pensyarah universiti
pusat bioteknologi & makanan berfungsi (pbmb)
Dr. Nazlina Haiza Mohd Yasin is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM. She graduated from the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan before joining the Algae Research Group at UKM that is headed by Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Sobri Takriff in 2016 as a post-doc research fellow. Her expertise is in the area of Environmental Microbiology and Bioprocess Technology. Professionally she is a member of Malaysian Academic Research on Palm Oil Sustainability (ARPOS) Network. With her passion for research , Dr Nazlina Haiza has successfully develop the “Fun with Microbes@UKM” teaching module to enhance students interest and understanding of Microbiology. She is very active in research work on topics related to microalgae and has successfully established collaboration with the industries and communities.
cheah wai yan;er ah choy;nazlina haiza binti mohd yasin;siti dina bt razman pahri. (2025). application of indigenous microalgae-bacteria consortium for palm oil mill effluent (pome) bioremediation. - . .
ayesha firdose, toshinari maeda, mohd asif mohd sukri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, noramiza sabturani, wan syaidatul aqma. (2024). antibacterial mechanism of pseudomonas aeruginosa ukmp14t rhamnolipids against multidrug resistant acinetobacter baumannii. - microbial pathogenesis. 1-10.
mohd huzairi mohd zainudin, mohd zulkhairi mohd yusoff, norhayati ramli, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2024). editorial: sustainable agricultural and livestock waste management through composting. - frontiers in sustainable food systems. 1-3.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, wan hasnidah wan osman, mohd sobri takriff. (2024). unlocking the potential of chlamydomonas sp. for sustainable nutrient removal from pome: a biokinetic investigation. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
mohd sobri takriff, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2024). electrochemical membrane technology. - . 523.
mohd huzairi mohd zainudin, mohd zulkhairi mohd yusoff, norhayati ramli, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2024). editorial: sustainable agricultural and livestock waste management through composting. - frontiers in sustainable food systems. 1-3.
ayesha firdose, toshinari maeda, mohd asif mohd sukri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, noramiza sabturani, wan syaidatul aqma. (2024). antibacterial mechanism of pseudomonas aeruginosa ukmp14t rhamnolipids against multidrug resistant acinetobacter baumannii. - microbial pathogenesis. 1-10.
mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, sieh kiong tiong, hassan mohamed, bidattul syirat zainal, swee su lim, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, zulfirdaus zakaria. (2024). sustainable bioenergy from palm oil mill effluent: advancements in upstream and downstream engineering with techno-economic and environmental assessment. - journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 122-147.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, wan hasnidah wan osman, mohd sobri takriff. (2024). unlocking the potential of chlamydomonas sp. for sustainable nutrient removal from pome: a biokinetic investigation. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
nur atikah aryanee nadzri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar, suresh thanakodi, mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, mohd sobri takriff, mohamad faisal ni aznan, toshinari maeda. (2023). photosynthetic microbial desalination cell (phmdc) using chlamydomonas sp. (ukm6) and scenedesmus sp. (ukm9) as biocatalysts for electricity production and water treatment. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 11860-11873.
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
khalida khalil, wan syaidatul aqma, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohamad yusof maskat, ishak ahmad. (2022). potensi bioremediasi plastik polietilena tereftalat (pet). - sains malaysiana. 3081-3094.
kamrul fakir kamarudin, nur farah mohd shukuri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, suresh thanakodi, azizi miskon, mohd sobri takriff. (2021). penilaian sistem suntikan gas biohidrogen menerusi tetapan arduino menggunakan kultur mikroalga tempatan melalui kaedah fermentasi fotosintesis dan gelap. - sains malaysiana. 1221-1232.
harizah bajunaid hariz, mohd sobri takriff, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, muneer m ba-abbad, noor irma nazashida mohd hakimi. (2019). potential of the microalgae-based integrated wastewater treatment and co2 fixation system to treat palm oil mill effluent (pome) by indigenous microalgae; scenedesmus sp. and chlorella sp.. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
nur anira syafiqah hazman, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, hassimi abu hasan, kamrul fakir kamarudin, noor irma nazashida mohd hakimi. (2018). integrated palm oil mill effluent treatment and co2 sequestration by microalgae. - sains malaysiana. .
