pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian kesihatan komuniti (reach)
Penyelidikan Dr Wong memberi tumpuan kepada pembangunan dan penilaian kaedah dietari, komposisi badan dan penilaian aktiviti fizikal dalam kalangan golongan muda dan dewasa. Beliau mengetuai beberapa projek penyelidikan yang memanfaatkan teknologi web, mudah alih dan AR untuk memajukan metodologi pemakanan dan penggunaan masa, dan berkolaborasi secara aktif dalam penyelidikan tempatan dan antarabangsa dalam penilian diet dan aktiviti fizikal golongan muda dan dewasa. Dr Wong ialah pakar antropometri dan instruktor antarabangsa bertauliah dan telah menjalankan beberapa siri bengkel penyelarasan dan penyeragaman untuk penyelidik tempatan dan antarabangsa.
Dr Wong berkhidmat sebagai Felo dan ahli Majlis Persatuan Pemakanan Malaysia (NSM) dan merupakan ahli Persatuan Kajian Obesiti Malaysia (MASO). Beliau juga terlibat dalam Kumpulan Kerja Teknikal Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (TWG) untuk merangka Saranan Pengambilan Nutrien Malaysia (2017), Garis Panduan Pemakanan Malaysia (2020), dan garis panduan pemakanan baharu untuk vegetarian dan kanak-kanak serta remaja.
Dr Wong ’s research focuses on the development and evaluation of dietary methods, body composition and physical activity assessment of young people and adults. She leads several research projects which harnesses web, mobile and AR technology to advance dietary and time-use methodology, and collaborate actively in local and international research which assess diet and physical activity of young people and adults. Dr Wong is an accredited international instructor anthropometrist and has conducted several research harmonisation and standardization workshops for local and international researchers.
Dr Wong serves as a Fellow and Council member of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) and a Life member of the Malaysian Association for the Study of Obesity (MASO). She is also involved in the Ministry of Health Malaysia Technical Working Group (TWG) to devise Recommended Nutrient Intake of Malaysia (2017), Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (2020), and new dietary guidelines for vegetarians and children and adolescents.
kar mun chong, airu chia, nur syahirah shah budin, bee koon poh, nor aini jamil, denise koh, mary foong-fong chong. jyh eiin wong. (2024). accuracy of a web-based time-use diary (medal) in assessing childrens meal intakes with food photography by parents as reference: instrument validation study. - jmir pediatrics and parenting. 1-13.
ncd risk factor collaboration (ncd-risc). (2024). worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population- representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults. - the lancet. 1027-1050.
wong jyh eiin. (2024). clarifying the scope: addressing misinterpretations of our study on self-reporting food intake in malaysian primary school children. - journal of nutrition. 1478-1479.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
lai loke yee, wong jyh eiin. (2023). accuracy of reporting food intakes among primary school children aged seven-to-nine years. - journal of nutrition. 393-399.
ncd risk factor collaboration (ncd-risc). (2024). worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population- representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults. - the lancet. 1027-1050.
wong jyh eiin. (2024). clarifying the scope: addressing misinterpretations of our study on self-reporting food intake in malaysian primary school children. - journal of nutrition. 1478-1479.
eun-young lee [and twenty eight others].. (2023). report card grades on physical activity for children and adolescents from 18 asian countries: patterns, trends, gaps, and future recommendations. - journal of exercise science & fitness. 34-44.
lai loke yee, wong jyh eiin. (2023). accuracy of reporting food intakes among primary school children aged seven-to-nine years. - journal of nutrition. 393-399.
caryn mei hsien chan, ching sin siau, jyh eiin wong, noorazrul yahya, nor aniza azmi, shin ying chu, mahadir ahmad, agnes shu sze chong, lei hum wee, and jo pei tan. (2023). characterizing employees with primary and secondary caregiving responsibilities: informal care provision in malaysia. - healthcare. 1-12.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
lim sy, rosmawati d, yatiman nh, wong je, haron h, poh bk. (2022). evaluation of physical characteristics and sensory acceptance of newly developed vegetable-based soups. - progress in nutrition. 1-12.
sim yee lim, dora rosmawati, noor hafizah yatiman, jyh eiin wong, hasnah haron, bee koon poh. (2022). umami detection threshold among children of different ethnicities and its correlation with various indices of obesity and blood pressure. - current research in food science. 2204-2210.
caryn mei hsien chan, jyh eiin wong, lei hum wee, nor aini jamil, lena lay ling yeap, yogarabindranath swarna nantha, ching sin siau. (2020). psychological and work-related factors predicting work engagement in malaysian employees. - occupational medicine. 400-406.
saeedi, p.; haszard, j.; stoner, l.; skeaff, s.; black, k.e.; davison, b.; harrex, h.; meredith-jones, k.; quigg, r.; wong, j.e.; skidmore, p.m.. (2020). relationships between dietary patterns and indices of arterial stiffness and central arterial wave reflection in 9 11 year old children. - children-basel. 1-12.
ncd risk factor collaboration (ncd-risc). (2024). worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population- representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults. - the lancet. 1027-1050.
kar mun chong, airu chia, nur syahirah shah budin, bee koon poh, nor aini jamil, denise koh, mary foong-fong chong. jyh eiin wong. (2024). accuracy of a web-based time-use diary (medal) in assessing childrens meal intakes with food photography by parents as reference: instrument validation study. - jmir pediatrics and parenting. 1-13.
wong jyh eiin. (2024). clarifying the scope: addressing misinterpretations of our study on self-reporting food intake in malaysian primary school children. - journal of nutrition. 1478-1479.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
lai loke yee, wong jyh eiin. (2023). accuracy of reporting food intakes among primary school children aged seven-to-nine years. - journal of nutrition. 393-399.
wong je, ainaa fatehah a, poh bk. (2017). estimating portion sizes from digital food images : accuracy of estimation by nutrition professionals. - malaysian journal of nutrition. 51.
lim sy, noor hafizah y, wong je, hasnah h and poh bk. (2017). study on the effect of glutamate on satiety and perceived hunger among primary school children in malaysia. - 1st southeast asia public health nutrition conference. 128.
razinah sharif, chong kar hau, hazizi abu saad, nur hadiyani binti zakaria, ong min li, poh bee koon, wong jyh eiin. (2017). malaysian active healthy kids report card 2016. - . 39.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
rusidah selamat, rozalina ismail, norhasmah sulaiman, wan azdie mohd abu bakar, normaz wana ismail, wong jyh eiin, mohd zulhelmi syafuddin tan, ruhaya salleh. (2020). nutrition research priorities in malaysia for 12th malaysia plan. - . 14.
razinah sharif, chong kar hau, hazizi abu saad, nur hadiyani binti zakaria, ong min li, poh bee koon, wong jyh eiin. (2017). malaysian active healthy kids report card 2016. - . 39.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
wong je, chai wj, azimah a, nor aini j, raiza sh, nur liana al, mohalijah ma, mohd rizal mr, wan noorasrizal mn, razali makhtar, sahazliza sa, noor afzianni ak, irniza m.. (2009). manual of malaysian games anthropometry project (mgap) 2006. - . 46.
nurul hasanah hasmuni chew, nur zakiah mohd saat, jyh eiin wong, ilse khouw, bee koon poh. (2023). dietary patterns and association with overweight/obesity among 3-to-6-yearold preschoolers in peninsular malaysia: findings from seanuts ii malaysia. - 2023 international congress on obesity and metabolic syndrome (icomes). 2.
see meng lim, masaharu kagawa, jyh eiin wong, bee koon poh. (2023). acceptance of insects as food among malaysian and japanese women: a preliminary study. - 14th asian congress of nutrition (acn). 1.
wong jyh eiin, hanis mastura yahya, barakatun nisak mohd yusof. (2023). malaysian dietary guidelines for vegetarians. - key message 3: eat adequate amounts of rice, other cereals, whole grain cereal-based products and tubers. 56-70.
jyh eiin wong, airu chia, kar mun chong, denise choon lian koh, nor aini jamil, mary foong-fong chong, bee koon poh. (2023). prevalence of meeting 24-hour movement guidelines among school children in kuala lumpur, malaysia. - international society of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 2023. 351.
jyh eiin wong, javier palarea- albaladejo, shoo thien lee, denise koh, ilse khouw, bee koon poh. (2023). composition of 24-hour movement behaviour and its association with adiposity in malaysia school children. - 14th asian congress of nutrition (acn). 1-2.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
APPLYING NUCLEAR NUTRITION TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES FOR CHILDHOOD CANCER IN MALAYSIA | international atomic energy agency (iaea) | 93.4% (2019-09-10 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 88.9% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |