Dr. Lim See Meng is a Senior Lecturer in the Nutritional Sciences Program and the Centre for Community Health Studies (ReaCH) at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He obtained his BSc in Nutrition and Community Health and MSc in Nutritional Science from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) before pursuing his PhD in Food and Nutrition at the University of Adelaide, Australia with a scholarship from the Australian Government. He joined UKM as a Fellow in 2015, was appointed Lecturer in 2016 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2021. Dr. Lim’s research includes laboratory, preclinical and human studies, with a focus on food sustainability and functional foods. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and presented his findings at international and national conferences, including the International Congress of Nutrition (ICN), the Asian Congress of Nutrition, the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Conference and the Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM). He is also one of the writers of the Maternal Dietary Guidelines for Malaysia 2023, published by the Technical Working Group on Nutrition Guidelines for National Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition, Ministry of Health Malaysia. He has been an active member of the Malaysian Association for the Study of Obesity (MASO) since 2021 and a member of the Council since 2023. He also is a lifetime member of NSM.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
lim see meng. (2023). amalan memakan serangga: penyelesaian isu jaminan makanan. - dewan kosmik. 18-19.
lim see meng. (2023). keobesan kanak-kanak dan remaja kian meningkat. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. q-9.
see meng lim, hanbin law and siew siew lee. (2023). consumers quality perception and acceptance of suboptimal food: an online survey in selangor and kuala lumpur, malaysia. - foods. 1-15.
prof. dr. zalilah mohd shariff, assoc. prof. dr. siti sabariah buhari, assoc. prof. dr. satvinder kaur, dr. lim see meng, ms. nurul zaiza zainuddin and ms. suriati zakaria. (2023). maternal dietary guidelines for malaysia 2023. - key message 3: achieve optimal weight for healthy pregnancy. 58-75.
see meng lim, chai nei thien, bee koon poh, abdoul karim toure. (2023). acceptance of insects as food and its influencing factors in malaysia. - annals of nutrition & metabolism. 785.
see meng lim, hanbin law and siew siew lee. (2023). consumers quality perception and acceptance of suboptimal food: an online survey in selangor and kuala lumpur, malaysia. - foods. 1-15.
see meng lim, chai nei thien, abdoul karim toure & bee koon poh. (2022). factors influencing acceptance of grasshoppers and other insects as food: a comparison between two cities in malaysia. - foods. 1-12.
see meng lim, jocelyn m. choo, hui li, rebecca orielly, john carragher, geraint b. rogers, iain searle, sarah a. robertson, amanda j. page dan beverly muhlhausler. (2021). a high amylose wheat diet improves gastrointestinal health parameters and gut microbiota in male and female mice. - foods. 1-18.
see meng lim, amanda j. page, hui li, john carragher, iain searle, sarah robertson, beverly muhlhausler. (2020). sexually dimorphic response of increasing dietary intake of high amylose wheat on metabolic and reproductive outcomes in male and female mice. - nutrients. 1-14.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
see meng lim, bee pek law. (2023). food allergy knowledge, attitude and management among preschool personnel in malaysia. - journal of human nutrition and dietetics. 2073-2084.
lim, s. m., goh, y. x., wong, j. e., kagawa, m., & poh, b. k.. (2024). cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the malay-translated version of the food neophobia scale for malaysian young adults. - perceptual and motor skills. 381-396.
see meng lim, chai nei thien, bee koon poh, abdoul karim toure. (2023). acceptance of insects as food and its influencing factors in malaysia. - annals of nutrition & metabolism. 785.
see meng lim, bee pek law. (2023). food allergy knowledge, attitude and management among preschool personnel in malaysia. - journal of human nutrition and dietetics. 2073-2084.
see meng lim, hanbin law and siew siew lee. (2023). consumers quality perception and acceptance of suboptimal food: an online survey in selangor and kuala lumpur, malaysia. - foods. 1-15.
see meng lim, chai nei thien, abdoul karim toure & bee koon poh. (2022). factors influencing acceptance of grasshoppers and other insects as food: a comparison between two cities in malaysia. - foods. 1-12.
see meng lim, amanda j. page, john carragher, iain searle, sarah a. robertson & beverly muhlhausler. (2021). elevated intake of high amylose wheat improves conception rates and increases placental size but not fetal weight in mice. - 4th european summer school on nutrigenomics (essn 2021). 106-107.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
lim see meng, sameeha mohd jamil & ruzita abd. talib. (2022). kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti. - . 20.
lim see meng & loh su peng. (2017). functional foods : wonder of the world (evidence-based functional foods in health & diseases). - . 29.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
lim sm, law hb and lee ss. (2023). low quality perception and acceptance of suboptimal food among consumers in selangor and kuala lumpur. - 38th nsm scientific conference. 117.
nerosha nair g, lim sm and lee ss. (2023). dietary supplement consumption and quality of life among adults in peninsular malaysia. - 38th nsm scientific conference. 120.
prof. dr. zalilah mohd shariff, assoc. prof. dr. siti sabariah buhari, assoc. prof. dr. satvinder kaur, dr. lim see meng, ms. nurul zaiza zainuddin and ms. suriati zakaria. (2023). maternal dietary guidelines for malaysia 2023. - key message 3: achieve optimal weight for healthy pregnancy. 58-75.
lim see meng. (2023). keobesan kanak-kanak dan remaja kian meningkat. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. q-9.
see meng lim, masaharu kagawa, jyh eiin wong, bee koon poh. (2023). acceptance of insects as food among malaysian and japanese women: a preliminary study. - 14th asian congress of nutrition (acn). 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 88.9% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |