pensyarah universiti
institut alam & tamadun melayu (atma)
Nor Zalina Harun merupakan Profesor Madya di Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan felo penyelidik bersekutu di Institut Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan (LESTARI). Fokus penyelidikan beliau tertumpu kepada isu-isu berkaitan pertumbuhan semula bandar, morfologi bandar, landskap dan warisan budaya dengan penekanan terhadap pemeliharaan identiti tempatan bagi menjamin kesejahteraan sosial. Beliau memperoleh Diploma dalam Seni Bina dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia pada tahun 1997 sebelum memperoleh ijazah sarjana muda dalam Seni Bina Landskap pada tahun 1999. Beliau menamatkan pengajian pascasiswazahnya di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia dalam Sarjana Sains dalam Alam Bina (Reka Bentuk dan Pemuliharaan Bandar) dan Doktor Falsafah dalam bidang Seni Bina dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia pada tahun 2012. Sepanjang kerjayanya, beliau telah menyempurnakan lebih daripada 40 projek penyelidikan dan perundingan. Sepanjang tempoh enam tahun di UKM, beliau telah membimbing sembilan pelajar, dengan empat daripada mereka menerima penghormatan melalui `Anugerah Tesis Terbaik` dan `Anugerah Buku`. Sepanjang berada di UKM, beliau turut diiktiraf dengan pelbagai anugerah termasuk `Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang`, `Anugerah Penerbitan Penyelidikan`, `Anugerah Jaringan Penyelidikan` dan `Anugerah Inovasi Penyelidikan`.
Nor Zalina Harun is an Associate Professor in the Institute of the Malay World and Civilization at National University Malaysia (UKM) and an associate research fellow at the Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI). She obtained her Part 1 in Architecture from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1997 and subsequently enrolled in a bachelor`s programme in Landscape Architecture in 1999. She completed her postgraduate studies at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, obtaining a Master of Science in Built Environment (Urban Design and Conservation) and a Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2012. She has made significant contributions to more than 40 research projects and consultations, demonstrating her knowledge and professionalism in heritage conservation and urban landscape community development. During her six-year period at UKM, she effectively provided mentorship to a total of nine students, resulting in four of them received esteemed honors, including the `Best Thesis Award` and the `Book Award`, in recognition of the outstanding caliber of their study. She was acknowledged for her services to the academic realm with multiple esteemed accolades, such as the `Excellent Service Awards`, `Best Research Publication Award`, `Best Research Network Award`, and `Best Research Innovation Award`. In addition to her strong commitment to research and teaching, Nor Zalina is highly dedicated to promoting community and cultural heritage development. Since 2018, she has been fulfilling the roles of advisor and project leader in the construction of community space and green infrastructure for low-cost housing and urban regions in Selangor.
nor haslina binti ja`afar;noraziah binti mohammad;mohd khairul azhar bin mat sulaiman;mohd iskandar bin abd malek;nor zalina binti harun. (2025). design attribute and effective use of square for social interaction towards social sustainability in malaysia. - . .
suhaila sepeai, adilah anuar, nor zalina harun, norasikin ahmad ludin. (2024). celik solar: merungkai keajaiban tenaga solar. - . 110.
nor zalina harun. (2024). mengapa tiada kampung tradisi melayu diwartakan?. - malaysiakini. 1.
syakir amir ab rahman, muhammad irham mohmad zakir, alias abdullah, noor hanita abdul majid, nor zalina harun, aishah abu bakar. (2024). an investigation of tourists satisfaction in maaysia cultural museum: entrance space experience. - quantum journal of social sciences and humanities. 59-69.
nor zalina binti harun;nik lukman bin nik ibrahim;ros mahwati binti ahmad zakaria. (2023). model pemuliharaan landskap fizikal petempatan melayu tradisional. - . .
nor zalina harun. (2018). enhancement for rural livability: changes and impacts on the traditional malay settlement. - environment-behavior, proceedings journal. .
nurul syala abdul latip, nur zalilah zulnaidi, nabilah redzuan, mariana mohamed osman, nor zalina harun. (2023). place making of public spaces within transit-oriented development (tod): a review. - journal of the malaysian institute of planners. 516-531.
ani syahirah zainal abidin, nor zalina harun. (2023). approaches to adaptive reuse strategies for heritage buildings in public universities. - lecture notes in civil engineering. 525-540.
muhammad afiq wasie mohd asri, nor zalina harun. (2023). local community involvement in protecting malaysia historic buildings an exploratory study. - lecture notes in civil engineering. 301-330.
omar hussein ali, nor haslina jaafar, nor zalina harun, mohd khairul azhar mat sulaiman. (2022). the influence of the sensory stimuli aspects for the efficient use of urban squares in iraq. - planning malaysia journal. 146-158.
