Clinical Lecturer, Internal Medicine Physician, Clinical Neurologist (Stroke), Vice President of Malaysia Stroke Council, National Leader and Principle Investigator (Malaysia) of TRIDENT study
valery l feigin , rita krishnamurthi, oleg medvedev, alexander merkin, balakrishnan nair, michael kravchenko, shabnam jalili-moghaddam, suzanne barker-collo , yogini ratnasabapathy, luke skinner, mayowa owolabi , bo norrving, perminder s sachdev. (2024). usability and feasibility of prevents-md web app for stroke prevention. - international journal of stroke. 94-104.
sharifah zainon sayed mohd khan, nor haniza abdul wahat, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2023). stroke, vestibular and balance (dys) function. - . 142.
hui jan tan, abdool alleem hj shahren, ching soong khoo, chen fei ng, wan asyraf wan zaidi, najma kori, petrick periyasamy, choon leng eu, alvin oliver payus, rozita hod. (2023). anxiety among hospitalized covid-19 patients: a case-control study from a tertiary teaching hospital in malaysia. - frontiers in psychiatry. 1-13.
hj tan, ch goh, cs khoo, cf ng, jk tan, wa wan zaidi, zk law, md zulkifli, sa md rani, wnn wan yahya, r remli, nm ibrahim, r hod, sam mukari, awm mohd mustapha, n kori, p periyasamy. (2023). neurological manifestations in sars-cov-2 infection: a singlecenter cross-sectional study in malaysia. - neurology and clinical neuroscience. 17-26.
mohd syahrul nizam ag lamat, muhammad samir haziq abd rahman, wan asyraf wan zaidi, wan nur nafisah wan yahya, ching soong khoo, rozita hod, and hui jan tan. (2023). qualitative electroencephalogram and its predictors in the diagnosis of stroke. - frontiers in neurology. 1-9.
valery l feigin , rita krishnamurthi, oleg medvedev, alexander merkin, balakrishnan nair, michael kravchenko, shabnam jalili-moghaddam, suzanne barker-collo , yogini ratnasabapathy, luke skinner, mayowa owolabi , bo norrving, perminder s sachdev. (2024). usability and feasibility of prevents-md web app for stroke prevention. - international journal of stroke. 94-104.
ang hui phing, suzana makpol, muhammad luqman nasaruddin, wan asyraf wan zaidi, nurul saadah ahmad and hashim embong. (2023). altered tryptophan-kynurenine pathway in delirium: a review of the current literature. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-28.
theeban raj shivaraja, rabani, noorfazila kamal, wan zaidi, wan asyraf wan zaidi & kalaivani chellappan. (2023). assessment of a 16-channel ambulatory dry electrode eeg for remote monitoring. - sensors. 1-18.
thanh n. nguyen...ainul syahrilfazli jaafar, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2023). global effect of the covid-19 pandemic on stroke volumes and cerebrovascular events. - american academy of neurology. 408-421.
hui jan tan, abdool alleem hj shahren, ching soong khoo, chen fei ng, wan asyraf wan zaidi, najma kori, petrick periyasamy, choon leng eu, alvin oliver payus, rozita hod. (2023). anxiety among hospitalized covid-19 patients: a case-control study from a tertiary teaching hospital in malaysia. - frontiers in psychiatry. 1-13.
radhiyah hussin, aznida firzah abdul aziz, mohd fairuz ali, ezura madiana md monoto, hs arvinder singh, alabed ali ahmed alabed, wan asyraf wan zaidi, norlinah ibrahim. (2023). stroke riskometer application (sratm) influence on lifestyle changes of home bound familial malaysian stroke caregivers: a randomised controlled trial in a primary care based longer term stroke care facility.. - bmc primary care. 1-10.
alex y. c. sim, ainal a. naffi, tang s. fai, najma kori, wan a. w. zaidi, petrick periyasamy, norshamsiah md din, mushawiahti mustapha, ayesha mohd zain. (2022). bilateral intermediate uveitis in a healthy teenager with the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children secondary to covid-19 infection. - journal of medical virology. 1269-1271.
masnon nurul ain, teo shee kiang, wan hazabbah wan hitam, hui jan tan, rabani remli, wan zaidi wan asyraf, othmaliza othman. (2022). sixteen-syndrome in a young patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. - neurology india. 2163-2165.
