juru x-ray
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
azmi nor aniza, mohd sukri nur afiqah, lee xi zuan, som khid al som chit,yahya noorazrul azmie, ahmad wahid noraini, hussin saiful izzuan, shuib liyana. (2023). game on! a prototype of a virtual clinical radiotherapy learning application. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S34.
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype approach (scimort). - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S14-S15.
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). scimort: revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype. - 24th asia-australasia conference of radiological technologists (aacrt) 2023. 1-9.
nor aniza binti azmi;norjana binti abdul rahman;rozilawati binti ahmad;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;nani adilah binti suhaimi;saiful izzuan bin hussain;nurul husna binti nor mohammad;noraini binti ahmad wahid;muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil. (2023). modul simulasi klinikal pesakit maya untuk pengajaran radioterapi (scimort). - . .
ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, noorazrul yahya, nani adilah suhaimi, noraini ahmad wahid & muhammad fairuz abdul hadi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 9.
azmi nor aniza, mohd sukri nur afiqah, lee xi zuan, som khid al som chit,yahya noorazrul azmie, ahmad wahid noraini, hussin saiful izzuan, shuib liyana. (2023). game on! a prototype of a virtual clinical radiotherapy learning application. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S34.
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype approach (scimort). - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S14-S15.
ahmad syahmiuddin shamsuddin, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, noorazrul yahya, nani adilah suhaimi, noraini ahmad wahid & muhammad fairuz abdul hadi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 9.
nor aniza azmi, wan ismawati ismail, amelyna roseda idayu, siti khadijah hamsan, noraini ahmad wahid & nani adilah suhaimi. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan pra siswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 : mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 7.
nor aniza binti azmi;norjana binti abdul rahman;rozilawati binti ahmad;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;nani adilah binti suhaimi;saiful izzuan bin hussain;nurul husna binti nor mohammad;noraini binti ahmad wahid;muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil. (2023). modul simulasi klinikal pesakit maya untuk pengajaran radioterapi (scimort). - . .
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, wan anwah filzah wan anuar, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, noraini ahmad wahid, nur khalis sukiman, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). quantifying cumulative equivalent dose in radiotherapy trainees during clinical practices: towards establishing radiation exposure baseline. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1-26.
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). scimort: revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype. - 24th asia-australasia conference of radiological technologists (aacrt) 2023. 1-9.
nor aniza azmi, nur afiqah mohd sukri, muhamad ikhwan mustafa kamal, rozilawati ahmad, noorazrul azmie yahya, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, nani adilah suhaimi, noraini ahmad wahid, saiful izzuan hussain, nor liyana mohd shuib. (2022). the radiotherapy communication skills training using chatbot-based prototype (scimort). - the 22nd international society of radiographers and radiological technologists (isrrt) world congress 2022. 1-6.
nor aniza azmi, noraini ahmad wahid, nani adilah shuhaimi. (2020). clinical simulation module i: patient education management. - . 1-9.
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