Yap Chi Chin merupakan seorang Profesor di Jabatan Fizik Gunaan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Beliau dianugerahkan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Fizik Bahan) dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia pada tahun 2005. Pada tahun 2009, beliau memperolehi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dalam bidang Sains Bahan dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Bidang kepakaran beliau adalah fotovoltaik organik. Beliau telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 60 kertas kerja jurnal yang terindeks. Selain itu, beliau juga merupakan salah seorang editor untuk Sains Malaysiana.
Yap Chi Chin is a Professor at Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He was awarded the Bachelor of Science (Physics Materials) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2005. In 2009, he received the Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. His expertise is organic photovoltaic. He has published more than 60 indexed journal papers. In addition, he is currently an editor for Sains Malaysiana.
chi chin yap, farah liyana khairulaman. (2023). sel suria organik - sumber tenaga untuk peranti berkuasa rendah dalam bangunan. - majalah sains. 1-4.
chi chin yap, nursyafikah jamil, rini barizah rizauddin, mariah marsya anwar sahabuddin. (2023). optimization of moo3 hole transport layer thickness for inverted type organic solar cell via a simulation study. - jurnal fizik malaysia. 10061-10070.
chi chin yap. (2023). salah konsep dalam menganalisis litar elektrik asas. - majalah sains. 1-4.
kai jeat hong, sin tee tan, kam sheng lau, chi chin yap, chun hui tan, yiin jian low, josephine ying chyi liew, chin hua chia, kok-keong chong. (2023). interfacial modification of lif-incorporated mno2 mixed p3ht:pc60bm-based organic photoactive layer. - optical materials. 1-9.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j.m. al-agealy, chi chin yap, ammar daham ayada, auday h. shaban. (2023). effect of solvents on performance of alq3/zno solar cells: a theoretical approach. - energy reports. 0-7.
kai jeat hong, sin tee tan, kam sheng lau, chi chin yap, chun hui tan, yiin jian low, josephine ying chyi liew, chin hua chia, kok-keong chong. (2023). interfacial modification of lif-incorporated mno2 mixed p3ht:pc60bm-based organic photoactive layer. - optical materials. 1-9.
mohamed nafeer wajidh, chi chin yap, nour attallah issa, kam sheng lau, sin tee tan, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali, muslizainun mustapha, chin hua chia. (2023). photovoltaic performance improvement of inverted type organic solar cell by co-introducing isopropanol and carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-9.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j.m. al-agealy, chi chin yap, ammar daham ayada, auday h. shaban. (2023). effect of solvents on performance of alq3/zno solar cells: a theoretical approach. - energy reports. 0-7.
kai jeat hong, nur farah hanun wira, nur elmira melissa binti hilmi rizal, nour attallah issa, kam sheng lau, chi chin yap, sin tee tan, josephine ying chyi liew, chin hua chia, kok-keong chong. (2023). structural modification and conductivity enhancement of nicl2 incorporated p3ht: pc60bm based organic photoactive layer. - optical materials. 1-8.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j. al-agealy, chi chin yap, y. al-douri. (2023). improved performance of d149 dye-sensitized zno-based solar cell under solvents activation effect. - the european physical journal plus. 1-8.
nurul nadhirah binti md ridzuan, chi chin yap. (2022). kesan suhu rendaman dan suhu sepuh lindap dalam penyediaan filem nipis bismut sulfida (bi2s3) terhadap prestasi sel suria organik jenis songsang berasaskan p3ht: pcbm. - sains malaysiana. 4099-4110.
farah liyana khairulaman, chi chin yap, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali & nour atallah issa. (2022). pengoptimuman lapisan p3ht:pcbm terdop cui dalam sel suria organik jenis songsang untuk aplikasi cahaya dalam. - sains malaysiana. 4059-4069.
araa mebdir holi, zulkarnain zainal, asmaa kadim ayal, sook-keng chang, hong ngee lim, zainal abidin talib, chi-chin yap. (2019). ag2s/zno nanorods composite photoelectrode prepared by hydrothermal method: influence of growth temperature. - optik. 473-479.
araa mebdir holi, zulkarnain zainal, zainal abidin talib, hong-ngee lim, chi-chin yap, sook-keng chang, asmaa kadim ayal.. (2016). effect of hydrothermal growth time on zno nanorod arrays photoelectrode performance. - optik. 11111-11118.
s. soltaninejad, r. daik, m. deraman, y.c. chin, n.s.m. nor, n.e.s. sazali, e. hamdan, m.r.m. jasni, m.m. ishak, m. noroozi, m. suleman. (2015). physical and electrochemical characteristics of carbon monoliths electrodes from activation of pre-carbonized fibers of oil palm empty fruit bunches added with varying amount of polypyrrole of polypyr. - international journal of electrochemical science. 10524 - 10542.
