prof. dr. d ravichandran a/l k dhakshinamoorthy

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian sejarah, politik & hal ehwal antarabangsa (sphea)

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Dr. Ravichandran Moorthy is an Associate Professor and the Head of International Relations Research Cluster at the History, Politics & International Affairs Research Centre, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He teaches and researches on issues of international relations, ASEAN and Asia Pacific Security. Prior to his University position, he was a senior officer in the Malaysian Diplomatic and Administrative Service (PTD). He served in several senior positions at the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR), the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) and as Head of Multilateral Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). Research Interests: International Relations, Security Studies & Bioethics.

  • siti sabrina imji rahim, mohd ikbal mohd huda, shahrizal sa'ad, ravichandran moorthy.  (2024).  cyber security crisis/threat: analysis of malaysia national security council (nsc) involvement through the perceptions of government, private and people based on the 3p model.  - e-bangi: journal of social sciences and humanities.  191-201. 


    lakshmy naidu, ravichandran moorthy, mohd ikbal mohd huda.  (2024).  the environmental and health sustainability challenges of malaysian palm oil in the european union.  - journal of oil palm research (jopr).  1-15. 


    lakshmy naidu, mohd ikbal mohd huda, ravichandran moorthy.  (2024).  trade competitiveness and sustainability policies of malaysian palm oil in the european union: strategic responses by stakeholders agencies.  - jebat: malaysian journal of history, politics & strategic studies.  21-36. 


    shahrizal sa'ad, mohd ikbal mohd huda, ravichandran k. dhakshinamoorthy.  (2024).  confident building measures (cbm) sebagai pemudahcara komunikasi dalam rundingan gbc malindo.  - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication.  188-205. 


    ravichandran moorthy, chin kok fay.  (2023).  22nd asian bioethics conference & roundtable on global health security.  - 22nd asian bioethics conference & roundtable on global health security: challenges to bioethics in the era of the pandemic.  1-174. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sumayya bibi.  (2023).  water security and cross-border water management in the kabul river basin.  - sustainability.  1-14. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sarjit s. gill, sivapalan selvadurai, angelina gurunathan.  (2022).  vaccine justice and bioethical reflections of covid-19 immunization in malaysia.  - sustainability (mdpi).  1-15. 


    lakshmy naidu, ravichandran moorthy.  (2021).  a review of key sustainability issues in malaysian palm oil industry.  - sustainability.  1-14. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sivapalan selvadurai, sarjit s. gill, angelina gurunathan.  (2021).  sustainable societal peace through the integration of bioethics principles and value-based education.  - sustainability.  1-18. 


    lakshmy naidu, ravichandran moorthy, mohd ikbal mohd huda.  (2024).  the environmental and health sustainability challenges of malaysian palm oil in the european union.  - journal of oil palm research (jopr).  1-15. 


    abdallah asmer, zarina othman, ravichandran moorthy.  (2019).  israels security concern of arab uprisings.  - jebat - malaysian journal of history, politics & strategic studies.  96-111. 


    guido benny, sity daud & ravichandran moorthy.  (2018).  economic versus political liberalisation in asean: public opinion among university students in four member countries.  - international journal of asia pacific studies.  227-249. 


    ravichandran moorthy, kavaraman subramaniam.  (2017).  pemikiran strategik dasar luar india: dari dasar pandang timur ke dasar tindak timur.  - jebat.  51-72. 


    ravichandran moorthy, guido benny.  (2013).  does public opinion count? knowledge and support for an asean community in indonesia, malaysia, and singapore.  - international relations of the asia-pacific.  13(3):399-423. 


    shahrizal sa'ad, mohd ikbal mohd huda, ravichandran k. dhakshinamoorthy.  (2024).  confident building measures (cbm) sebagai pemudahcara komunikasi dalam rundingan gbc malindo.  - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication.  188-205. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sumayya bibi.  (2023).  water security and cross-border water management in the kabul river basin.  - sustainability.  1-14. 


    siti sabrina imji rahim, shahrizal sa'ad, ravichandran moorthy, mohd ikbal mohd huda.  (2023).  border security crisis in malaysia and its impact on the national economy.  - business and economic research.  39-58. 


    ravichandran moorthy, lakshmy naidu.  (2022).  a review of health security and vaccine diplomacy during covid-19 pandemic.  - international journal of public health science.  607-614. 


    lakshmy naidu, ravichandran moorthy.  (2022).  ethics and risks in sustainable civilian nuclear energy development in vietnam.  - ethics in science and environmental politics.  1-12. 


    angelina gurunathan, ravichandran moorthy.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 16. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sarjit s. gill.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 8. 


    benny thomas vivien, sivapalan selvadurai, sarjit s. gill, ravichandran moorthy.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 17. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sarjit s. gill.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 124. 


    akwen gabriel tyoyila, ravichandran moorthy.  (2021).  distributive justice and democratic consolidation in nigeria: issues, challenges and the way forward.  - 21. 


    angelina gurunathan, ravichandran moorthy.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 16. 


    benny thomas vivien, sivapalan selvadurai, sarjit s. gill, ravichandran moorthy.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 17. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sarjit s. gill.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 8. 


    akwen gabriel tyoyila, ravichandran moorthy.  (2021).  distributive justice and democratic consolidation in nigeria: issues, challenges and the way forward.  - 21. 


    chin kok fay, ravichandran moorthy.  (2021).  governance for sustainable development in southeast asia.  - 8. 


    ravichandran moorthy, sarjit s. gill.  (2023).  emerging dynamics in contemporary india-malaysia relations.  - 124. 


    chin kok fay, ravichandran moorthy.  (2021).  governance for sustainable development in southeast asia.  - 121. 


    ravichandran moorthy, s. panneerselvam.  (2018).  conflict resolution: perspectives from indian philosophy and traditions.  - 182. 


    ravichandran moorthy, darryl j. macer.  (2013).  environmental ethics in managing resources in the asia pacific.  - 136. 


    ravichandran moorthy, darryl r.j. macer.  (2012).  environmental ethics in managing resources in the asia pacific.  - 1-138. 


    d.ravichandran k.dhakshinamoorthy;zarina @ zairina binti othman;chin kok fay;mohd ikbal bin mohd huda.  (2023).  exploring the strategic role of ‘diplomacy and international relations’ in the management of global palm oil issues: a gap analysis of palm oil stakeholder agencies in malaysia.  -


    ravichandran moorthy.  (2021).  philosophy and practice of bioethics across and between cultures.  - philosophy and practice of bioethics across and between cultures. 


    ravichandran moorthy.  (2020).  expert: beef up joint surveillance with neighbouring countries..  - new straits times (nst).  3. 


    ravichandran moorthy.  (2019).  conflict management & resolution (crm). a reflection of crm perspectives from indian philosophical traditions.  - asian philosophy conference and indian philosophical congress.  1-9. 


    ravichandran moorthy.  (2019).  malaysia-india relations: historical narratives, emerging geopolitics & geo-economy.  - asean-india round-table (book project).  1-10.