rohaina che man, ruszymah binti hj idrus, wan izlina wan ibrahim, aminuddin bin saim, and yogeswaran lokanathan. (2024). cell biology and translational medicine. - . 18.
rohaina che man, ruszymah binti hj idrus, wan izlina wan ibrahim, aminuddin bin saim, and yogeswaran lokanathan. (2024). secretome analysis of human nasal fibroblast identifies proteins that promote wound healing. - advances in experimental medicine and biology. 59-76.
ulya a rahim, suhada mansor, muhd fakhri m s, clarence ko c h, muhd hafiz roslan, rohaina che man, siti nor azreen a manap, norizam salamt, nurazilah mohd sallehulldin, wan haslina wan abd halim, aida azween a r, abdul halim abdul gafor, norazlina mohamed. (2023). the sustainable development goals report, faculty of medicine ukm (2021-2022). - . 1-8.
rohaina, c.m., wan haslina, w.a.h., ng, m.h., aida zairani, m.z., then, k.y., aminuddin, b.s., ruszymah, b.h.i. (2023). differentiated human buccal mucosal epithelium promotes corneal regeneration in a nude rat model - an in vivo study. - simposium biologi kebangsaan 2023. 48.
hari priya raghvan, nurasyikin yusof, suria abdul aziz, nor rafeah tumian, loh c-khai, rohaina che man, nor hazila omar jani, marie-christine morel-kopp, christopher ward. (2023). the immunofluorescent test detection of myh9 gene associated mutation for platelet disorders in malaysia. - international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine (icpalm) 2023. 1.
safa tahri, manira maarof, syafira masri, rohaina che man, hatem masmoudi and mh busra fauzi. (2023). human epidermal keratinocytes and human dermal fibroblasts interactions seeded on gelatin hydrogel for future application in skin in vitro 3-dimensional model. - frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 1-16.
nur amalia ra'oh, rohaina che man, mh busra fauzi, norzana abd ghafar, muhamad ramdzan buyong, ng min hwei and wan haslina wan abdul halim. (2023). recent approaches to the modification of collagen biomatrix as a corneal biomatrix and its cellular interaction. - polymers. 1-36.
mohamad fikeri ishak, rohaina che man, muhammad dain yazid, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, nadiah sulaiman. (2022). optimisation of fractalkine (cx3cl1) concentration in monocyte/macrophage recruitment and adhesion to promote vascular re-endothelisation. - tissue engineering part a. 586.
rohaina che man, muhammad dain yazid, mohamad fikeri ishak, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, nadiah sulaiman. (2022). monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (mcp1) in enhancing macrophage and monocyte cell adhesion: potential vascular reendothelialisation approach. - tissue engineering: part a. 585.
yogeswaran lokanathan, mh busra fauzi, rohaina che man, zahra rashidbenam, aminuddin bin saim, ruszymah binti hj idrus and mohd heikal mohd yunus. (2021). preliminary study on the development of in vitro human respiratory epithelium using collagen type i scaffold as a potential model for future tracheal tissue engineering. - applied sciences. 1-12.
ar rabiatul, y. lokanathan, c.m. rohaina, sr chowdhury, bs aminuddin, and bhi ruszymah. (2015). surface modification of electrospun pmma nanofiber for development of in vitro respiratory epithelium model. - journal of biomaterials science, polymer edition. 1297-311.
rohaina che man, ruszymah binti hj idrus, wan izlina wan ibrahim, aminuddin bin saim, and yogeswaran lokanathan. (2024). secretome analysis of human nasal fibroblast identifies proteins that promote wound healing. - advances in experimental medicine and biology. 59-76.
safa tahri, manira maarof, syafira masri, rohaina che man, hatem masmoudi and mh busra fauzi. (2023). human epidermal keratinocytes and human dermal fibroblasts interactions seeded on gelatin hydrogel for future application in skin in vitro 3-dimensional model. - frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 1-16.
nur amalia ra'oh, rohaina che man, mh busra fauzi, norzana abd ghafar, muhamad ramdzan buyong, ng min hwei and wan haslina wan abdul halim. (2023). recent approaches to the modification of collagen biomatrix as a corneal biomatrix and its cellular interaction. - polymers. 1-36.
mohamad fikeri ishak, rohaina che man, muhammad dain yazid, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, nadiah sulaiman. (2022). optimisation of fractalkine (cx3cl1) concentration in monocyte/macrophage recruitment and adhesion to promote vascular re-endothelisation. - tissue engineering part a. 586.
rohaina che man, muhammad dain yazid, mohamad fikeri ishak, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, nadiah sulaiman. (2022). monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (mcp1) in enhancing macrophage and monocyte cell adhesion: potential vascular reendothelialisation approach. - tissue engineering: part a. 585.
rohaina che man, ruszymah binti hj idrus, wan izlina wan ibrahim, aminuddin bin saim, and yogeswaran lokanathan. (2024). cell biology and translational medicine. - . 18.
rohaina che man, ruszymah binti hj idrus, wan izlina wan ibrahim, aminuddin bin saim, and yogeswaran lokanathan. (2024). cell biology and translational medicine. - . 18.
hari priya raghvan, nurasyikin yusof, suria abdul aziz, nor rafeah tumian, loh c-khai, rohaina che man, nor hazila omar jani, marie-christine morel-kopp, christopher ward. (2023). the immunofluorescent test detection of myh9 gene associated mutation for platelet disorders in malaysia. - international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine (icpalm) 2023. 1.
rohaina, c.m., wan haslina, w.a.h., ng, m.h., aida zairani, m.z., then, k.y., aminuddin, b.s., ruszymah, b.h.i. (2023). differentiated human buccal mucosal epithelium promotes corneal regeneration in a nude rat model - an in vivo study. - simposium biologi kebangsaan 2023. 48.
ulya a rahim, suhada mansor, muhd fakhri m s, clarence ko c h, muhd hafiz roslan, rohaina che man, siti nor azreen a manap, norizam salamt, nurazilah mohd sallehulldin, wan haslina wan abd halim, aida azween a r, abdul halim abdul gafor, norazlina mohamed. (2023). the sustainable development goals report, faculty of medicine ukm (2021-2022). - . 1-8.
rohaina che man, ooi yong lin, safinaz mohd khialdin, aida zairani mohd zahidin, angela ng min hwei, nordashima abd shukor, muaatamarulain mustangin, wan haslina wan abdul halim. (2022). corneal regeneration by autologous limbal stem cells cultured on siloxane hydrogel contact lens in a limbal stem cell deficient rabbit model. - termis-ap 2022. 1.
safinaz binti mohd khialdin;wan haslina binti wan abdul halim;ng min hwei;rohaina binti che man;nordashima binti abd shukor. (2021). corneal regeneration by autologous limbal stem cells seeded on siloxane-hydrogel contact lens following alkaline injury in rabbit model.. - . .
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