kai jeat hong, sin tee tan, kam sheng lau, chi chin yap, chun hui tan, yiin jian low, josephine ying chyi liew, chin hua chia, kok-keong chong. (2023). interfacial modification of lif-incorporated mno2 mixed p3ht:pc60bm-based organic photoactive layer. - optical materials. 1-9.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j.m. al-agealy, chi chin yap, ammar daham ayada, auday h. shaban. (2023). effect of solvents on performance of alq3/zno solar cells: a theoretical approach. - energy reports. 0-7.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j. al-agealy, chi chin yap, y. al-douri. (2023). improved performance of d149 dye-sensitized zno-based solar cell under solvents activation effect. - the european physical journal plus. 1-8.
mohamed nafeer wajidh, chi chin yap, nour attallah issa, kam sheng lau, sin tee tan, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali, muslizainun mustapha, chin hua chia. (2023). photovoltaic performance improvement of inverted type organic solar cell by co-introducing isopropanol and carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-9.
kai jeat hong, nur farah hanun wira, nur elmira melissa binti hilmi rizal, nour attallah issa, kam sheng lau, chi chin yap, sin tee tan, josephine ying chyi liew, chin hua chia, kok-keong chong. (2023). structural modification and conductivity enhancement of nicl2 incorporated p3ht: pc60bm based organic photoactive layer. - optical materials. 1-8.
taif saad al maadhde, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j.m.al-agealy, fatimah abdul razak, chi chin yap. (2021). an investigation of the fill factor and efficiency of molecular semiconductor solar cells. - 3rd international scientific conference of alkafeel university, iscku 2021. 373-381.
hasiah salleh, nora'aini ali, chi chin yap, azhar mohd sinin, nurhayati ishak, nurul huda kamarulzaman, salmah mohd ghazali, nik aziz nik ali. (2020). determination of homo and lumo level of polythiophene, poly(3-thiophene acetic acid), polypyrrole and chlorophyll via cyclic voltammetry method. - 30th regional conference of solid state science and technology (solid state phenomena). 207-216.
masliana muslimin, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, tan sin tee, lee hock beng, tan chun hui & yap chi chin. (2018). influence of zr doping on structure and morphology of tio2 nanorods prepared using hydrothermal method. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali, zalita zainuddin & chi chin yap. (2017). preface: the 1st ukm-isesco-comsats international workshop on nanotechnology for young scientists. - the 1st ukm-isesco-comsats international workshop on nanotechnology for young scientists (iwys2016). .
nasehah syamin sabri, eng liang lim, chi chin yap, muhammad yahaya, muhamad mat salleh & mohammad hafizuddin haji jumali. (2017). effect of multiple deposition of nio layer on the performance of inverted type organic solar cell based on zno/p3ht:pcbm. - the 1st ukm-isesco-comsats international workshop on nanotechnology for young scientists (iwys2016), aip conference proceedings. 20015.
farah liyana khairulaman, chi chin yap. (2020). solid state phenomena. - . 153-159.
farah liyana khairulaman, eng liang lim, chi chin yap. (2017). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2017. - . 4.
eng liang lim, chi chin yap, mohd asri mat teridi. (2022). third generation solar cells: materials, methods and future perspectives. - . 31.
farah liyana khairulaman, chi chin yap. (2020). solid state phenomena. - . 153-159.
akmal sabarudin, murshida marizan nor, yap chi chin. (2018). principles of entrepreneurship and innovation. - . 34.
akmal sabarudin, murshida marizan nor, yap chi chin. (2017). principles of entrepreneurship and innovation. - . 386.
farah liyana khairulaman, eng liang lim, chi chin yap. (2017). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2017. - . 4.
mohammad b. kassim, wan ramli wan daud, lorna jeffery minggu, kamaruzzaman sopian, mohd hafizuddin hj. jumali, akrajas ali umar, ibrahim n. hassan, siti fairus mohd yusoff, yap chi chin. (2011). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2011. - . 99.
chi chin yap. (2023). salah konsep dalam menganalisis litar elektrik asas. - majalah sains. 1-4.
chi chin yap, farah liyana khairulaman. (2023). sel suria organik - sumber tenaga untuk peranti berkuasa rendah dalam bangunan. - majalah sains. 1-4.
fatin saiha binti omar;yap chi chin. (2023). metal chalcogenide as binder-free faradaic electrode material for flexible supercapattery application. - . .
chia chin hua;sarani bt. zakaria;yap chi chin;chin siew xian. (2023). three-dimensional hierarchical and multifunctional porous nanocomposite frameworks for advanced applications. - . .
yap chi chin;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;rozidawati binti awang. (2023). role of cadmium selenide-coated carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer of indoor organic photovoltaics. - . .
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