electrolyte, membrane and green packaging. She is a part of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Material Chemistry.

  • yanzur mohd aref, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar, ku zarina ku ahmad, azizah baharum.  (2023).  superhydrophobic modification of sansevieria trifasciata natural fibres: a promising reinforcement for wood plastic composites.  - polymers.  594-611. 


    aina aqila arman alim, azizah baharum, siti salwa mohammad shirajuddin, farah hannan anuar.  (2023).  blending of low density polyethylene and polybutylene succinate with polyethylene graft maleic anhydride as a compatibilizer on the phase morphology mechanical and thermal properties.  - polymers.  1-24. 


    d.k. sarkar, m. mottakin, a.k mahmud hasan, v. selvanathan, k. sobayel, m.n.i. khan, a.f.m masum rabbani, m. shahinuzzaman, mohammod aminuzzaman, farah h. anuar, takashi suemasu, kamaruzzaman sopian, md. akhtaruzzaman.  (2023).  a comprehensive study on rbgei3 based inorganic perovskite solar cell using green synthesized cucro2 as hole conductor.  - journal of photochemistry & photobiology, a: chemistry.  1-13. 


    farah hannan binti anuar;rizafizah binti othaman.  (2023).  cellulose-poly(ethylene glycol-co-propylene glycol) polyurethane film with high water permeability.  -


    norilyani izzati hasanuddin, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar.  (2022).  poly(lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol)/ magnesium silicate membrane for methylene blue removal: adsorption behavior, mechanism, ionic strength.  - membranes.  1-21. 


    aina aqila arman alim, azizah baharum, siti salwa mohammad shirajuddin, farah hannan anuar.  (2023).  blending of low density polyethylene and polybutylene succinate with polyethylene graft maleic anhydride as a compatibilizer on the phase morphology mechanical and thermal properties.  - polymers.  1-24. 


    d.k. sarkar, m. mottakin, a.k mahmud hasan, v. selvanathan, k. sobayel, m.n.i. khan, a.f.m masum rabbani, m. shahinuzzaman, mohammod aminuzzaman, farah h. anuar, takashi suemasu, kamaruzzaman sopian, md. akhtaruzzaman.  (2023).  a comprehensive study on rbgei3 based inorganic perovskite solar cell using green synthesized cucro2 as hole conductor.  - journal of photochemistry & photobiology, a: chemistry.  1-13. 


    yanzur mohd aref, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar, ku zarina ku ahmad, azizah baharum.  (2023).  superhydrophobic modification of sansevieria trifasciata natural fibres: a promising reinforcement for wood plastic composites.  - polymers.  594-611. 


    yu bin chan, vidhya selvanathan, lai-hock tey, md. akhtaruzzaman, farah hannan anur, sinouvassane djearamane, akira watanabe and mohammod aminuzzaman.  (2022).  effect of calcination temperature on structural, morphological and optical properties of copper oxide nanostructures derived from garcinia mangostana l. leaf extract.  - nanomaterials.  1-19. 


    norilyani izzati hasanuddin, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar.  (2022).  poly(lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol)/ magnesium silicate membrane for methylene blue removal: adsorption behavior, mechanism, ionic strength.  - membranes.  1-21. 


    aina aqila arman alim, siti salwa mohammad shirajuddin, farah hannan anuar.  (2022).  a review of nonbiodegradable and biodegradable composites for food packaging application.  - journal of chemistry.  1-27. 


    nur azlina abdul ghani, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad, nadhratun naiim mobarak, intan juliana shamsudin, mariah zuliana dzulkipli, nur hasyareeda hassan.  (2020).  incorporating 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid into iota carrageenan solid biopolymer electrolyte for electrochemical devices application.  - sains malaysiana.  305-313. 


    benjamin neoh di-shen, siti fairus mohd yusoff, takeno akiyoshi, takahashi shinya, farah hannan anuar.  (2020).  synthesis of hydroxylated polyisoprene-graft-polylactide copolymer.  - sains malaysiana.  2689-2698. 


    fatimah zahrah mohd kamil, norilyani izzati hasanuddin, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar.  (2020).  treatment of palm oil mill effluent by poly(l-lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol)/silica membrane.  - sains malaysiana.  2311-2322. 


    shu er tan, farah hannan anuar, sarkar, rahman, mohd sani sarjadi.  (2019).  effect of unsymmetrically branched alkyl chains on the electrochemical band gap and thermal stability of the pcdtbt.  - chemistryselect. 


    aina aqila arman alim, azizah baharum, siti salwa mohammad shirajuddin, farah hannan anuar.  (2023).  blending of low density polyethylene and polybutylene succinate with polyethylene graft maleic anhydride as a compatibilizer on the phase morphology mechanical and thermal properties.  - polymers.  1-24. 


    d.k. sarkar, m. mottakin, a.k mahmud hasan, v. selvanathan, k. sobayel, m.n.i. khan, a.f.m masum rabbani, m. shahinuzzaman, mohammod aminuzzaman, farah h. anuar, takashi suemasu, kamaruzzaman sopian, md. akhtaruzzaman.  (2023).  a comprehensive study on rbgei3 based inorganic perovskite solar cell using green synthesized cucro2 as hole conductor.  - journal of photochemistry & photobiology, a: chemistry.  1-13. 


