pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembangunan, sosial & persekitaran (seeds)
Nur Hafizah Yusoff is a senior lecturer at Anthropology and Sociology Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She graduated in Anthropology & Sociology from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and finished her Master of Philosophy on Anthropology & Sociology (Community development) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She completed her Ph.D in the field of Sociology (Deviance & Social Control) from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Her expertise are on Deviance, Crime and Social Control. While her research interests are mainly on crime prevention, Socialization and social control; Sociology of Sport; Digital Sociology; Social Change and Development and Community Development. Currently, she is the Head of Sociocultural transformation Cluster in Faculty.
muhammad abu bakar giwa, nur hafizah yusoff. (2024). creation of cattle ranches, grazing route and reserves as solutions to herders-farmers conflict in northern nigeria. - e-bangi journal of social sciences and humanities. 427-435.
muhammd abu bakr giwa, nur hafizah yusoff. (2024). impact of discipline on students academic performance in senior secondary schools in minna metropolis, niger state, nigeria. - 6th international conference on business, education, innovation and social sciences 2024 (icbeiss2024). 198-207.
nur hafizah yusoff. (2024). rencana slot jenayah buletin utama. - bulletin utama tv3. .
nur hafizah yusoff. (2024). motivation and particapation of female football supporters in malaysia. - 4tth asnet international conference on education, social sciences and technology2024 (aicest2024). 158-162.
nur hafizah binti yusoff;novel anak lyndon;norhafizah binti abu hasan;zurinah binti tahir. (2023). pembinaan modul pemerkasaan e-sukan dalam kalangan belia. - . .
sarina yusoff, nur hafizah yusoff. (2022). disaster risks management through adaptive actions from human-based perspective: case study of 2014 flood disaster. - sustainability. 1-18.
azlan abas, ah choy er, noordeyana tambi, nur hafizah yusoff. (2021). a systematic review on sustainable agricultural practices among oil palm farmers. - outlook on agriculture. 155-163.
nur hafizah yusoff. (2019). integriti akademik dalam kalangan mahasiswa universiti kebangsaan malaysia (ukm). - geografia malaysian journal of society and space. 179-190.
azlina abdullah, nor azlili hassan, novel lyndon, nur hafizah yusoff, ummi munirah syuhada muhamad zan. (2019). ethnicity at workplace: value and culture of malaysian malay tradition in organization. - international journal of advanced and applied sciences. 92-101.
sarina yusoff, rahimah abdul aziz, nur hafizah yusoff. (2018). impak sosioekonomi bencana banjir 2014: tindakan penyesuaian dan kesiapsiagaan lokal. - geografia online malaysian journal of society and space. 74-88.
mohd rafizey dalin, nur hafizah yusoff, azlina abdullah. (2023). factors influencing bisexual men to marry heterosexual women: a case study of malaysia. - international journal of asian social science. 112-121.
muhammad ridhwan sarifin, jusang bolong, nur hafizah yusoff, mohamad nazrul mohd azmian. (2023). understanding of virtual community towards social control concept. - the international journal of learner diversity and identities. 261-270.
nurulainy mohd noor, yew wong chin, nur hafizah yusoff. (2023). millennial family dynamics and sustainable cities: unveiling the transformative contributions towards sdg 11. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1399-1412.
nur hafizah yusoff, muhammad ridhwan sarifin, azlina zainal abidin. (2022). factors influencing practice of cashless purchase during covid-19 movement control order (mco) in malaysian society. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 702-714.
sarina yusoff, nur hafizah yusoff. (2022). disaster risks management through adaptive actions from human-based perspective: case study of 2014 flood disaster. - sustainability. 1-18.
nur hafizah yusoff, zurinah tahir, shahidah hamzah. (2020). security systems to preventing misbehavior among football fans in malaysia: how effective it is?. - the 2nd joint international conference on emerging computing technology and sports (jicets) 2019. 1-7.
zurinah tahir, jalaluddin abdul malek,nur hafizah yusoff, shahidah hamzah. (2020). review of physical planning aspect of gated community developments. - the 2nd joint international conference on emerging computing technology and sports (jicets) 2019. 1-8.
sarina yusoff, nur hafizah yusoff. (2023). bencana banjir: gangguan, sokongan & adaptasi sosial. - . 121.
azlina abdullah, nur hafizah yusoff, mohd fuad mat jali. (2022). pemerkasaan belia dan wanita. - . 12.
nur hafizah yusoff, p. sundramoorthy. (2021). bola sepak dan salah laku penyokong di malaysia. - . 85.
nur hafizah yusoff, geraldine k. c. chan. (2020). pembangunan sosial, identiti dan integriti. - . 15.
rahimah abdul aziz, nur hafizah yusoff. (2020). pembangunan sosial, identiti dan integriti. - . 19.
zalmizy hussin, nur hafizah yusoff. (2022). pemerkasaan belia dan wanita. - . 21.
mashrom muda, nur hafizah yusoff. (2022). pemerkasaan belia dan wanita. - . 13.
shahidah hamzah, nur hafizah yusoff. (2022). pemerkasaan belia dan wanita. - . 12.
azlina abdullah, nur hafizah yusoff, mohd fuad mat jali. (2022). pemerkasaan belia dan wanita. - . 12.
sarina yusoff, rahimah abdul aziz, nur hafizah yusoff. (2021). kelestarian pembangunan komuniti luar bandar di malaysia. - . 12.
sarina yusoff, nur hafizah yusoff. (2023). bencana banjir: gangguan, sokongan & adaptasi sosial. - . 121.
azlina abdullah, nur hafizah yusoff, mohd fuad mat jali. (2022). pemerkasaan belia dan wanita. - . 218.
nur hafizah yusoff, p. sundramoorthy. (2021). bola sepak dan salah laku penyokong di malaysia. - . 85.
rahimah abdul aziz, nur hafizah yusoff, azlina abdullah. (2020). pembangunan sosial, identiti dan integriti. - . 245.
rahimah abdul aziz, mohamad fauzi sukimi, nur hafizah yusoff. (2019). malaysia pembangunan negara & kerencaman isu sosial. - . 292.
nur hafizah yusoff. (2024). rencana slot jenayah buletin utama. - bulletin utama tv3. .
nur hafizah binti yusoff;novel anak lyndon;norhafizah binti abu hasan;zurinah binti tahir. (2023). pembinaan modul pemerkasaan e-sukan dalam kalangan belia. - . .
muhammad irfan waqiuddin hasanudin, noor izatul amira mohd safian, muhd norizam jamian & nur hafizah yusoff. (2023). tingkah laku devian dalam novel cinta 100 ela. - kolokium siswazah bitara melayu 2023. 1.
nurul fathiah azmi, nur hafizah yusoff. (2023). buku program dan abstrak perada 2023. - . 16.
nur hafizah yusoff, novel lyndon, norhafizah abu hasan, zurinah tahir. (2023). laporan akhir pembinaan modul pemerkasaan e-sukan dalam kalangan belia. - . 1-35.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN GARIS PANDUAN PEMERKASAAN PROGRAM AGAMA PENJARA BAGI BANDUAN MUSLIM | jabatan penjara malaysia | 95.6% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |