pensyarah farmasi
pejabat dekan fakulti farmasi
tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, adliah mhd ali. (2023). pemerkasaan dan kesejahteraan komuniti mukim pulau manis, pekan, pahang. - . 8.
tan, geik peng, mohd tahir, nurul ain, premakumar, chandini menon, tuan mahmood, tuan mazlelaa. (2023). knowledge, attitude and practice regarding preventive measures of osteoporosis among women of childbearing age. - medicine and health. 13.
nurul ain mohd tahir, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ernieda md hatah, mimi nurfarhana mohd khalid. (2023). khidmat ahli farmasi dalam pendidikan kesihatan pesakit. - . 18.
lim ming chiang, adliah mhd ali, chua eng wee, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ahmad fuad shamsuddin, farrah hani imran, gobinathan nair. (2023). cultivating clean sport environment with athlete support personnel (asp): an international multi-country study on doping knowledge, attitude, and practice. - international conference on human performance and health 2023 (ichph 2023). 1-19.
nontharit voravuth, eng wee chua, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ming chiang lim, sharifa ezat wan puteh, nik shanita safii, jyh eiin wong, ahmad taufik jamil, jamia azdina jamal, ahmad fuad shamsuddin, adliah mhd ali. (2022). engaging community pharmacists to eliminate inadvertent doping in sports: a study of their knowledge on doping. - plos one. 1-14.
nontharit voravuth, eng wee chua, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ming chiang lim, sharifa ezat wan puteh, nik shanita safii, jyh eiin wong, ahmad taufik jamil, jamia azdina jamal, ahmad fuad shamsuddin, adliah mhd ali. (2022). engaging community pharmacists to eliminate inadvertent doping in sports: a study of their knowledge on doping. - plos one. 1-14.
rubhan chandran, eusni rahayu mohd tohit, johnson stanslas, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, norazlinaliza salim. (2022). factors influencing the swelling behaviour of polymethyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid hydrogels crosslinked by polyethylene glycol. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-8.
athirah saiful bahri, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, siti azdiah abdul-aziz, mohd makmor-bakry, noraida mohamed shah. (2021). use of adjuvant endocrine therapy among post-menopausal breast cancer patients in malaysia. - patient preference and adherence. 227-235.
kaitian koo, rushitaa nagayah, sabeera begum, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, noraida mohame shah. (2020). the use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with atopic eczema at a tertiary care centre in malaysia. - complementary therapies in medicine. 1-6.
garland, m.j., migalska, k., tuan-mahmood, t.-m., raghu raj singh, t., majithija, r., caffarel-salvador, e., mccrudden, c.m., mccarthy, h.o., david woolfson, a., donnelly, r.f.. (2012). influence of skin model on in vitro performance of drug-loaded soluble microneedle arrays. - international journal of pharmaceutics. 434(1-2):80-89.
rubhan chandran, eusni rahayu mohd tohit, johnson stanslas, norazlinaliza salim, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood. (2022). investigation and optimisation of hydrogel microneedles for transdermal delivery of caffeine.. - tissue engineering part c-methods. 545-556.
nur afiqah mustafa kamal, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ishak ahmad, suria ramli. (2020). improving rate of gelatin/carboxymethylcellulose dissolving microneedle for transdermal drug delivery. - sains malaysiana. 2269-2279.
nontharit voravuth, eng wee chua, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ming chiang lim, sharifa ezat wan puteh, nik shanita safii, jyh eiin wong, ahmad taufik jamil, jamia azdina jamal, ahmad fuad shamsuddin, adliah mhd ali. (2022). engaging community pharmacists to eliminate inadvertent doping in sports: a study of their knowledge on doping. - plos one. 1-14.
rubhan chandran, eusni rahayu mohd tohit, johnson stanslas, norazlinaliza salim, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood. (2022). investigation and optimisation of hydrogel microneedles for transdermal delivery of caffeine.. - tissue engineering part c-methods. 545-556.
rubhan chandran, eusni rahayu mohd tohit, johnson stanslas, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, norazlinaliza salim. (2022). factors influencing the swelling behaviour of polymethyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid hydrogels crosslinked by polyethylene glycol. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-8.
athirah saiful bahri, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, siti azdiah abdul-aziz, mohd makmor-bakry, noraida mohamed shah. (2021). use of adjuvant endocrine therapy among post-menopausal breast cancer patients in malaysia. - patient preference and adherence. 227-235.
kaitian koo, rushitaa nagayah, sabeera begum, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, noraida mohame shah. (2020). the use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with atopic eczema at a tertiary care centre in malaysia. - complementary therapies in medicine. 1-6.
tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, adliah mhd ali. (2023). pemerkasaan dan kesejahteraan komuniti mukim pulau manis, pekan, pahang. - . 8.
ernieda mhd hatah, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood & hamiza aziz. (2020). penyelidikan kepatuhan terhadap ubat : impak, punca dan penyelesaian. - . 10.
nurul ain mohd tahir, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ernieda md hatah, mimi nurfarhana mohd khalid. (2023). khidmat ahli farmasi dalam pendidikan kesihatan pesakit. - . 18.
tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, adliah mhd ali. (2023). pemerkasaan dan kesejahteraan komuniti mukim pulau manis, pekan, pahang. - . 8.
ernieda mhd hatah, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood & hamiza aziz. (2020). penyelidikan kepatuhan terhadap ubat : impak, punca dan penyelesaian. - . 10.
rubhan chandran, eusni rahayu mohd tohit, johnson stanlas, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood. (2019). biomaterials and bionanotechnology. - advances in pharmaceutical product development and research series. 31.
lim ming chiang, adliah mhd ali, chua eng wee, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ahmad fuad shamsuddin, farrah hani imran, gobinathan nair. (2023). cultivating clean sport environment with athlete support personnel (asp): an international multi-country study on doping knowledge, attitude, and practice. - international conference on human performance and health 2023 (ichph 2023). 1-19.
low shin yee, chandini menon a/p premakumar, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, p'ng xiu wen. (2021). efficacy and safety of intravenous iron dextran among pregnant women with iron deficiency anaemia in hospital tengku ampuan rahimah klang. - pharmacy research day 2021. 91.
tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, marilyn tan may yeen, adliah mhd ali. (2021). adverse event following immunization (aefi) associated with covid-19 vaccine reported in a tertiary hospital in malaysia: a retrospective cross-sectional study. - pharmacy research day 2021. 84.
tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, siti azdiah abdulaziz, amna al-al-awi. (2021). clinical characteristics and outcomes of covid-19 hospitalized patients with diabetes in malaysia: a retrospective single-center study. - pharmacy research day 2021. 98.
nur shahirah mohamed yasin, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood. (2021). use of multimedia during insulin counselling in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. - pharmacy research day 2021. 73.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PROFILING THE PATTERN OF USE OF NEW PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCES (NPS) IN MALAYSIA | agensi anti dadah kebangsaan | 58.2% (2024-05-15 sehingga 2025-11-14) |