dr. amy liew kia cheen

pensyarah pergigian

jabatan kesihatan pergigian keluarga


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Dr Amy Liew Kia Cheen ialah pensyarah Fakulti Pergigian, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau memperoleh Doktor Pembedahan Pergigian dari UKM pada tahun 2009, Sarjana Kesihatan Awam dari Universiti Harvard pada tahun 2012, dan Doktor Pergigian Klinikal dalam Endodontology dari UKM pada tahun 2023. Dr. Liew telah menerbitkan lebih daripada dua puluh artikel dalam jurnal saintifik, memfokuskan pada epidemiologi, pencegahan, dan pengurusan trauma pergigian, dan pengesahan indeks untuk pemeriksaan dan diagnosis penyakit pergigian. Beliau telah membentangkan penyelidikannya di pelbagai persidangan, memperoleh anugerah seperti Hadiah Pertama di Pameran dan Persidangan Pergigian Antarabangsa Malaysia pada 2019. Dr. Liew terlibat secara aktif dalam jawatankuasa akademik, berkhidmat sebagai penilai dan pemeriksa untuk peperiksaan pergigian, dan mengambil bahagian secara meluas dalam program jangkauan komuniti, menganjurkan inisiatif kesihatan mulut. Kepimpinan beliau dalam universiti, termasuk peranan beliau sebagai Ketua Jabatan Kesihatan Awam Pergigian, menonjolkan komitmen beliau untuk memupuk pertumbuhan akademik dan profesional dalam komuniti pergigian.
    Dr. Amy Liew Kia Cheen is a lecturer in Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery from UKM in 2009, a Master of Public Health from Harvard University in 2012, and a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Endodontology from UKM in 2023. Dr. Liew has published more than twenty articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, focusing on the epidemiology, prevention, and management of dental trauma, and the validation of indices for screening and diagnosis of dental diseases. She has presented her research at various conferences, earning accolades such as First Prize at the Malaysia International Dental Exhibition and Conference in 2019. Dr. Liew is actively involved in academic committees, serves as an assessor and examiner for dental exams, and participates extensively in community outreach programs, organizing oral health initiatives. Her leadership within the university, including her role as Head of the Dental Public Health Department, highlights her commitment to fostering academic and professional growth in the dental community.

  • amy kia cheen liew, dalia abdullah, eason soo, norziha yahaya.  (2023).  assessing inter-rater reliability of the dental practicality index and the american association of endodontists endodontic case difficulty assessment form among undergraduates.  - archives of orofacial sciences.  153-165. 


    muhammad hafiz ahnaf hisham, muhammad hanif mohd idrus, dalia abdullah, eason soo, amy kia cheen liew.  (2023).  pulp and periapical diseases in crowned vital teeth after four years review: a prospective matched cohort study.  - 1-20. 


    afiq azizi jawami, eason soo, dalia abdullah, amy kia cheen liew, mariati abd rahman.  (2022).  metal contamination and stability of household bleach and specially-formulated sodium hypochlorite for endodontic use.  - sains malaysiana.  307-313. 


    nurul asyikin yahya, haslina rani, amirul faiz luai, amy liew kia cheen, zurainie abllah, muhd firdaus che musa.  (2021).  smoking cessation intervention for dental students (scids) workshop.  - 3rd international invention & innovation dentistry exhibition 2021.  1. 


    dalia bt. abdullah;amy liew kia cheen.  (2020).  validation of pufa index in assessing untreated dental caries among malaysian adult subpopulation.  -


    lay ann teh, dalia abdullah, amy kia cheen liew, eason soo.  (2020).  evaluation of pulpal involvement, ulceration, fistula and abscess index and periapical index in screening for endodontic disease: reliability and accuracy.  - journal of endodontics.  748-755. 


    d. abdullah, a.k.c. liew, f.c.l. wee & s. khoo.  (2016).  pattern of traumatic dental injuries in rugby players.  - international endodontic journal.  64. 


    farah eziana hussein, amy liew kia cheen, roza anon ramli, dalia abdullah, bs chong..  (2016).  factors associated with apical periodontitis: a multilevel analysis.  - journal of endodontics.  1441-1445. 


