pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian sejarah, politik & hal ehwal antarabangsa (sphea)
Mohd Ikbal Mohd Huda adalah Penyelaras Program Sarjana Sains Sosial (Pengajian Strategi & Diplomasi) dan Pensyarah Kanan, Program Analisis Strategi Dan Keselamatan, Pusat Kajian Sejarah, Politik Dan Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa, Fakulti Sains Sosial Dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau memperolehi Ijazah Sarjana Muda (2008), ijazah PhD (2015) dalam Program Pengajian Jepun dari Universiti Malaya (UM) dan Ijazah Bahasa Jepun dari Universiti Asia (亜細亜大学留学生別科), Tokyo, Jepun. Mohd Ikbal adalah penerima Japan Foundation Fellowship (2016 dan 2023). Bidang penyelidikan beliau tertumpu kepada Hubungan Antarabangsa, Ekonomi Politik Antarabangsa, Ekonomi Politik Jepun (政府開発援助/ODA), Pembangunan Antarabangsa, Tadbir Urus dan Kerjasama Antarabangsa dengan tumpuan kepada ASEAN dan Rantau Asia Timur. Selain itu, beliau juga merupakan Penasihat, Pakar rujuk serta Ahli Jawatankuasa Jawatankuasa Pusat Kajian Malaysia / マレーシア研究センター, Universiti Soka, 2023-2028, Pakar rujuk dan Ahli Jawatankuasa bagi Persatuan Pengajian Jepun Malaysia/マレーシア日本 研究 学会 (MAJAS) 2016-2024, Ketua Jawatankuasa Program, Pusat Sosiobudaya Jepun Malaysia (SAKURAYA), Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 2024-2027, Ahli Jawatankuasa Jabatan Pengajian Asia Timur (JATUM), Lembaga Editorial Jurnal Antarabangsa Kajian Asia Timur (IJEAS) dan Sarjana Pelawat di Universiti Kebangsaan Yokohama dari Jun 2016 hingga April 2017 dan Universiti Soka dari Julai 2023 hingga April 2024. Beliau boleh dihubungi melalui
Mohd Ikbal Mohd Huda is Coordinator, Master of Social Science in Strategy and Diplomacy and Senior Lecturer at Strategic Studies and International Relations Program at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree (2008), PhD degree (2015) in Japan Studies Program from the University of Malaya (UM) and Japanese Language Degree in Asia University
(亜細亜大学留学生別科), Tokyo, Japan. Mohd Ikbal was a recipient of the Japan Foundation Fellowship (2016 and 2023). His research concentrates on International Relations, International Political Economy, Japan’s Political Economy (ODA), International Development, Governance and International Cooperation with an area focus of East Asia. His current research include, Partnership for Quality Infrastructure, Quality Infrastructure: Japan`s Robust Challenge to China`s Belt and Road, Japan`s Engagement in China`s Belt and Road Initiative, ASEAN Connectivity and Japan-China Infrastructure Export Competition (PQI&BRI). In addition, he is also the Advisor, consultant and Committee for Center for Malaysian Studies/マレーシア研究センター, Soka University, 2023-2028, Consultant and Committee for Malaysian Association on Japanese Studies /マレーシア日本研究学会 (MAJAS) 2016-2024, Head of Program Committee, Japan Malaysia Sociocultural Center (SAKURAYA), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024-2027, Committee for Department of East Asian Studies (JATUM), International Editorial Board, International Journal of East Asian Studies (WILAYAH) and Visiting Scholar at Yokohama National University from June 2016 – April 2017 and Soka University July 2023 – April 2024. He can be contacted at
shahrizal sa'ad, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2024). general border committee malaysia-indonesia (gbc malindo) from the perspective of comprehensive border security cooperation model (cbsc model). - international journal of social science research. 245-262.
siti sabrina imji rahim, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2024). comparative literature analysis of national security management from the global to malaysia. - international journal of social science research. 82-103.
lakshmy naidu, ravichandran moorthy, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2024). the environmental and health sustainability challenges of malaysian palm oil in the european union. - journal of oil palm research (jopr). 1-15.
mohd ikbal mohd huda, dhenada. (2024). comparative analysis of leadership and economic impact of the palm oil industry in indonesia. - business and economic research. 111-129.