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
mohd huzairi mohd zainudin, mohd zulkhairi mohd yusoff, norhayati ramli, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2024). editorial: sustainable agricultural and livestock waste management through composting. - frontiers in sustainable food systems. 1-3.
ayesha firdose, toshinari maeda, mohd asif mohd sukri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, noramiza sabturani, wan syaidatul aqma. (2024). antibacterial mechanism of pseudomonas aeruginosa ukmp14t rhamnolipids against multidrug resistant acinetobacter baumannii. - microbial pathogenesis. 1-10.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, wan hasnidah wan osman, mohd sobri takriff. (2024). unlocking the potential of chlamydomonas sp. for sustainable nutrient removal from pome: a biokinetic investigation. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, sieh kiong tiong, hassan mohamed, bidattul syirat zainal, swee su lim, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, zulfirdaus zakaria. (2024). sustainable bioenergy from palm oil mill effluent: advancements in upstream and downstream engineering with techno-economic and environmental assessment. - journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 122-147.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff. (2021). predictive growth model of indigenous green microalgae (scenedesmus sp. ukm9) in palm oil mill effluent (pome). - 5th international conference on advanced technology and applied science (icatas) 2020. 1-10.
nur atikah aryanee nadzri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
mohd sobri takriff, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2024). electrochemical membrane technology. - . 523.
nur atikah aryanee nadzri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
cheah wai yan;er ah choy;nazlina haiza binti mohd yasin;siti dina bt razman pahri. (2025). application of indigenous microalgae-bacteria consortium for palm oil mill effluent (pome) bioremediation. - . .
nazlina haiza binti mohd yasin. (2024). mechanochemical extraction of nanocellulose [tajuk program: nanocelluloses from sustainable algae feedstock for groundbreaking applications in supplying clean and sanitized water for community]. - . .
wan syaidatul aqma wan mohd noor, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2023). modul manual teknik asas mikrobiologi. - . 1-9.
nazlina haiza mohd yasin, suresh thanakodi, nur atikah aryanee mohd nadzri, norefrina shafinaz md nor. (2023). stem kit microbial-photosynthetic for electricity generation. - . 1-2.
nazlina haiza mohd yasin, ang wei lun, mohd shaiful mohd sajab. (2023). sumber lestari bagi pengkulturan mikroalga penghasil selulosa. - majalah scitech. 1-6.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN PRODUK EM BERFOKUSKAN BIOREMEDIASI MINYAK DAN GRIS SERTA BENGKEL PENGUKUHAN STAF J-BIOTECH | perbadanan bioteknologi dan biodiversiti negeri johor (j-biotech) | 60.2% (2024-07-01 sehingga 2025-06-30) |
pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
cheah wai yan;er ah choy;nazlina haiza binti mohd yasin;siti dina bt razman pahri. (2025). application of indigenous microalgae-bacteria consortium for palm oil mill effluent (pome) bioremediation. - . .
ayesha firdose, toshinari maeda, mohd asif mohd sukri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, noramiza sabturani, wan syaidatul aqma. (2024). antibacterial mechanism of pseudomonas aeruginosa ukmp14t rhamnolipids against multidrug resistant acinetobacter baumannii. - microbial pathogenesis. 1-10.
mohd huzairi mohd zainudin, mohd zulkhairi mohd yusoff, norhayati ramli, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2024). editorial: sustainable agricultural and livestock waste management through composting. - frontiers in sustainable food systems. 1-3.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, wan hasnidah wan osman, mohd sobri takriff. (2024). unlocking the potential of chlamydomonas sp. for sustainable nutrient removal from pome: a biokinetic investigation. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
mohd sobri takriff, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2024). electrochemical membrane technology. - . 523.
mohd huzairi mohd zainudin, mohd zulkhairi mohd yusoff, norhayati ramli, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2024). editorial: sustainable agricultural and livestock waste management through composting. - frontiers in sustainable food systems. 1-3.
ayesha firdose, toshinari maeda, mohd asif mohd sukri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, noramiza sabturani, wan syaidatul aqma. (2024). antibacterial mechanism of pseudomonas aeruginosa ukmp14t rhamnolipids against multidrug resistant acinetobacter baumannii. - microbial pathogenesis. 1-10.
mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, sieh kiong tiong, hassan mohamed, bidattul syirat zainal, swee su lim, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, zulfirdaus zakaria. (2024). sustainable bioenergy from palm oil mill effluent: advancements in upstream and downstream engineering with techno-economic and environmental assessment. - journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 122-147.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, wan hasnidah wan osman, mohd sobri takriff. (2024). unlocking the potential of chlamydomonas sp. for sustainable nutrient removal from pome: a biokinetic investigation. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
nur atikah aryanee nadzri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar, suresh thanakodi, mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, mohd sobri takriff, mohamad faisal ni aznan, toshinari maeda. (2023). photosynthetic microbial desalination cell (phmdc) using chlamydomonas sp. (ukm6) and scenedesmus sp. (ukm9) as biocatalysts for electricity production and water treatment. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 11860-11873.
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
khalida khalil, wan syaidatul aqma, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohamad yusof maskat, ishak ahmad. (2022). potensi bioremediasi plastik polietilena tereftalat (pet). - sains malaysiana. 3081-3094.
kamrul fakir kamarudin, nur farah mohd shukuri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, suresh thanakodi, azizi miskon, mohd sobri takriff. (2021). penilaian sistem suntikan gas biohidrogen menerusi tetapan arduino menggunakan kultur mikroalga tempatan melalui kaedah fermentasi fotosintesis dan gelap. - sains malaysiana. 1221-1232.
harizah bajunaid hariz, mohd sobri takriff, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, muneer m ba-abbad, noor irma nazashida mohd hakimi. (2019). potential of the microalgae-based integrated wastewater treatment and co2 fixation system to treat palm oil mill effluent (pome) by indigenous microalgae; scenedesmus sp. and chlorella sp.. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
nur anira syafiqah hazman, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, hassimi abu hasan, kamrul fakir kamarudin, noor irma nazashida mohd hakimi. (2018). integrated palm oil mill effluent treatment and co2 sequestration by microalgae. - sains malaysiana. .
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
mohd huzairi mohd zainudin, mohd zulkhairi mohd yusoff, norhayati ramli, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2024). editorial: sustainable agricultural and livestock waste management through composting. - frontiers in sustainable food systems. 1-3.
ayesha firdose, toshinari maeda, mohd asif mohd sukri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, noramiza sabturani, wan syaidatul aqma. (2024). antibacterial mechanism of pseudomonas aeruginosa ukmp14t rhamnolipids against multidrug resistant acinetobacter baumannii. - microbial pathogenesis. 1-10.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, wan hasnidah wan osman, mohd sobri takriff. (2024). unlocking the potential of chlamydomonas sp. for sustainable nutrient removal from pome: a biokinetic investigation. - journal of water process engineering. 1-9.
mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, sieh kiong tiong, hassan mohamed, bidattul syirat zainal, swee su lim, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, zulfirdaus zakaria. (2024). sustainable bioenergy from palm oil mill effluent: advancements in upstream and downstream engineering with techno-economic and environmental assessment. - journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 122-147.
norzila mohd, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff. (2021). predictive growth model of indigenous green microalgae (scenedesmus sp. ukm9) in palm oil mill effluent (pome). - 5th international conference on advanced technology and applied science (icatas) 2020. 1-10.
nur atikah aryanee nadzri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
mohd sobri takriff, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2024). electrochemical membrane technology. - . 523.
nur atikah aryanee nadzri, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mimi hani abu bakar. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
cheah wai yan;er ah choy;nazlina haiza binti mohd yasin;siti dina bt razman pahri. (2025). application of indigenous microalgae-bacteria consortium for palm oil mill effluent (pome) bioremediation. - . .
nazlina haiza binti mohd yasin. (2024). mechanochemical extraction of nanocellulose [tajuk program: nanocelluloses from sustainable algae feedstock for groundbreaking applications in supplying clean and sanitized water for community]. - . .
wan syaidatul aqma wan mohd noor, nazlina haiza mohd yasin. (2023). modul manual teknik asas mikrobiologi. - . 1-9.
nazlina haiza mohd yasin, suresh thanakodi, nur atikah aryanee mohd nadzri, norefrina shafinaz md nor. (2023). stem kit microbial-photosynthetic for electricity generation. - . 1-2.
nazlina haiza mohd yasin, ang wei lun, mohd shaiful mohd sajab. (2023). sumber lestari bagi pengkulturan mikroalga penghasil selulosa. - majalah scitech. 1-6.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN PRODUK EM BERFOKUSKAN BIOREMEDIASI MINYAK DAN GRIS SERTA BENGKEL PENGUKUHAN STAF J-BIOTECH | perbadanan bioteknologi dan biodiversiti negeri johor (j-biotech) | 60.2% (2024-07-01 sehingga 2025-06-30) |