Mohd Helmy Mokhtar is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He obtained a BSc. (Biological Sciences) from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu in 2011 and a PhD (Physiology) from the University of Malaya in 2016. He is currently the Assistant Dean (Entrepreneurship and Creativity) at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. His research interest is in the area of reproductive physiology with a focus on the female reproductive system. His current research projects include studying the effects of testosterone on endometrial receptivity and the role of honey in postmenopausal symptoms and PCOS. He is also the Honorary Secretary of the Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology.
mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, sahilah abd mutalib, nurina anuar, mohd helmy mokhtar, ahmad sunawari long, farah ayuni mohd hatta, nadiatur akmar zulkifli, mohd hafiz safiai, nur asmadaya hasim. (2024). penentuan hukum udang galah neo (macrobrachium resenbergii) menurut islam dan sains. - seminar fatwa negeri sarawak 2024. 1-29.
abdullah khairi, mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, mohd helmy mokhtar, nur asmadayana hasim, kamarulzaman mustappa. (2024). islamic concept of obedience to the leader in dealing with the epidemic. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 15-21.
mohd helmy bin mokhtar;siti fatimah binti ibrahim;azizah binti ugusman;aini farzana binti zulkefli;muaatamarulain bin mustangin. (2024). investigating the effects of kelulut honey on letrozole-induced polycystic ovary syndrome model in rats. - . .
mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, mohd helmy mokhtar, nur asmadayana hasim, farah ayuni mohd hatta. (2024). ruling determination of genetically modified foods (gmf) in islam. - international journal of islamic thought. 85-96.
syawany wahid, muhammad danial che ramli, nur ezza fazleen, rosli muhammad naim dan mohd helmy mokhtar. (2024). exploring the therapeutic potential of natural products in polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos): a mini-review of lipid profile, blood glucose, and ovarian histological improvements. - life. 1-17.
syawany wahid, muhammad danial che ramli, nur ezza fazleen, rosli muhammad naim dan mohd helmy mokhtar. (2024). exploring the therapeutic potential of natural products in polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos): a mini-review of lipid profile, blood glucose, and ovarian histological improvements. - life. 1-17.
marjanu hikmah elias, nurunnajah lazim, zulazmi sutaji, mohammad azrai abu, abdul kadir abdul karim, azizah ugusman, saiful effendi syafruddin, mohd helmy mokhtar, mohd faizal ahmad. (2023). hoxa10 dna methylation level in the endometrium women with endometriosis: a systematic review. - biology. 1-11.
anas ahzaruddin ahamad tarmizi, nik nasihah nik ramli, siti hajar adam, maisarah abdul mutalib,mohd helmy mokhtar and shirley gee hoon tang. (2023). phytofabrication of selenium nanoparticles with moringa oleifera (mo-senps) and exploring its antioxidant and antidiabetic potential. - molecules. 1-19.
nur hilwani, ibrahim siti fatimah, mokhtar mohd helmy, yahaya azyani, zulkefli aini farzana, ankasha sheril june, osman khairul. (2023). modulation of vulvovaginal atrophy (vva) by gelam honey in bilateral oophorectomized rats. - frontiers in endocrinology. 1-13.
nurul iffah mohd isa, saiful effendi syafruddin, mohd helmy mokhtar, shahidee zainal abidin, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, azizah ugusman and adila a. hamid. (2023). potential roles of micrornas for assessing cardiovascular risk in pre-eclampsia-exposed postpartum women and offspring. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-17.
noor asyikin suaidi, mohammed abdullah alshawsh, see ziau hoe, mohd helmy mokhtar dan siti rosmani md. zin. (2023). technical xylene induces maternal toxicity associated with organ inflammation during preimplantation stage in pregnant sprague-dawley rats. - journal of the anatomical society of india. 252-261.
anas ahzaruddin ahamad tarmizi, siti hajar adam, nik nasihah nik ramli, nur ahfizah abd hadi, abdul mutalib maisarah, shirley gee hoon tang & mohd helmy mokhtar. (2023). the ameliorative effects of selenium nanoparticles (senps) on diabetic rat model: a narrative review. - sains malaysiana. 2037-2053.
datu agasi mohd kamal, siti fatimah ibrahim, mohd helmy mokhtar. (2020). androgen effect on connexin expression in the mammalian female reproductive system: a systematic review. - bosnian journal of basic medical sciences. 293-302.
mohd helmy mokhtar, nelli giribabu and naguib salleh. (2020). testosterone reduces tight junction complexity and down-regulates expression of claudin-4 and occludin in the endometrium in ovariectomized, sex-steroid replacement rats. - in vivo. 225-231.
datu agasi mohd kamal, siti fatimah ibrahim, mohd helmy mokhtar. (2020). effects of testosterone on the expression of connexin 26 and connexin 43 in the uterus of rats during early pregnancy. - in vivo. 1863-1870.
syawany wahid, muhammad danial che ramli, nur ezza fazleen, rosli muhammad naim dan mohd helmy mokhtar. (2024). exploring the therapeutic potential of natural products in polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos): a mini-review of lipid profile, blood glucose, and ovarian histological improvements. - life. 1-17.
abdullah khairi, mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, mohd helmy mokhtar, nur asmadayana hasim, kamarulzaman mustappa. (2024). islamic concept of obedience to the leader in dealing with the epidemic. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 15-21.
mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, mohd helmy mokhtar, nur asmadayana hasim, farah ayuni mohd hatta. (2024). ruling determination of genetically modified foods (gmf) in islam. - international journal of islamic thought. 85-96.
anas ahzaruddin ahamad tarmizi, siti hajar adam, nik nasihah nik ramli, nur ahfizah abd hadi, abdul mutalib maisarah, shirley gee hoon tang & mohd helmy mokhtar. (2023). the ameliorative effects of selenium nanoparticles (senps) on diabetic rat model: a narrative review. - sains malaysiana. 2037-2053.
noor asyikin suaidi, mohammed abdullah alshawsh, see ziau hoe, mohd helmy mokhtar dan siti rosmani md. zin. (2023). technical xylene induces maternal toxicity associated with organ inflammation during preimplantation stage in pregnant sprague-dawley rats. - journal of the anatomical society of india. 252-261.
mohd helmy mokhtar. (2020). covid 19 dan islam. - . 297.
mohd izhar ariff mohd kashim, sahilah abd mutalib, nurina anuar, mohd helmy mokhtar, ahmad sunawari long, farah ayuni mohd hatta, nadiatur akmar zulkifli, mohd hafiz safiai, nur asmadaya hasim. (2024). penentuan hukum udang galah neo (macrobrachium resenbergii) menurut islam dan sains. - seminar fatwa negeri sarawak 2024. 1-29.
mohd izhar ariff bin mohd kashim, sahilah abd mutalib, nurina anuar, mohd helmy mokhtar, ahmad sunawari long, farah ayuni binti mohd hatta, nadiatur akmar zulkifli, mohd hafiz safiai, nur asmadayana hasim. (2024). penentuan hukum udang galah neo (macrobrachium resenbergii) menurut islam dan sains. - . 151.
mohd helmy bin mokhtar;siti fatimah binti ibrahim;azizah binti ugusman;aini farzana binti zulkefli;muaatamarulain bin mustangin. (2024). investigating the effects of kelulut honey on letrozole-induced polycystic ovary syndrome model in rats. - . .
azizah binti ugusman;amilia binti aminuddin;norizam binti salamt;adila binti a. hamid;mohd helmy bin mokhtar. (2024). effect of nicotine on the anti-contractile function of perivascular adipose tissue in rats.. - . .
mohd izhar ariff bin mohd kashim;khairul anwar @ johari bin mastor;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;fariza bt. md. sham;muhammad nazir bin alias;ahmad munawar bin ismail;mohd helmy bin mokhtar;farah ayuni binti mohd hatta. (2023). garis panduan pelaksanaan ibadah semasa penularan virus seperti covid-19 menurut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INVESTIGATING MICROBIOME PROFILE IN ENDOMETRIOID ENDOMETRIAL CANCER | kpj healthcare university | 7.4% (2024-12-01 sehingga 2027-11-30) |
KESAN KETOKSIKAN BAHAN PSIKOAKTIF BAHARU (NPS) TERPILIH TERHADAP ORGAN UTAMA FUNGSI TUBUH | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 13% (2024-10-01 sehingga 2027-09-30) |