mohammad nazir bin ahmad @ sharif;mohd azul mohamad salleh;ummul hanan binti mohamad. (2024). ontoexam: a conceptual model to facilitate the integration of eproctor module on examsini online exam solution. - . .
chaw jun kit;norfilza mohd mokhtar;mohamad hanif bin md saad;ummul hanan binti mohamad. (2024). modeling an early prediction of ncds model from imbalanced data with sequence structure. - . .
shahiratul a. karim, ummul hanan mohamad, puteri n. e. nohuddin. (2024). feature selection techniques on breast cancer classification using fine needle aspiration features: a comparative study. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic2023. 568-582.
halimah badioze zaman, peter robinson, alan f. smeaton, renato lima de oliveira, bo nørregaard jørgensen, timothy k. shih, rabiah abdul kadir, ummul hanan mohamad, mohammad nazir ahmad. (2024). springer lncs: advances in visual informatics 2023. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic2023. 1-677.
halimah badioze zaman, rahimah ismail, nazrita ibrahim, ummul hanan mohamad. (2024). a visual-based energy efficient digital agro (ee i-agro) project for design & technology subject, based on computational thinking skills across stem. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic2023. 508-525.
zhifu gong, jingyi ji, pengyuan tong, ahmed sayed m. metwally, ashit kumar dutta, joel j. p. c. rodrigues, ummul hanan mohamad. (2023). smart urban planning: intelligent cognitive analysis of healthcare data in cloud-based iot. - computers and electrical engineering. 1-13.
r. priyadarshini, abdul quadir md, senthilkumar mohan, abdullah alghamdi, mesfer alrizq, ummul hanan mohamad, ali ahmadian. (2023). novel framework based on ensemble classification and secure feature extraction for covid-19 critical health prediction. - engineering applications of artificial intelligence. 1-15.
jianqiang gu, liurong zhao, xiaoguang yue, noreen izza arshad, ummul hanan mohamad. (2023). multistage quality control in manufacturing process using blockchain with machine learning technique. - information processing and management. 1-14.
ummul h. mohamad, mohammad nazir ahmad, ahmad mujahid ubaidillah zakaria. (2022). ontologies application in sharing economy (se) domain: a systematic review. - online information review. 807-825.
xiaochun lei, ummul hanan mohamad, aliza sarlan, mishal shutaywi, yousef ibrahim daradkeh, hazhar omer mohammed. (2022). development of an intelligent information system for financial analysis depend on supervised machine learning algorithms. - information processing and management. 1-11.
zhifu gong, jingyi ji, pengyuan tong, ahmed sayed m. metwally, ashit kumar dutta, joel j. p. c. rodrigues, ummul hanan mohamad. (2023). smart urban planning: intelligent cognitive analysis of healthcare data in cloud-based iot. - computers and electrical engineering. 1-13.
intan nadiah abdul hakim, ummul hanan mohamad. (2023). augmented reality frameworks for object recognition in learning application domain: a systematic review. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 1-16.
r. priyadarshini, abdul quadir md, senthilkumar mohan, abdullah alghamdi, mesfer alrizq, ummul hanan mohamad, ali ahmadian. (2023). novel framework based on ensemble classification and secure feature extraction for covid-19 critical health prediction. - engineering applications of artificial intelligence. 1-15.
shiang tyng khoo, halimah badioze zaman, ummul hanan mohamad, azlina ahmad. (2023). evaluation of the visual learning application for mathematics using holography display for the topic on shape and space. - international journal on informatics visualization. 249-257.
khoo shiang tyng, halimah badioze zaman, ummul hanan mohamad, azlina ahmad. (2023). perceived ease of use on visual learning application for mathematics using holography display for the topic on shape and space. - f1000 research. 1-17.
shahiratul a. karim, ummul hanan mohamad, puteri n. e. nohuddin. (2024). feature selection techniques on breast cancer classification using fine needle aspiration features: a comparative study. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic2023. 568-582.
