nur izzati husna ahmad nadzri, nur tantiyani ali othman, masli irwan rosli. (2024). analysis on chemical and physical properties of dried sago bagasse. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 1-10.
nur tantiyani ali othman, nurfadilah izaty binti senu. (2024). model-driven approach to improve sago drying with a fluidized bed dryer. - pertanika journal of science & technology. 1363-1384.
muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, yuliana yuhana, mohd shahbudin mastar@masdar, nur tantiyani ali othman. (2023). sustainable development goals (sdgs) principles in chemical plant design evaluation for final year undergraduate students. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023. 1-3.
manal binti ismail;zahira binti yaakob;nur tantiyani binti ali othman;wan nor roslam bin wan isahak. (2023). catalytic functionalization of nanostructured monolithic composites in co oxidation-water gas shift reaction for h2 production. - . .
rosiah rohani, nur tantiyani ali othman. (2023). pencapaian program sarjana muda kejuruteraan kimia pra dan pasca pandemik. - persidangan penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka 2023). 67-69.
afrasyab khan, mohd sobri takriff, masli irwan rosli, nur tantiyani ali othman, khairuddin sanaullah, andrew ragai henry rigit, ajmal shah, and atta ullah. (2020). flow characteristics within the wall boundary layers of swirling steam flow in a pipe comprising horizontal and inclined sections. - korean journal of chemical engineering. 19-36.
badiea s. babaqi, mohd s. takriff, nur tantiyani a. othman, siti k. kamarudin. (2020). yield and energy optimization of the continuous catalytic regeneration reforming process based particle swarm optimization. - energy. 1-12.
afrasyab khan, mohd sobri takriff, masli irwan rosli, nur tantiyani ali othman, khairuddin sanaullah, andrew ragai henry rigit, ajmal shah, atta ullah, muhammad umar mushtaq. (2019). turbulence dissipation and its induced entrainment in subsonic swirling steam injected in cocurrent flowing water. - international journal of heat and mass transfer. 1-21.
buthainah ali, siti masrinda tasirin, payam aminayi, zahira yaakob, nur tantiyani ali, wadhah noori. (2018). non-supported nickel-based coral sponge-like porous magnetic alloys for catalytic production of syngas and carbon bio-nanofilaments via a biogas decomposition approach. - nanomaterials. .
badiea s. babaqi, mohd s. takriff, siti k. kamarudin, nur tantiyani a. othman. (2018). mathematical modeling, simulation, and analysis for predicting improvement opportunities in the continuous catalytic regeneration reforming process. - chemical engineering research and design. 235-251.
nur tantiyani ali othman dan simreth kaur dhalywala. (2020). simulation study on liquid droplet size measurement inside venturi scrubber. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 239-246.
nur tantiyani ali othman and norzatul ashirah mohd alias. (2019). simulation analysis on so2 reduction inside a seawater scrubber. - jurnal teknologi. 143-150.
nur tantiyani ali othman and muhammad elmi fahmi mohd razali. (2019). drying of instant coffee in a spray dryer. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 295-301.
nur tantiyani ali othman, ahmad amri anis. (2018). liquid-liquid mixing in y-type microchannel. - jurnal kejuruteraan. .
nur tantiyani ali othman & an-najmi mohd farid. (2018). droplets tracing in a t-junction microchannel. - jurnal kejuruteraan. .
nur tantiyani ali othman, nurfadilah izaty binti senu. (2024). model-driven approach to improve sago drying with a fluidized bed dryer. - pertanika journal of science & technology. 1363-1384.
nur tantiyani ali othman, zulfan adi putra, shahrul azman zainal abidin, fadzrul izwan m ali. (2023). cfd analysis of erosion rate in oil and gas pipeline industry. - jurnal teknologi. 59-66.
nur tantiyani ali othman, halimunnisha sahul hameed, masli irwan rosli. (2022). simulation on red blood cells separation in microchannel by using comsol multiphysics. - jurnal teknologi. 103-112.
nur tantiyani ali othman, farahin rostam. (2022). cfd modelling of sand particle transport in a horizontal multiphase 90o pipeline flows. - journal of engineering science and technology. 4277-4290.
nur tantiyani ali othman and ivan adler harry. (2021). development of a fluidized bed dryer for drying of a sago bagasse. - pertanika journal of science & technology. 1-15.
badiea s. babaqi, mohd s. takriff, nur tantiyani a.othman, hassimi abu hasan, ebrahim mahmoudi. (2021). modeling and simulation for integrating four reactors in the continuous catalytic regeneration reforming process using matlab. - 1st international conference on engineering and technology (icoengtech). 1-14.
masturah markom, mohd sahaid khalil, rahaiza misnon, nurtantiyani ali othman, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah & abu bakar mohamad. (2011). industrial talk and visit for students. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia social and behavioral sciences). .
nur tantiyani ali othman, rahaiza misnon, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, noorhisham tan kofli, siti kartom kamarudin, abu bakar mohamad. (2011). assessment of programme outcomes through exit survey of chemical/biochemical engineering students. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia social and behavioral sciences). .
mastura markom, mohd sahaid khalil, shahbudin masdar, rahaiza misnon, nurtantiyani ali othman, siti aminah osman & shahrom md zain. (2013). amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkesan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. - . 10 (255-282).
nur tantiyani ali othman & masahiro takei. (2015). industrial tomography : systems and applications. - . Chapter 24 : 667-692.
mastura markom, mohd sahaid khalil, shahbudin masdar, rahaiza misnon, nurtantiyani ali othman, siti aminah osman & shahrom md zain. (2013). amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkesan dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina. - . 10 (255-282).
jamaliah md jahim, shuhaida harun, darman nordin, rosiah rohani, tabassum mumtaz peer mohammed, nurtantiyani ali othman, nabilah aminah lutpi and nursyakina jamali. (2014). abstract book of abhl 2014 asia biohylink meeting asia biohydrogen and biorefinery abbs symaposium. - . 228.
muhammad zulhaziman mat salleh, yuliana yuhana, mohd shahbudin mastar@masdar, nur tantiyani ali othman. (2023). sustainable development goals (sdgs) principles in chemical plant design evaluation for final year undergraduate students. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023. 1-3.
manal binti ismail;zahira binti yaakob;nur tantiyani binti ali othman;wan nor roslam bin wan isahak. (2023). catalytic functionalization of nanostructured monolithic composites in co oxidation-water gas shift reaction for h2 production. - . .
masli irwan bin rosli;mohd sobri bin takriff;siti masrinda bt. tasirin;nur tantiyani binti ali othman;hassimi bin abu hasan. (2022). sifat-sifat dan dinamik bendalir dan juga kesannya dalam pengering lapisan terbendalir bagi proses pengeringan hampas sagu. - . .
suraya binti sharil;othman bin a. karim;wan hanna melini binti wan mohtar;siti fatin binti mohd razali;nur tantiyani binti ali othman. (2022). flow behaviour and transverse mixing mechanism in a vegetated channel with varying bed forms. - . .
wan aida wan mustapha;siti masrinda bt. tasirin;mohamad yusof maskat;noor soffalina binti sofian seng;nur tantiyani binti ali othman. (2022). enhancing the process of fresh pepper retting via enzymatic and microbial for the preparation of white pepper. - . .
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