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Hamizah Abd Hamid (Ph.D) is a lecturer in International Business and Entrepreneurship. Her current research examines the may international mobility influence entrepreneurial activities across nations. Her research interests include international entrepreneurship and culture in business. She welcomes new collaborations and can be contacted at
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
hamizah binti abd hamid;zizah binti che senik;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob;nur sa`adah binti muhamad;teng huei chun. (2023). a context-sensitive model of transnational entrepreneurship for malaysian transnational entrepreneurs . - . .
abu hanifah bin ayob;wan mohd hirwani bin wan hussain;hamizah binti abd hamid. (2023). kajian kelestarian perusahaan sosial di malaysia: perspektif pasca pandemik covid-19. - . .
hamizah binti abd hamid;ruzita binti abdul rahim;abu hanifah bin ayob;kew si roei;tee lain tze. (2023). developing a model of understanding image-identity of palm oil in malaysia . - . .
hamizah abd hamid, robert j. pidduck, alexander newman, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek. (2023). intercultural resource arbitrageurs: a review and extension of the literature on transnational entrepreneurs. - journal of business research. 1-14.
hamizah abd hamid, robert j. pidduck, alexander newman, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek. (2023). intercultural resource arbitrageurs: a review and extension of the literature on transnational entrepreneurs. - journal of business research. 1-14.
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
abu h ayob, hamizah abd hamid, farhana sidek. (2022). individual values and career choice: does cultural context condition the relationship?. - analyses of social issues and public policy. 560-581.
laila yanai, zizah che senik, nur sa'adah muhamad, hamizah abd hamid, nurul atasha jamaludin. (2020). push and pull factors influencing thai immigrant entrepreneurs conducting business in malaysia. - journal of nusantara studies. 19-47.
abd hamid, hamizah, o'kane, conor, everett, andré m.. (2019). conforming to the host country versus being distinct to our home countries: ethnic migrant entrepreneurs' identity work in cross-cultural settings. - international journal of entrepreneurial behaviour & research. 919-935.
hamizah abd hamid, andré m everett, and conor o'kane. (2018). ethnic migrant entrepreneurs' opportunity exploitation and cultural distance: a classification through a matrix of opportunities. - asian academy of management journal. .
hamizah abd hamid, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek, zizah che senik. (2024). capturing transnational entrepreneurial opportunities through dual identification: immigrant entrepreneurs and transnational activities. - entrepreneurship research journal. 255-281.
hamizah abd hamid, robert j. pidduck, alexander newman, abu hanifah ayob, farhana sidek. (2023). intercultural resource arbitrageurs: a review and extension of the literature on transnational entrepreneurs. - journal of business research. 1-14.
mohd nuruddin zanky, hamizah abd hamid, norliza abdullah, mohd hizam hanafiah. (2023). poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship: a systematic review. - malaysian journal of educational management. 1-22.
mohd hizam-hanafiah , mohd faizal abdul ghani, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abd hamid. (2023). critical success factors of franchising firms: a study on franchisors and franchisees. - administrative sciences. 1-16.
abu hanifah ayob, hazrul izuan shahiri, hamizah abd hamid. (2023). religiosity, government favoritism, and entrepreneurial intention: empirical evidence among university students in malaysia. - jurnal pengurusan. 1-13.
hamizah abd hamid. (2022). entrepreneurship in indonesia: from artisan and tourism to technology-based business growth. - . 21.
hamizah abd hamid. (2020). ethnic migrant entrepreneurs in malaysia. - . 112.
hamizah abd hamid. (2022). entrepreneurship in indonesia: from artisan and tourism to technology-based business growth. - . 21.
hamizah abd hamid. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 16.
abd hamid, hamizah; o`kane, conor & everett, andré m.. (2017). technology-based nascent entrepreneurship. - . 28.
hamizah abd hamid. (2020). ethnic migrant entrepreneurs in malaysia. - . 112.
hamizah binti abd hamid;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob. (2023). towards a model of transnational entrepreneurship. - . .
hamizah binti abd hamid;ruzita binti abdul rahim;abu hanifah bin ayob;kew si roei;tee lain tze. (2023). developing a model of understanding image-identity of palm oil in malaysia . - . .
hamizah binti abd hamid;zizah binti che senik;farhana binti sidek;abu hanifah bin ayob;nur sa`adah binti muhamad;teng huei chun. (2023). a context-sensitive model of transnational entrepreneurship for malaysian transnational entrepreneurs . - . .
farhana sidek, rosmah mat isa, hamizah abdul hamid. (2023). the role of compassion in guiding muslim entrepreneurs' opportunity recognition.. - 36th anzam conference: changing management values and practices for a sustainable future. 1-11.
abu hanifah bin ayob;wan mohd hirwani bin wan hussain;hamizah binti abd hamid. (2023). kajian kelestarian perusahaan sosial di malaysia: perspektif pasca pandemik covid-19. - . .
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