nornastasha azida anuar, mohamad azuwa mohamed, nur shamimie nadzwin hasnan, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd sufri mastuli, mohammad b. kassim. (2024). porous architecture photoelectrode with boosted photoelectrochemical properties for solar fuel production. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 476-507.
wan nur aini binti wan mokhtar;khuzaimah binti arifin. (2023). mechanism elucidation using experimental and density functional theory of the transesterification of triglycerides on supported cao surface catalyst. - . .
siti fadhilah ibrahim, norshahidatul akmar mohd shohaimi, mohd lokman ibrahim, zul adlan mohd hir, mohd sufri mastuli, wan nur aini wan mokhtar. (2023). photo-esterification of waste cooking oil using a novel nanocatalyst tio2 impregnated with empty fruit bunches ash heterogeneous catalyst. - malaysian journal of analytical sciences. 586-599.
norly binti abd aziz;nur hidayah binti deris;noor jannah binti awang;wan nur aini binti wan mokhtar. (2023). bi-functional sorbents from natural waste materials for hazardous chemical spills. - . .
salmiah jamal mat rosid, azman azid, aisyah fathiah ahmad, nursyamimi zulkurnain, susilawati toemen, wan azelee wan abu bakar, ahmad zamani ab halim, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, sarina mat rosid. (2023). optimization and physicochemical studies of alumina supported samarium oxide based catalysts using artificial neural network in methanation reaction. - environmental engineering research. 1-10.
nornastasha azida anuar, mohamad azuwa mohamed, nur shamimie nadzwin hasnan, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd sufri mastuli, mohammad b. kassim. (2024). porous architecture photoelectrode with boosted photoelectrochemical properties for solar fuel production. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 476-507.
salmiah jamal mat rosid, azman azid, aisyah fathiah ahmad, nursyamimi zulkurnain, susilawati toemen, wan azelee wan abu bakar, ahmad zamani ab halim, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, sarina mat rosid. (2023). optimization and physicochemical studies of alumina supported samarium oxide based catalysts using artificial neural network in methanation reaction. - environmental engineering research. 1-10.
ashraff aziz marhoon, siti aishah hasbullah, n. asikin-mijan, wan nur aini wan mokhtar. (2023). hydrothermal synthesis of high-purity zeolite x from coal fly ash for heavy metal removal: kinetic and isotherm analysis. - advanced powder technology. 1-14.
nur shamimie nadzwin hasnan, mohamad azuwa mohamed, nornastasha azida anuar, muhamad firdaus abdul sukur, siti fairus mohd yusoff, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, zul adlan mohd hir, norshahidatul akmar mohd shohaimi, hartini ahmad. (2022). emerging polymeric-based material with photocatalytic functionality for sustainable technologies. - journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 32-71.
balkis hazmi, umer rashid, sibudjing kawi, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, thomas choong shean yaw, bryan r. moser, ali alsalme. (2022). palm fatty acid distillate esterification using synthesized heterogeneous sulfonated carbon catalyst from plastic waste: characterization, catalytic efficacy and stability, and fuel properties. - process safety and environmental protection. 1139-1151.
susilawati toemen, siti fadziana sulaiman, salmiah jamal mat rosid, wan azelee wan abu bakar, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, renugambaal nadarajan, khalida muda, sarina mat rosid. (2022). effectiveness of ru/mg/ce supported on alumina catalyst for direct conversion of syngas to methane: tailoring activity and physicochemical studies. - arabian journal for science and engineering. 7023-7033.
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nornastasha azida anuar, mohamad azuwa mohamed, nur shamimie nadzwin hasnan, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd sufri mastuli, mohammad b. kassim. (2024). porous architecture photoelectrode with boosted photoelectrochemical properties for solar fuel production. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 476-507.
salmiah jamal mat rosid, azman azid, aisyah fathiah ahmad, nursyamimi zulkurnain, susilawati toemen, wan azelee wan abu bakar, ahmad zamani ab halim, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, sarina mat rosid. (2023). optimization and physicochemical studies of alumina supported samarium oxide based catalysts using artificial neural network in methanation reaction. - environmental engineering research. 1-10.
siti fadhilah ibrahim, norshahidatul akmar mohd shohaimi, mohd lokman ibrahim, zul adlan mohd hir, mohd sufri mastuli, wan nur aini wan mokhtar. (2023). photo-esterification of waste cooking oil using a novel nanocatalyst tio2 impregnated with empty fruit bunches ash heterogeneous catalyst. - malaysian journal of analytical sciences. 586-599.
ashraff aziz marhoon, siti aishah hasbullah, n. asikin-mijan, wan nur aini wan mokhtar. (2023). hydrothermal synthesis of high-purity zeolite x from coal fly ash for heavy metal removal: kinetic and isotherm analysis. - advanced powder technology. 1-14.
nor atiq syakila mohd nazmi, fazira ilyana abdul razak, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, mohamad nasir mohamad ibrahim, farook adam, noorfatimah yahaya, salmiah jamal mat rosid, nurasmat mohd shukri, wan nazwanie wan abdullah. (2022). catalytic oxidative desulfurisation over cofeal2o3 catalyst performance, characterization and computational study. - environmental science and pollution research. 1009-1020.
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aisyah fathiah ahmad, nursyamimi zulkurnain, salmiah jamal mat rosid, azman azid, azizah endut, susilawati toemen, salwani ismail, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, wan nazwanie wan abdullah. (2022). characterization of coconut oil (cocos nucifera l.) from fresh and waste coconut pulp for biodiesel production via transesterification process. - international conference on bioengineering and technology (iconbet2021) aip conference proceedings. 40001-40008.
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norly binti abd aziz;nur hidayah binti deris;noor jannah binti awang;wan nur aini binti wan mokhtar. (2023). bi-functional sorbents from natural waste materials for hazardous chemical spills. - . .
wan nur aini binti wan mokhtar;khuzaimah binti arifin. (2023). mechanism elucidation using experimental and density functional theory of the transesterification of triglycerides on supported cao surface catalyst. - . .
nurul huda abd karim, juan joon ching, lee loong chuen, atiah ayunni abdul ghani, loh kee shyuan, nadhratum naiim mobarak, wan nur aini wan mokhtar, goh choo ta, nurul izzaty hassan, nurul asikin mijan. (2022). virtual karnival kemahiran & kerjaya kimia malaysia (k4m) 2022. - berita ikm. 40.
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Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
BIFUNCTIONAL EFFECT OF OXIDIZED EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH (EFB) FIBERS FOR ABSORBENCY AND NEUTRALIZATION OF ACID AND BASE IN CHEMICAL SPILL KITS | sahagian perancangan dan penyelidikan, jabatan bomba dan penyelamat malaysia | 18.2% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |