Farah Hanan Fathihah Jaffar joined the Department of Physiology as a lecturer in August 2015. She is a holder of Biomedical Science degree (Hons.) (2009) and Masters in Medical Science (Physiology) (2013). Both academic degrees were awarded by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Her field of specialization is male reproductive science. She developed an early interest in this field during her final year research project for her first degree and currently been a member of Reproductive Science research group for 10 years.
Her current research project is on the effect of Wi-Fi on the reproductive development in male pups. On the same note, her research explores potential of Edible Bird Nest supplementation in improving male fertility status.
nurul atiqah azhar, khairul osman, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, chua kien hui, farisyam mat ros, aini farzana zulkefli, siti fatimah ibrahim. (2024). effect of edible bird nest supplementation against busulfan-induced oligospermia in adult rats. - sains malaysiana. 1219-1234.
farah hanan fathihah binti jaffar;khairul bin osman;siti fatimah binti ibrahim. (2024). elucidating the effect of wi-fi exposure on the kisspeptin and the hormones in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis and its subsequent impact on spermatogenesis outcome in male sprague dawley rats.. - . .
jaya kumar a/l murthy;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;siti fatimah binti ibrahim;norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;mohd heikal bin mohd yunus;isa bin naina mohamed;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;rashidi mohamed bin pakri mohamed;azizah binti ugusman;nur fudhla bint. (2023). ibro-aprc neuroscience school on neuromics: the yin-yang aspect in translational neuroscience. - . .
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, siti fatimah ibrahim, khairul osman, chua kien hui. (2023). wi-fi dan sistem pembiakan lelaki: pencegahan menggunakan sarang burung walit. - . 167.
jaya kumar a/l murthy;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;siti fatimah binti ibrahim;norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;mohd heikal bin mohd yunus;isa bin naina mohamed;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;rashidi mohamed bin pakri mohamed;azizah binti ugusman;nur fudhla bint. (2023). ibro-aprc neuroscience school on neuromics: the yin-yang aspect in translational neuroscience. - . .
nurul iffah mohd isa, saiful effendi syafruddin, mohd helmy mokhtar, shahidee zainal abidin, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, azizah ugusman and adila a. hamid. (2023). potential roles of micrornas for assessing cardiovascular risk in pre-eclampsia-exposed postpartum women and offspring. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-17.
jaffar farah hanan fathihah, osman khairul, hui chua kien, zulkefli aini farzana, ibrahim siti fatimah. (2022). long term wi-fi exposure from pre-pubertal to adult age on the spermatogonia proliferation and protective effects of edible bird's nest supplementation. - frontiers in physiology. 199-209.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, chua kien hui, aini farzana zulkefli and siti fatimah ibrahim. (2021). edible bird's nest supplementation improves male reproductive parameters of sprague dawley rat. - frontiers in pharmacology. 1-6.
maluin sofwatul mokhtarah, osman khairul, jaffar farah hanan fathihah, ibrahim siti fatimah. (2021). effect of radiation emitted by wireless devices on male reproductive hormones: a systematic review. - frontiers in physiology. 1-8.
nur hilwani ismail, siti fatimah ibrahim, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, mohd helmy mokhtar, kok yong chin and khairul osman. (2021). augmentation of the female reproductive system using honey: a mini systematic review. - molecules. 1-17.
nurul atiqah azhar, khairul osman, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, chua kien hui, farisyam mat ros, aini farzana zulkefli, siti fatimah ibrahim. (2024). effect of edible bird nest supplementation against busulfan-induced oligospermia in adult rats. - sains malaysiana. 1219-1234.
syarifah faezah syed mohamad, siti fatimah ibrahim, nur hilwan ismail, khairul osman, farah hanan fathihah jaafar, chew fang nang & farida zuraina mohd yusof. (2018). quantification of hsp70 gene expression and determination of capacitation status of magnetically separated cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa at different thawing temperature and time. - sains malaysiana. .