shahrizal sa'ad, mohd ikbal mohd huda, ravichandran k. dhakshinamoorthy. (2024). confident building measures (cbm) sebagai pemudahcara komunikasi dalam rundingan gbc malindo. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 188-205.
lakshmy naidu, ravichandran moorthy, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2024). the environmental and health sustainability challenges of malaysian palm oil in the european union. - journal of oil palm research (jopr). 1-15.
mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2018). the development of japan's international human security diplomacy: towards a "normal" country?. - jebat: malaysian journal of history, politics & strategic studies. .
asmadi hassan, rohayati paidi & mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2017). pemindaan perkara 9 perlembagaan jepun dalam pentadbiran shinzo abe. - akademika. 153-164.
mohd ikbal mohd huda, dhenada. (2024). comparative analysis of leadership and economic impact of the palm oil industry in indonesia. - business and economic research. 111-129.
siti sabrina imji rahim, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2024). comparative literature analysis of national security management from the global to malaysia. - international journal of social science research. 82-103.
shahrizal sa'ad, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2024). general border committee malaysia-indonesia (gbc malindo) from the perspective of comprehensive border security cooperation model (cbsc model). - international journal of social science research. 245-262.
shahrizal sa'ad, mohd ikbal mohd huda, ravichandran k. dhakshinamoorthy. (2024). confident building measures (cbm) sebagai pemudahcara komunikasi dalam rundingan gbc malindo. - jurnal komunikasi: malaysian journal of communication. 188-205.
zulhilmi hazim abd malek, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2023). japan's foreign policy in indo-pacific. - russian law journal. 2016-2029.
mohd ikbal mohd huda, ahmed syam che kub @ ab rasid. (2019). jepun dan dinamisme global. - . 23.
mohd ikbal mohd huda & asmadi hassan. (2017). malaysia dan jepun: perspektif sejarah, politik, ekonomi & sosiobudaya. - . 25.
alias abdullah, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2023). evolution and multidimensional reflections of malaysia's look east policy. - . 275.
md nasrudin md akhir, mohd ikbal mohd huda, asmadi hassan. (2023). evolution and multidimensional reflections of malaysia's look east policy. - . 275.
asmadi hassan, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2022). perkembangan pendidikan bahasa jepun di malaysia. - . 247.
mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2020). kukuh nilai kukuh negara. - . 13.
mohd ikbal mohd huda, ahmed syam che kub @ ab rasid. (2019). jepun dan dinamisme global. - . 23.
md nasrudin md akhir, mohd ikbal mohd huda, asmadi hassan. (2023). evolution and multidimensional reflections of malaysia's look east policy. - . 275.
asmadi hassan & mohd ikbal mohd uda. (2017). malaysia dan jepun: perspektif sejarah, politik, ekonomi & sosiobudaya. - . 213.
mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2024). kerjasama ekonomi malaysia-jepun pelaburan dan pasaran strategik. - . 1-9.
d.ravichandran k.dhakshinamoorthy;zarina @ zairina binti othman;chin kok fay;mohd ikbal bin mohd huda. (2023). exploring the strategic role of ‘diplomacy and international relations’ in the management of global palm oil issues: a gap analysis of palm oil stakeholder agencies in malaysia. - . .
mohd ikbal mohd huda, ahmad zikri rosli. (2022). japan-korea-china economic relations. - majas perspectives 2022. 1-2.
mohd ikbal mohd huda & lina azzouni. (2022). the malaysia digital economy blueprint (mydigital) & shared prosperity vision 2030 (idfr economic diplomacy series). - majas perspectives 2022. -.
mohd ikbal mohd huda, abdul rahim ridzuan, mohamed ikhram, marfunizah ma'dan. (2022). pembangunan sabah ke arah mencapai kelestarian hidup masyarakat dan kunci kepada malaysia sebagai negara maju 2025. - . 27.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION AMONG MALAYSIA MARITIME ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (MMEA) AND JAPAN COAST GUARD (JCG) OFFICERS | agensi penguatkuasa maritim malaysia (apmm) | 97.7% (2023-04-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
FORMATION AND ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH OF INDIAN COMMERCIAL IMMIGRANTS CHETTIAR IN BRITISH MALAYA: ANALYSIS OF ESTATE DUTY FILE | japan society for the promotion of sciences | 31.7% (2024-04-01 sehingga 2027-03-31) |