omar abdulwahhab khalaf, nor haslina ja`afar, nor zalina harun, omar hussein ali. (2022). what makes an attractive user-friendly street? exploring perceptions of mawlawi shopping street environment in the context of sulaymaniyah city, iraq. - planning malaysia journal. 35-46.
nor zalina harun, sri yanti mahadzir. (2021). 360° virtual tour of the traditional malay house as an effort for cultural heritage preservation. - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-7.
mazlina mansor, nor zalina harun, khalilah zakariya. (2020). attributes of urban green infrastructure (ugi) and its use by young adults in kuala lumpur city. - 8th amer international conference on quality of life. 3-11.
anizah mohd salleh, nor zalina harun, sharina abdul halim. (2020). urban agriculture as a community resilience strategy against urban food insecurity. - 8th amer international conference on quality of life. 369-376.
norzailawati mohd noor, nor zalina harun, alias abdullah. (2020). the fixed wing uav usage on land use mapping for gazetted royal land in malaysia. - iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-9.
najiha jaffar,nor zalina harun,saiful arif abdullah. (2020). values of physical landscape in accommodating social sustainability of traditional malay settlement. - e-bpj, vol 5, no:15, dec 2020. 1-7.
suhaila sepeai, adilah anuar, nor zalina harun, norasikin ahmad ludin. (2024). celik solar: merungkai keajaiban tenaga solar. - . 110.
nor zalina harun, mohd herman roslan. (2023). kota kuala kedah sejarah dan evolusi kota maritim. - . 90.
nor zalina harun. (2023). eco urbanism and the south east asian climate, urban architectural form and heritage. - . 11.
shireen jahn kassim, nor zalina harun. (2023). eco urbanism and the south east asian climate, urban architectural form and heritage. - . 19.
nor zalina harun. (2022). gastronomi alam melayu. - . 29.
shireen jahn kassim, nor zalina harun. (2023). eco urbanism and the south east asian climate, urban architectural form and heritage. - . 19.
nor zalina harun. (2023). eco urbanism and the south east asian climate, urban architectural form and heritage. - . 11.
nor zalina harun. (2022). gastronomi alam melayu. - . 29.
nor zalina harun, sri yanti mahadzir. (2022). seni bina dan seni halus warisan melayu sepanjang zaman. - . 17.
nor zalina harun, nik lukman nik ibrahim & muhamad shafiq mohd ali. (2022). seni bina dan seni halus warisan melayu sepanjang zaman. - . 8.
suhaila sepeai, adilah anuar, nor zalina harun, norasikin ahmad ludin. (2024). celik solar: merungkai keajaiban tenaga solar. - . 110.
nor zalina harun, mohd herman roslan. (2023). kota kuala kedah sejarah dan evolusi kota maritim. - . 90.
nor zalina harun, nik lukman nik ibrahim, muhamad shafiq mohd ali. (2022). seni bina dan seni halus warisan melayu sepanjang zaman. - . 184.
nor zalina harun, ros mahwati ahmad zakaria, muhamad shafiq mohd ali. (2021). teknologi warisan alam melayu. - . 215.
ros mahwati ahmad zakaria, nor zalina harun, ahmad bazri mokhtar. (2020). etnosains warisan budaya alam melayu. - . 170.
nor haslina binti ja`afar;noraziah binti mohammad;mohd khairul azhar bin mat sulaiman;mohd iskandar bin abd malek;nor zalina binti harun. (2025). design attribute and effective use of square for social interaction towards social sustainability in malaysia. - . .
nor zalina harun. (2024). mengapa tiada kampung tradisi melayu diwartakan?. - malaysiakini. 1.
nor zalina binti harun;nor haslina binti ja`afar. (2023). pembangunan ruang sosial bagi pangsapuri desa lembah permai blok b3. - . .
nor zalina harun, nor lide abu kassim, norliza jamaluddin, mariana mohamed osman, shafiee shuid, noor suzilawati rabe. (2023). pelan tindakan memartabatkan bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa ilmu di institusi pendidikan tinggi awam 2023-2030. - . 119.
nor zalina harun. (2023). impak. - kesinambungan ekosistem dan penghasilan seni warisan. 20-21.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
MEMADANIKAN CYBERJAYA : PENGAPLIKASIAN DIGITAL MENERUSI PELESTARIAN BUDAYA | persatuan linguistik malaysia | 82.8% (2023-10-10 sehingga 2025-06-30) |
INTEGRATION OF PPGIS IN DELINEATING THE IDENTITY OF KUALA KANGSAR AS A CLASSICAL MALAYSIAN ROYAL TOWN | terra design sendirian berhad | 72.6% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR SOSIAL KE ARAH PERUMAHAN STRATA KOS RENDAH BERDAYA HUNI DI SELANGOR | lembaga perumahan dan hartanah negeri selangor | 54.9% (2024-02-07 sehingga 2026-02-06) |