noraina mohd bakri, siti fatimah ibrahim, nurul atikah osman, nurhaslina hasan, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, zulaiha abdul rahman, khairul osman. (2016). embryo apoptosis identification: oocyte grade or cleavage stage?. - saudi journal of biological sciences. 50-55.
nurul atiqah azhar, khairul osman, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, chua kien hui, farisyam mat ros, aini farzana zulkefli, siti fatimah ibrahim. (2024). effect of edible bird nest supplementation against busulfan-induced oligospermia in adult rats. - sains malaysiana. 1219-1234.
nurul iffah mohd isa, saiful effendi syafruddin, mohd helmy mokhtar, shahidee zainal abidin, farah hanan fathihah jaffar, azizah ugusman and adila a. hamid. (2023). potential roles of micrornas for assessing cardiovascular risk in pre-eclampsia-exposed postpartum women and offspring. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-17.
jaffar farah hanan fathihah, osman khairul, hui chua kien, zulkefli aini farzana, ibrahim siti fatimah. (2022). long term wi-fi exposure from pre-pubertal to adult age on the spermatogonia proliferation and protective effects of edible bird's nest supplementation. - frontiers in physiology. 199-209.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, chua kien hui, aini farzana zulkefli and siti fatimah ibrahim. (2021). edible bird's nest supplementation improves male reproductive parameters of sprague dawley rat. - frontiers in pharmacology. 1-6.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, chua kien hui, aini farzana zulkefli and siti fatimah ibrahim. (2021). edible bird's nest supplementation improves male reproductive parameters of sprague dawley rats. - frontiers in pharmacology. 21-26.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, siti fatimah ibrahim, khairul osman, chua kien hui. (2023). wi-fi dan sistem pembiakan lelaki: pencegahan menggunakan sarang burung walit. - . 167.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, siti fatimah ibrahim. (2018). pencirian fosfolipid & protein sperma lembu: pemisahan elektroforesis. - . 100.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, siti fatimah ibrahim, khairul osman, chua kien hui. (2023). wi-fi dan sistem pembiakan lelaki: pencegahan menggunakan sarang burung walit. - . 167.
farah hanan fathihah jaffar, khairul osman, siti fatimah ibrahim. (2018). pencirian fosfolipid & protein sperma lembu: pemisahan elektroforesis. - . 100.
farah hanan fathihah binti jaffar;khairul bin osman;siti fatimah binti ibrahim. (2024). elucidating the effect of wi-fi exposure on the kisspeptin and the hormones in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis and its subsequent impact on spermatogenesis outcome in male sprague dawley rats.. - . .
jaya kumar a/l murthy;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;siti fatimah binti ibrahim;norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;mohd heikal bin mohd yunus;isa bin naina mohamed;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;rashidi mohamed bin pakri mohamed;azizah binti ugusman;nur fudhla bint. (2023). ibro-aprc neuroscience school on neuromics: the yin-yang aspect in translational neuroscience. - . .
jaya kumar a/l murthy;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;siti fatimah binti ibrahim;norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;mohd heikal bin mohd yunus;isa bin naina mohamed;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;rashidi mohamed bin pakri mohamed;azizah binti ugusman;nur fudhla bint. (2023). ibro-aprc neuroscience school on neuromics: the yin-yang aspect in translational neuroscience. - . .
sofwatul mokhtarah maluin, siti fatimah ibrahim, khairul osman, farah hanan fathihah jaffar. (2022). effect of edible bird nest supplementation on reproductive hormone in adult spermatogenesis following wi-fi exposure. - 35th annual scientific meeting of the malaysian society of pharmacology and physiology (mspp 2022). S144.
siti fatimah binti ibrahim;khairul bin osman;mohd helmy bin mokhtar;farah hanan fathihah binti jaffar. (2022). the effect of wi-fi emitting radiofrequency radiation on the c-kit expression of adiff spermatogonia in the testes of developing spraque dawley male pups.. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KESAN KETOKSIKAN BAHAN PSIKOAKTIF BAHARU (NPS) TERPILIH TERHADAP ORGAN UTAMA FUNGSI TUBUH | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 14.9% (2024-10-01 sehingga 2027-09-30) |