mohd ikmal bin asmuni;kalaivani a/p k. nadarajah;noor liyana binti sukiran;noraziyah binti abd aziz shamsudin. (2025). comparative phenotypic and molecular dissection for high yielding submergence and drought stress tolerant rice (oryza sativa l.) lines . - . .
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, basit akolade adigun, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, monsuru adekunle salisu, fadila ahmad malike, adebola azeez lateef. (2024). recent advancements in mitigating abiotic stresses in crops. - horticulturae. 1-37.
siti amira adilah kamarudin, faiz ahmad, nor'aishah hasan, siti norvahida hisham, siti nurdiyana yusof, affrida abu hassan, sobri hussein, abdul rahim harun, wan dalila wan chik, muniroh md saad, mohammad malek faizal azizi, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2024). whole genome resequencing data and grain quality traits of the rice cultivar mahsuri and its blast disease resistant mutant line, mahsuri mutant. - data in brief. 1-5.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin;che radziah binti che mohd. zain;nadiatur akmar binti zulkifli. (2024). understanding the role of morpho-physiological and agronomical trait interactions in rice adaptation to organic cultivation system . - . .
yusuf o. oyebamiji, shakirah m. nahar, noraziyah a. a. shamsudin, monsuru a. salisu, saheed a. akinola, ismail a. adebayo, hasni arsad. (2024). the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in alleviating heat and drought stress in vegetables. - egyptian journal of botany. 497-505.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, basit akolade adigun, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, monsuru adekunle salisu, fadila ahmad malike, adebola azeez lateef. (2024). recent advancements in mitigating abiotic stresses in crops. - horticulturae. 1-37.
asmuni mohd ikmal, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah, ratnam wickneswari, yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji. (2023). sub1 and qdty3.1 improved tolerance of rice (oryza sativa l.) lines to drought and submergence stresses. - euphytica. 1-19.
azmi adham, mohamad bahagia ab ghaffar, asmuni mohd ikmal, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2022). genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis of commercial hybrid grain corn genotypes in different environments. - life. 1-12.
mahmoud m. gaballah, adel m. ghoneim, hafeez ur rehman, mohamed m. shehab, mohamed i. ghazy, ahmed s. el-iraqi, abdelwahed e. mohamed, muhammad waqas, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, yaning chen. (2022). evaluation of morpho-physiological traits in rice genotypes for adaptation under irrigated and water-limited environments. - agronomy. 1-14.
ibrahim silas akos, mohd y. rafii, mohd razi ismail, shairul izan ramlee, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asfaliza ramli, samuel chibuike chukwu, senesie swaray, momodu jalloh. (2021). evaluation of inherited resistance genes of bacterial leaf blight, blast and drought tolerance in improved rice lines. - rice science. 1-12.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, mohd rafii yusop. (2023). heat stress in vegetables: impacts and management strategies - a review. - sains malaysiana. 1925-1938.
asrapil waitul fifika, asmuni mohd ikmal, ahmad faiz, hasan noraishah, harun abdul rahim, hussein sobri, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah. (2021). carbon-ion beam radiosensitivity study and biological responses of high yielding rice line, mr219-pl-5. - sains malaysiana. 3481-3491.
mohd nazarudin anuar, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, tosiah sadi, farah huda sjafni suherman, nur adliza baharom. (2021). genetic diversity studies of twenty eggplant (solanum spp.) accessions and their performance against root-knot nematode (meloidogyne incognita) infestation. - international journal of agriculture & biology. 625-634.
mahmoud m. gaballah, adel m. ghoneim, mohamed i. ghazy, hassna m. mohammed, raghda m. sakran, hafeez ur rehman, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2021). root traits responses to irrigation intervals in rice(oryza sativa). - international journal of agriculture and biology. 22-30.
mohd syahmi salleh, mohd shukor nordin, adam b. puteh, rozilawati shahari, zarina zainuddin, mohamad bahagia ab-ghaffar, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2021). response of primed rice (oryza sativa l.) seeds towards reproductive stage drought stress. - sains malaysiana. 2913-2921.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, basit akolade adigun, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, asmuni mohd ikmal, monsuru adekunle salisu, fadila ahmad malike, adebola azeez lateef. (2024). recent advancements in mitigating abiotic stresses in crops. - horticulturae. 1-37.
monsuru adekunle salisu, yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, omowunmi kayode ahmed, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, yusoff siti fairuz, oladosu yusuff, mohd rafii yusop, zulkefly sulaiman & fatai arolu. (2024). a systematic review of emerging trends in crop cultivation using soilless techniques for sustainable agriculture and food security in post-pandemic. - aims agriculture and food. 666-692.
yusuf o. oyebamiji, shakirah m. nahar, noraziyah a. a. shamsudin, monsuru a. salisu, saheed a. akinola, ismail a. adebayo, hasni arsad. (2024). the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in alleviating heat and drought stress in vegetables. - egyptian journal of botany. 497-505.
siti amira adilah kamarudin, faiz ahmad, nor'aishah hasan, siti norvahida hisham, siti nurdiyana yusof, affrida abu hassan, sobri hussein, abdul rahim harun, wan dalila wan chik, muniroh md saad, mohammad malek faizal azizi, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2024). whole genome resequencing data and grain quality traits of the rice cultivar mahsuri and its blast disease resistant mutant line, mahsuri mutant. - data in brief. 1-5.
asmuni mohd ikmal, abd aziz shamsudin noraziyah, ratnam wickneswari, yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji. (2023). sub1 and qdty3.1 improved tolerance of rice (oryza sativa l.) lines to drought and submergence stresses. - euphytica. 1-19.
faiz ahmad, siti norvahida hisham, siti nurdiyana yusof, mohd sharkawi ahmad, nor aishah hasan, noor liyana sukiran, atiqur rahman bhuiyan, sobri hussein, abdul rahim harun, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2023). heterosis analysis of f1 progenies derived from is21 × mr220cl2 and is21 × ukmrc16 crossing combinations. - iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-7.
babul airianah othman, doris quay xia, farah hanan anuar, kamarulzaman ibrahim khairiatul mardiana jansar, lim seng joe, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohammad hafizuddin hj. jumali, mohd salmi md noorani...etc all. (2018). the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the university kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2017 postgraduate colloquium. -.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, amira ismail. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 7.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, puteri dinie ellina zulkafli. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 19.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, izfa riza hazmi, salmah yaakop. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 8.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, salmah yaakop, izfa riza hazmi. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 169.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohd ikmal asmuni, waitul fifika asrapil. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 13.
yusuf opeyemi oyebamiji, ismail abiola adebayo, mohd nazri ismail, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, noor zafirah ismail, hasni arsad. (2023). environmental pollution impact of plants: survival strategies under challenging conditions. - . 34.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, amira ismail. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 7.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, puteri dinie ellina zulkafli. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 19.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, izfa riza hazmi, salmah yaakop. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 8.
salmah yaakop, izfa riza hazmi, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 169.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, salmah yaakop, izfa riza hazmi. (2021). kepentingan dan kepelbagaian biologi di kawasan penanaman padi malaysia. - . 169.
mohd ikmal bin asmuni;kalaivani a/p k. nadarajah;noor liyana binti sukiran;noraziyah binti abd aziz shamsudin. (2025). comparative phenotypic and molecular dissection for high yielding submergence and drought stress tolerant rice (oryza sativa l.) lines . - . .
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin;che radziah binti che mohd. zain;nadiatur akmar binti zulkifli. (2024). understanding the role of morpho-physiological and agronomical trait interactions in rice adaptation to organic cultivation system . - . .
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2023). introduce more suitable rice varieties, say experts. - the star. 1-3.
noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin. (2023). jangan naikkan harga beras. - buletin utama tv3. .
khairiatul mardiana jansar, noraziyah abd aziz shamsudin, siti aishah ahmad fisol, nur syahirah rahmat. (2023). potensi alelopati tridax procumbens l. dan cymbopogon nardus l. dalam merencat pertumbuhan padi angin di malaysia. - simposium biologi kebangsaan. 126.
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