    yanzur mohd aref, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar, ku zarina ku ahmad, azizah baharum.  (2023).  superhydrophobic modification of sansevieria trifasciata natural fibres: a promising reinforcement for wood plastic composites.  - polymers.  594-611. 


    aina aqila arman alim, siti salwa mohammad shirajuddin, farah hannan anuar.  (2022).  a review of nonbiodegradable and biodegradable composites for food packaging application.  - journal of chemistry.  1-27. 


    norilyani izzati hasanuddin, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar.  (2022).  poly(lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol)/ magnesium silicate membrane for methylene blue removal: adsorption behavior, mechanism, ionic strength.  - membranes.  1-21. 


    mohd sani sarjadi, shu er tan, xin lin wong, farah hannan anuar, md shaheen sarkar, md lutfor rahman.  (2020).  synthesis and characterization of unsymmetrically branched alkyl chains carbazole-based polymer.  - aip conference proceedings - the 14th joint conference on chemistry 2019.  1-12. 


    ain athirah zainuddin, rizafizah othaman, wan syaidatul aqma wan mohd noor, farah hannan anuar.  (2016).  1h-nmr characterization of poly(ethylene glycol) and polydimethylsiloxane copolymer.  - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding.  1-7. 


    siti munirah manap, azizan ahmad, farah hannan anuar.  (2016).  characterization of poly(l-lactide/propylene glycol) based polyurethane films using atr-ftir spectroscopy.  - aip conference proceeding / the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  1-7. 


    irfana kabir ahmad, nurul' ain ab jalil, noor hasyimah rosman, nadhratun naim mobarak, farah hannan anuar, azizah baharom, nor yuliana yuhana, nurul aqilah mohd zaini, akmal mahazar.  (2022).  modul 5r: plastik dan kelestarian alam sekitar.  - 33. 


    hani kartini agustar, noor ezlin ahmad basri, nadhratun naiim mobarak, haslaniza hashim, farah hannan anuar & azizah baharum.  (2022).  modul 5r plastik & kelestarian alam sekitar.  - 14. 


    nor yuliana yuhana, nadhratun naiim mobarak, farah hannan anuar & azizah baharum.  (2022).  modul 5r plastik & kelestarian alam sekitar.  - 10. 


    siti munirah manap, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad.  (2021).  elektrolit pepejal berasaskan polimer taut silang.  - 96. 


    farah hannan anuar, azizah baharum.  (2021).  5r praktis dan peluang.  - 13. 


    hani kartini agustar, noor ezlin ahmad basri, nadhratun naiim mobarak, haslaniza hashim, farah hannan anuar & azizah baharum.  (2022).  modul 5r plastik & kelestarian alam sekitar.  - 14. 


    irfana kabir ahmad, nurul' ain ab jalil, noor hasyimah rosman, nadhratun naim mobarak, farah hannan anuar, azizah baharom, nor yuliana yuhana, nurul aqilah mohd zaini, akmal mahazar.  (2022).  modul 5r: plastik dan kelestarian alam sekitar.  - 33. 


    nor yuliana yuhana, nadhratun naiim mobarak, farah hannan anuar & azizah baharum.  (2022).  modul 5r plastik & kelestarian alam sekitar.  - 10. 


    farah hannan anuar, azizah baharum.  (2021).  5r praktis dan peluang.  - 13. 


    wan nur amalina mior ahmad sabri, afifah muhamad sidik & farah hannan anuar.  (2017).  siri penyelidikan kimia 2017.  - 4. 


    siti munirah manap, farah hannan anuar, azizan ahmad.  (2021).  elektrolit pepejal berasaskan polimer taut silang.  - 96. 


    afifah muhd sidik, farah hannan anuar, rizafizah othaman.  (2019).  polimer hijau sebagai membran rawatan air.  - 121. 


    azlin mohamad azman, khairiah hj badri, rizafizah othaman, azizah baharum, chia chin hua, ishak ahmad, sharina abu hanifah, mohd suzeren md jamil, mohd sukor suait, farah hannan anuar.  (2013).  progress in polymer research vol. ii : emerging polymers for novel applications.  - 262. 


    mohammad b. kassim, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd hafizuddin haji jumali, akrajas, ali umar, siti fairus binti mohd yusoff, farah hannan anuar, khuzaimah arifin.  (2012).  progress in photoelectrochemical research 2012.  - 74. 


    farah hannan binti anuar;rizafizah binti othaman.  (2023).  cellulose-poly(ethylene glycol-co-propylene glycol) polyurethane film with high water permeability.  -


    md. akhtaruzzaman;nurul huda binti abd karim;farah hannan binti anuar.  (2021).  implementation of of molybdenumtungsten disulfide ternary alloy as an electron selective layer for efficient and stable planar perovskite solar cell.  -


    rizafizah binti othaman;azizah binti baharum @ abdul aziz;muntaz binti abu bakar;farah hannan binti anuar.  (2021).  bahan pintar untuk rawatan air buangan industri.  -


    norilyani izzati hasanuddin, wan nur aini wan mohd mokhtar, rizafizah othaman, farah hannan anuar.  (2021).  poly(lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol)/magnesium silicate membrane for methylene blue removal.  - malaysia polymer international conference 2021.  60. 


    farah hannan binti anuar;rizafizah binti othaman;nurul huda binti abd karim.  (2019).  modification of renewable polymers as antifouling membrane for palm oil mill effluent (pome) treatment.  - 1-8.