kah hui yap, nurul husna baharudin, abdul halim abdul gafor, rabani remli, shen-yang lim, wan asyraf wan zaidi, shahrul azmin, shahizon azura mohamed mukari, raihanah abdul khalid, norlinah mohamed ibrahim. (2022). movement disorders resulting from bilateral basal ganglia lesions in end-stage kidney disease: a systematic review. - journal of movement disorders. 258-263.
chun yang sim, wan asyraf wan zaidi, shamsul azhar shah, wan nur nafisah wan yahya, hui jan tan. (2021). knowledge of acute stroke management among healthcare professionals: development and validation of acute stroke management questionnaire (asmaq). - journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases. 1-10.
valery l feigin , rita krishnamurthi, oleg medvedev, alexander merkin, balakrishnan nair, michael kravchenko, shabnam jalili-moghaddam, suzanne barker-collo , yogini ratnasabapathy, luke skinner, mayowa owolabi , bo norrving, perminder s sachdev. (2024). usability and feasibility of prevents-md web app for stroke prevention. - international journal of stroke. 94-104.
theeban raj shivaraja, rabani, noorfazila kamal, wan zaidi, wan asyraf wan zaidi & kalaivani chellappan. (2023). assessment of a 16-channel ambulatory dry electrode eeg for remote monitoring. - sensors. 1-18.
thanh n. nguyen...ainul syahrilfazli jaafar, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2023). global effect of the covid-19 pandemic on stroke volumes and cerebrovascular events. - american academy of neurology. 408-421.
hui jan tan, abdool alleem hj shahren, ching soong khoo, chen fei ng, wan asyraf wan zaidi, najma kori, petrick periyasamy, choon leng eu, alvin oliver payus, rozita hod. (2023). anxiety among hospitalized covid-19 patients: a case-control study from a tertiary teaching hospital in malaysia. - frontiers in psychiatry. 1-13.
hui phing ang, suzana makpol, muhammad luqman nasaruddin, nurul saadah ahmad, jen kit tan, wan asyraf wan zaidi and hashim embong. (2023). lipopolysaccharide-induced delirium-like behaviour in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion is associated with increased indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression and endotoxin tolerance. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-23.
t.r. shivaraja, n kamal, w.a.w zaidi, k. chellappan. (2022). adaptable medical device with 3d printing facilities. - journal of physics: conference series (8th international virtual conference on biosignals, images, and instrumentation (icbsii 2022)). 1-10.
mohd syakir fathillah, rosmina jaafar, kalaivani chellappan, rabani remli & wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2017). complexity analysis on eeg signal via lempel-ziv and approximate entropy: effect of multiresolution analysis. - international medical device and technology conference 2017 (imeditec 2017). 246-250.
mohd syakir fathillah, rosmina jaafar, kalaivani chellappan, rabani remli, wan asyraf wan zainal. (2017). interictal epileptic discharge eeg detection based on wavelet and multiresolution analysis. - ieee international conference on system engineering and technology (icset 2017). .
sharifah zainon sayed mohd khan, nor haniza abdul wahat, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2023). stroke, vestibular and balance (dys) function. - . 142.
tan hui jan, siti zaleha sahibulddin, khoo ching soong, ng chen fei, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2022). the covid-19 pandemic : the experiences of hospital canselor tuanku muhriz (hctm). - . 11.
sharifah zainon sayed mohd khan, nor haniza abdul wahat, wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2023). stroke, vestibular and balance (dys) function. - . 142.
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azimatun noor binti aizuddin;aznida firzah binti abdul aziz;wan asyraf bin wan zaidi. (2023). budget impact analysis of edoxaban (lixiana). - . .
tan hui jan;petrick @ ramesh a/l k periyasamy;siti zaleha binti sahibulddin;rozita binti hod;wan asyraf bin wan zaidi;law zhe kang;nursyazwana binti zolkafli;khoo ching soong;ng chen fei. (2023). prevalence and factors associated with neurological abnormalities among covid-19 patients. - . .
tan hui jan;siti zaleha binti sahibulddin;rozita binti hod;wan asyraf bin wan zaidi;nursyazwana binti zolkafli;khoo ching soong;ng chen fei. (2023). prevalence of eeg abnormalities in post stroke patients and its associated factors. - . .
kalaivani chellappan, noorfazila kamal, rosmina jaafar, rabani remli & wan asyraf wan zaidi. (2022). laporan teknikal 8: crest-2021-002. - . 1-32.
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