pensyarah universiti
institut penyelidikan tenaga suria (seri)
Ahmad Fudholi ialah Profesor Madya di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dengan geran penyelidikan ~ USD 600,000 (42 geran/projek). Fudholi menyelia dan menyelesaikan ~ 55 pelajar M.Sc dan Ph.D. Fokus penyelidikan semasanya ialah tenaga boleh diperbaharui, terutamanya teknologi tenaga suria, sistem kuasa mikro, sistem pengeringan suria dan sistem terma suria termaju (pengeringan berbantukan suria, pam haba suria, sistem PVT). Fudholi telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 400 kertas kerja semakan rakan sebaya, yang mana 140 kertas kerja dalam indeks WoS (80 Q1, impak faktor 5-16), dan lebih daripada 280 kertas kerja dalam indeks Scopus (86 Q1 dan 93 Q2). Ia mempunyai jumlah petikan 5525 dan h-indeks 35 dalam Scopus (ID Pengarang: 57195432490). Di samping itu, Ia telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 80 kertas kerja di persidangan antarabangsa. Fudholi mempunyai jumlah petikan lebih daripada 8140, h-indeks 40, dengan lebih daripada 440 kertas kerja antar bangsa dalam Google Scholar. Fudholi telah dilantik sebagai penyemak dibeberapa jurnal berimpak tinggi (Q1). Ia juga telah dilantik sebagai editor dibeberapa jurnal antar bangsa. Fudholi telah menerima beberapa anugerah seperti Sijil Penghargaan Anugerah Kecemerlangan Malaysia Research Assessment (MyRA) UKM Penilaian Tahun 2020: Anugerah Individu Cemerlang (Penerbitan), Bidang Sains & Teknologi (Kategori Pensyarah) dan Sijil Penghargaan Anugerah Kecemerlangan Malaysia Research Assessment (MyRA) UKM Penilaian Tahun 2021: Anugerah Individu Cemerlang (Penerbitan), Bidang Sains & Teknologi (Kategori Pensyarah). Fudholi memiliki tujuh paten dan tiga hak cipta. Fudholi adalah 2 % Saintis teratas dunia pada 2021, 2022 dan 2023.
Ahmad Fudholi is Associate Professor in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He involved ~ USD 600,000 worth of research grants (42 grants/project). He supervised and completed ~ 50 M.Sc and Ph.D students. His current research focus is renewable energy, particularly solar energy technology, micropower systems, solar drying systems, and advanced solar thermal systems (solar-assisted drying, solar heat pumps, PVT systems). He has published more than 400 peer-reviewed papers, of which 140 papers are in the WoS index (80 Q1, impact factor of 5-16), and more than 270 papers are in the Scopus index (84 Q1 and 90 Q2). He has a total citation of 5381 and an h-index of 35 in Scopus (Author ID: 57195432490). In addition, he has published more than 80 papers at international conferences. He has a total citation more than 7929, an h-index of 39, and documents more than 430 in Google Scholar. He has been appointed as a reviewer of high-impact (Q1) journals, such as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Energy, Energy and Buildings, Solar Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Energy, Industrial Crops and Products, and so on. He has also been appointed as editor of journals. He has received several awards. He owns seven patents and three copyrights. He is World’s top 2 % Scientists in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
ida sriyanti, rafli fandu ramadhani, muhammad rama almafie, meutia kamilatun nuha ap idjan, edi syafri, indah solihah, muhammad rudi sanjaya, jaidan jauhari, ahmad fudholi. (2024). physicochemical and mechanical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride nanofiber membranes. - case studies in chemical and environmental engineering. 1-9.
izza anshory, arief wisaksono, jamaaluddin jamaaluddin, ahmad fudholi. (2024). implementation of arm stm32f4 microcontroller for speed control of bldc motor based on bat algorithm. - international journal of power electronics and drive systems (ijpeds). 127-135.
sri aulia novita, santosa, nofialdi, andasuryani, ahmad fudholi. (2024). performance test of coconut shell grinding machine for pyrolysis process. - journal of applied agricultural science and technology. 65-77.
nidya chitraningrum, lies banowati, dina herdiana, budi mulyati, indra sakti, ahmad fudholi, huzair saputra, salman farishi, kahlil muchtar, agus andria. (2024). comparison study of corn leaf disease detection based on deep learning yolo-v5 and yolo-v8. - journal of engineering and technological sciences. 61-70.
ihsan okta harmailil, sakhr m. sultan, chih ping tso, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad and adnan ibrahim. (2024). the state of the art of photovoltaic module cooling techniques and performance assessment methods. - symmetry. 1-35.
dian andriani, myrtha karina, sri priatni, indriyati, arina yuthi apriyana, yoice srikandace, ahmad fudholi. (2024). optimizing slurry preparation for improved mechanical and physical characteristics of nata de coco-based edible packaging. - journal of cleaner production. 1-10.
novia novia, m. gusrianto eko pratama, ridho qodri, hasanudin hasanudin, ahmad fudholi. (2024). computational fluid dynamics modeling of crude palm oil hydrocracking in fixed-bed reactor. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 903-911.
ihsan okta harmailil, sakhr m. sultan, chih ping tso, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad and adnan ibrahim. (2024). the state of the art of photovoltaic module cooling techniques and performance assessment methods. - symmetry. 1-35.
vita meylani, endang surahman, ahmad fudholi, waleed hassan almalki, noshin ilyas, rz sayyed. (2023). biodiversity in microbial fuel cells: review of a promising technology for wastewater treatment. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-8.
muhammad yahya, hendriwan fahmi, rosdanelli hasibuan, ahmad fudholi. (2023). development of hybrid solar-assisted heat pump dryer for drying paddy. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-13.
edy riyanto, dedi, ahmad fudholi, guo ying, zhang jing, shi jianjun, huang gaoshan, mei yongfeng. (2023). the growth mechanisms of tio2 film onto pet surfaces by atomic layer deposition. - materials research express. 1-7.
marshahida mat yashim, masita mohammad, nur afriza baki, nilofar asim, ahmad fudholi. (2023). impact of carboxymethylation pretreatment on the morphological and thermal characteristics of cellulose microfibrils from oil palm frond toward solar thermal benefits. - cellulose chemistry and technology. 263-279.
nurul syakirah nazri, ahmad fudholi, masita mohammad, cuk supriyadi ali nandar, henny sudibyo, haznan abimanyu, kamaruzzaman sopian, mohd adib ibrahim. (2022). peningkatan kecekapan elektrik sistem suria hibrid fotovoltan termatermoelektrik (pvt-te) oleh kesan termoelektrik. - sains malaysiana. 4111-4124.
win eng ewe, ahmad fudholi, kamaruzzaman sopian, evgen solomin, mohammad hossein yazdi, nilofar asim, noshin fatima, ghalya pikra, henny sudibyo widya fatriasari, farief heru kuncoro, cuk supriyadi ali, nandar, haznan abimanyu. (2022). jet impingement cooling applications in solar energy technologies: systematic literature review. - thermal science and engineering progress. 1-21.
sata yoshida srie rahayu, tri aminingsih, ahmad fudholi. (2022). the protective effect of nano calcium produced from freshwater clam shells on the histopathological overview of the liver and kidneys of mice exposed to mercury toxins. - journal of trace elements in medicine and biology. 1-5.
ida sriyanti, rafli fandu ramadhani, muhammad rama almafie, meutia kamilatun nuha ap idjan, edi syafri, indah solihah, muhammad rudi sanjaya, jaidan jauhari, ahmad fudholi. (2024). physicochemical and mechanical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride nanofiber membranes. - case studies in chemical and environmental engineering. 1-9.
izza anshory, arief wisaksono, jamaaluddin jamaaluddin, ahmad fudholi. (2024). implementation of arm stm32f4 microcontroller for speed control of bldc motor based on bat algorithm. - international journal of power electronics and drive systems (ijpeds). 127-135.
nidya chitraningrum, lies banowati, dina herdiana, budi mulyati, indra sakti, ahmad fudholi, huzair saputra, salman farishi, kahlil muchtar, agus andria. (2024). comparison study of corn leaf disease detection based on deep learning yolo-v5 and yolo-v8. - journal of engineering and technological sciences. 61-70.
aji putro prakoso, budiarso, warjito, ahmad fudholi, deny bayu saefudin, chairul umam rosyadi, aris suryadi, ghalya fikra, yadi radiansyah, yusuf suryo utomo. (2024). effect of cross-sectional depth on horizontal and 30° slop spillway open channel pico hydro cross-flow turbine efficiency. - journal of advanced research in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences. 176-187.
dian andriani, myrtha karina, sri priatni, indriyati, arina yuthi apriyana, yoice srikandace, ahmad fudholi. (2024). optimizing slurry preparation for improved mechanical and physical characteristics of nata de coco-based edible packaging. - journal of cleaner production. 1-10.
marshahida mat yashim, masita mohammad, nilofar asim, ahmad fudholi, nurul huda abd kadir. (2021). characterisation of microfibrils cellulose isolated from oil palm frond using high-intensity ultrasonication. - international conference of emerging challenges in engineering and current technology (icect iii). 1-10.
ahmad fudholi, andino maseleno, rahmat hidayat, mochammad tanzil multazam, robbi rahim, ikhwan arif, andista candra yusro, dwi fajar saputra. (2020). preface. - iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1.
s rahmawati, pathuddin, j sakung, suherman, a fudholi, and l sushmita. (2020). the utilization of corncob for the manufacture of charcoal briquette as an alternative fuel. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-11.
ewe win eng, ahmad fudholi, chan hoy yen, nilofar asim, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2019). performance of solar air collector-thermoelectric hybrid system. - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-5.
nurul shahirah binti rukman, ahmad fudholi, nur farhana mohd razali, mohd hafidz ruslan, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2019). energy and exergy analyses of photovoltaic-thermal (pv/t) system with tio2/water nanofluid flow. - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-8.
nurafiqah zakaria, mohd yusof othman & ahmad fudholi. (2017). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2017. - . 4.
majid khan majahar ali, ahmad fudholi, jumat sulaiman, mohd hafidz ruslan, japson vun heung wong & suhaimi md. yasir. (2015). kaedah lelaran dalam permaslaahan saintifik. - . Bab 8 : 70-82.
nurafiqah zakaria, mohd yusof othman & ahmad fudholi. (2017). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2017. - . 4.
majid khan majahar ali, ahmad fudholi, jumat sulaiman, mohd hafidz ruslan, japson vun heung wong & suhaimi md. yasir. (2015). kaedah lelaran dalam permaslaahan saintifik. - . Bab 8 : 70-82.
adnan bin ibrahim;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;hasila binti jarimi. (2023). heat transfer augmentation in spiral flow absorber enclosure incorporating phase change material (pcm) and nanofluid. - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius;teh wai leong;puvaneswaran a/l chelvanathan. (2023). highly sensitive double negative metamaterial tunneled structure development for obstacle sensing application. - . .
masita binti mohammad;nilofar asim;ahmad fudholi;jahariah binti sampe. (2020). metal ions/ nanocellulose and polyanniline nanocomposite as counter electrode in dye sensitized solar cell. - . .
mohd hafidz bin haji ruslan;mohd. yusof bin hj. othman;kamaruzzaman sopian;zahari bin ibarahim;sohif bin mat;mohamad yusof bin sulaiman;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius. (2020). program: rural transformation through net neutral renewable energy sustainable community. sub projek: advanced fresnel lens in solar thermal system under tropical diffused sky conditions. - . .
kamaruzzaman sopian;mohd hafidz bin haji ruslan;mohd adib bin ibrahim;sohif bin mat;chan hoy yen;mohd asri bin mat teridi;suhaila binti sepeai;lim chin haw;saleem hussain zaidi;nilofar asim;md. akhtaruzzaman;masita binti mohammad;ahmad fudholi;halim bin h. (2019). grid connected solar photovoltaic thermal (pvt) system with nano fluids and nano pcm. - . .