    f.e. hussein, d. abdullah, r.a. ramlee & k.c. liew.  (2016).  factors associated with prevalence of apical periodontitis in an adult sub-population in malaysia.  - international endodontic journal.  108. 


    n. jamaludin, s mohd. said, tn mohd dom, akc liew, r. ayob.  (2015).  retention of mobile teeth following five years supportive periodontal therapy.  - journal of clinical periodontology : special issue: abstracts of europerio8, london, uk, 3-6 june.  297. 


    afiq azizi jawami, eason soo, dalia abdullah, amy kia cheen liew, mariati abd rahman.  (2022).  metal contamination and stability of household bleach and specially-formulated sodium hypochlorite for endodontic use.  - sains malaysiana.  307-313. 


    lishen wong, abdullah dalia, kia cheen liew.  (2016).  endodontic practice of general dental practitioners and specialists in malaysia.  - international dental journal : abstracts of the 104th fdi annual world dental congress.  98. 


    dalia abdullah, amy kia cheen liew, wan ahmad wan noorina, selina khoo and fay chwee lin wee.  (2015).  association of dental trauma experience and first-aid knowledge among rugby players in malaysia.  - dental traumatology.  403-408. 


    amy kia cheen liew, dalia abdullah, wan ahmad wan noorina, selina khoo.  (2014).  factors associated with mouthguard use and discontinuation among rugby players in malaysia.  - dental traumatology.  461-467. 


    akc liew, n punnanithinont, y-c lee, j yang.  (2013).  effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on hba1c: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.  - australian dental journal.  350-357. 


    amy kia cheen liew, dalia abdullah, eason soo, norziha yahaya.  (2023).  assessing inter-rater reliability of the dental practicality index and the american association of endodontists endodontic case difficulty assessment form among undergraduates.  - archives of orofacial sciences.  153-165. 


    afiq azizi jawami, eason soo, dalia abdullah, amy kia cheen liew, mariati abd rahman.  (2022).  metal contamination and stability of household bleach and specially-formulated sodium hypochlorite for endodontic use.  - sains malaysiana.  307-313. 


    lay ann teh, dalia abdullah, amy kia cheen liew, eason soo.  (2020).  evaluation of pulpal involvement, ulceration, fistula and abscess index and periapical index in screening for endodontic disease: reliability and accuracy.  - journal of endodontics.  748-755. 


    amy kia cheen liew, dalia abdullah, mohamad aflah lokeman, muhammad azril fitri kamaruddin, muhammad khiratti mat zainal, eason soo.  (2020).  effectiveness of an educational workshop in improving knowledge on dental trauma among rugby players.  - journal of international dental and medical research.  337-345. 


    dalia abdullah, alizae marny fadzlin syed mohamed, amy kia cheen liew.  (2019).  dentine hypersensitivity-like tooth pain associated with the use of high-dose steroid therapy.  - journal of conservative dentistry. 


    dalia abdullah, alizae marny fadzlin syed mohamed, amy liew kia cheen.  (2019).  proceeding book for faculty of dentistry ukm research & innovation symposium 1.0 2019.  - 199. 


    muhammad hafiz ahnaf hisham, muhammad hanif mohd idrus, dalia abdullah, eason soo, amy kia cheen liew.  (2023).  pulp and periapical diseases in crowned vital teeth after four years review: a prospective matched cohort study.  - 1-20. 


    nurul asyikin yahya, haslina rani, amirul faiz luai, amy liew kia cheen, zurainie abllah, muhd firdaus che musa.  (2021).  smoking cessation intervention for dental students (scids) workshop.  - 3rd international invention & innovation dentistry exhibition 2021.  1. 


    dalia bt. abdullah;amy liew kia cheen.  (2020).  validation of pufa index in assessing untreated dental caries among malaysian adult subpopulation.  -


    yeo hui ying, seet hao wei, chong sze min, wong lishen, dalia abdullah, amy liew kia cheen.  (2020).  adherence of online dental practice information among dental practitioners to the malaysia healthcare advertising guidelines.  - research & innovation symposium 2.0 2020.  31. 


    nurul asyikin yahya, haslina rani, amy liew kia cheen.  (2020).  development, implementation, and evaluation of an education intervention focusing on smoking cessation for dental student.  - 1-10.