halimah badioze zaman, rahimah ismail, nazrita ibrahim, ummul hanan mohamad. (2024). a visual-based energy efficient digital agro (ee i-agro) project for design & technology subject, based on computational thinking skills across stem. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic2023. 508-525.
halimah badioze zaman, peter robinson, alan f. smeaton, renato lima de oliveira, bo nørregaard jørgensen, timothy k. shih, rabiah abdul kadir, ummul hanan mohamad, mohammad nazir ahmad. (2024). springer lncs: advances in visual informatics 2023. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic2023. 1-677.
david wong you king, muhammad arif riza, liew kok leong, ummul hanan mohamad, rabiah abdul kadir, mohammad fairus zulkifli, mohammad nazir ahmad. (2024). blockchain-based traceability method - a review. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic2023. 261-275.
mohd firdaus sulaiman, mohammad nazir ahmad, liew kok leong, ummul h. mohamad, nik mohd habibullah nik mohd nizam and azrulhizam shapii. (2023). ontologies for smart farming. - 16th iadis international conference on information systems (is 2023). 221-230.
youcef benferdia, mohammad nazir ahmad, mushawiahti mustafa, ummul hanan mohamad, liew kok leong. (2023). recent advancements in smart remote patient monitoring, wearable devices, and diagnostics systems. - . 27.
halimah badioze zaman, azlina ahmad, ali imran n., hanif bahrin, hamidah yamat@ ahmad, puteri nor ellyza, n., ang, m.c., aliza, a., azwan shaiza, n., riza s., normazidah c.m., azizah, j., wahiza, w. nazlena, m.a., fauzanita k., mohamad taha, i., rabiah,. (2020). teknologi fusion dan pemikiran komputasional bagi kesediaan data terbuka. - . 264.
ummul hanan mohamad, aliimran nordin, azlina ahmad. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 18.
youcef benferdia, mohammad nazir ahmad, mushawiahti mustafa, ummul hanan mohamad, liew kok leong. (2023). recent advancements in smart remote patient monitoring, wearable devices, and diagnostics systems. - . 27.
ummul hanan mohamad, puteri nor ellyza nohuddin. (2021). smart healthcare in big data revolution. - . 167.
halimah badioze zaman, azlina ahmad, ali imran n., hanif bahrin, hamidah yamat@ ahmad, puteri nor ellyza, n., ang, m.c., aliza, a., azwan shaiza, n., riza s., normazidah c.m., azizah, j., wahiza, w. nazlena, m.a., fauzanita k., mohamad taha, i., rabiah,. (2020). teknologi fusion dan pemikiran komputasional bagi kesediaan data terbuka. - . 264.
ummul hanan mohamad, aliimran nordin, azlina ahmad. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 18.
mohamad nazir ahmad, ely salwana mat surin, ummul hanan mohamad. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 22.
chaw jun kit;norfilza mohd mokhtar;mohamad hanif bin md saad;ummul hanan binti mohamad. (2024). modeling an early prediction of ncds model from imbalanced data with sequence structure. - . .
mohammad nazir bin ahmad @ sharif;mohd azul mohamad salleh;ummul hanan binti mohamad. (2024). ontoexam: a conceptual model to facilitate the integration of eproctor module on examsini online exam solution. - . .
rabiah abdul kadir, mohamad nazir ahmad, nazlena mohamad ali, ummul hanan mohamad, md mahidur rahman sarker, mohamad syahmi shahril, arif roslan. (2023). buletin@ivi: institut informatik visual. - ukm. 1-16.
ummul hanan binti mohamad;azlina bt. ahmad;aliza binti alias. (2023). a framework for designing an augmented reality application focusing on object function for children with autism. - . .
mohammad nazir ahmad, ummul hanan mohamad. (2023). penyelidik perlu doktrin penyelidikan baharu. - buletin@ivi. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
ANALISIS KLUSTER GOLONGAN ASNAF DI PERLIS BERDASARKAN PEMBELAJARAN MESIN | faizuddin center of educational excellence (fcoee) | 57.4% (2024-07-22 sehingga 2025-07-21) |