pensyarah universiti
institut informatik visual (ivi)
Dr Ely Salwana is a Research Fellow in the Institute of Visual Informatics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM, Bangi), Malaysia. Her primary research area include information work, data analytics, data mining, knowledge organization and participatory information practices. The contexts of her research range from; public organization, education, virtual worlds and corporate. She received an MA Degree in Information Technology (Management) at the University of Technology Malaysia in 2005, and a Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science at the University of Malaya in 2016. She has 18 years of working experience related to her field of study in the university as a lecturer, researcher and supervisor for undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has been involved in many research projects and grants related to computer sciences especially in her area of interest as a group leader and researcher, and all the projects were successfully delivered on time and followed the project schedule.
ahadi haji mohd nasir, mohd firdaus sulaiman, liew kok leong, ely salwana, mohammad nazir ahmad. (2024). an approach for developing an ontology: learned from business model ontology design & development. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications (ijacsa). 539-554.
dian n nasuruddin, ely salwana, mahidur r sarker, adli ali and loh tze ping. (2024). data mining in establishing the indirect reference intervals of biochemical and haematological assays in the paediatric population: a review. - advances in visual informatics. 493-507.
olatunji austine kehinde, zahidah zulkifli, ely salwana mat surin, nur leyni nilam putri junurham, murni mahmud. (2024). elevating database performance: current caching and prefetching strategies for online databases in nigeria. - 8th international visual informatics conference ivic 2023. 314-327.
ahadi haji mohd nasir, ely salwana mat surin, mohammad nazir ahmad. (2023). towards unified information dashboard design - common principles, practices, and challenges. - information systems international conference (isico). 113.
mohamad taha bin ijab;mohamad hanif bin md saad;norshita binti mat nayan;ely salwana binti mat surin. (2023). pembangunan model kesediaan terhadap revolusi industri ke-4 (ir4.0) di kalangan industri di malaysia / development of readiness model towards industrial revolution (ir4.0) among malaysian industries. - . .
shahid akbar, hashim ali, ashfaq ahmad, mahidur r. sarker, aamir saeed, ely salwana, sarah gul, ahmad khan, farman ali. (2023). prediction of amyloid proteins using embedded evolutionary & ensemble feature selection based descriptors with extreme gradient boosting model. - ieee access. 39024-39036.
mohammad taghi sattari, hajar feizi, saeed samadianfard, kambiz falsafian, ely salwana. (2021). estimation of monthly and seasonal precipitation: a comparative study using data-driven methods versus hybrid approach. - measurement. 1-30.
abdul sattar, mohammad nazir ahmad, ely salwana mat surin, ahmad kamil mahmood. (2021). an improved methodology for collaborative construction of reusable, localized, and shareable ontology. - ieee access. 17463-17484.
xi zhao, shahab s. band, said elnaffar, mehdi sookhak, amir mosavi, ely salwana. (2021). the implementation of border gateway protocol using software-defined networks: a systematic literature review. - ieee access. 1-11.
amirhosein mosavia, saeed samadianfard, sabereh darbandi, narjes abipour, sultan noman qaseme, ely salwana. (2021). predicting soil electrical conductivity using multi-layer perceptron integrated with grey wolf optimizer. - journal of geochemical exploration. 1-10.
muhammad azzam a. wahab, ely salwana mat surin, norshita mat nayan, hameedur rahman. (2021). mapping deforestation in permanent forest reserve of peninsular malaysia with multi-temporal sar imagery and u-net based semantic segmentation. - malaysian journal of computer science. 15-34.
mohamad taha ijab, ely salwana mat surin, norshita mat nayan. (2019). conceptualizing big data quality framework from a systematic literature review perspective. - malaysian journal of computer science. 25-37.
noor hafizah hassan, ely salwana, sulfeeza md. drus, nurazean maarop, ganthan narayana samy and noor azurati ahmad. (2018). proposed conceptual iot-based patient monitoring sensor for predicting and controlling dengue. - international journal of grid and distributed computing. .
bindal, priyadarshni; bindal, umesh; lin, chai wen; kasim, noor hayaty abu; ramasamy, thamil selvee a.p; dabbagh, ali; salwana, ely. (2017). neuro-fuzzy method for predicting the viability of stem cells treated at different time-concentration conditions. - technology and health care. 1041-1051.
ely salwana, suraya hamid, norizan mohd yasin. (2017). student academic streaming using clustering technique. - malaysian journal of computer science. 286-299.
ahadi haji mohd nasir, mohd firdaus sulaiman, liew kok leong, ely salwana, mohammad nazir ahmad. (2024). an approach for developing an ontology: learned from business model ontology design & development. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications (ijacsa). 539-554.
shahid akbar, hashim ali, ashfaq ahmad, mahidur r. sarker, aamir saeed, ely salwana, sarah gul, ahmad khan, farman ali. (2023). prediction of amyloid proteins using embedded evolutionary & ensemble feature selection based descriptors with extreme gradient boosting model. - ieee access. 39024-39036.
nurhadi, rabiah abdul kadir and ely salwana mat surin. (2022). complex sql-nosql query translation for data lake management. - journal of computer science. 1179-1188.
mohammad taghi sattari, hajar feizi, saeed samadianfard, kambiz falsafian, ely salwana. (2021). estimation of monthly and seasonal precipitation: a comparative study using data-driven methods versus hybrid approach. - measurement. 1-30.
amirhosein mosavia, saeed samadianfard, sabereh darbandi, narjes abipour, sultan noman qaseme, ely salwana. (2021). predicting soil electrical conductivity using multi-layer perceptron integrated with grey wolf optimizer. - journal of geochemical exploration. 1-10.
dian n nasuruddin, ely salwana, mahidur r sarker, adli ali and loh tze ping. (2024). data mining in establishing the indirect reference intervals of biochemical and haematological assays in the paediatric population: a review. - advances in visual informatics. 493-507.
olatunji austine kehinde, zahidah zulkifli, ely salwana mat surin, nur leyni nilam putri junurham, murni mahmud. (2024). elevating database performance: current caching and prefetching strategies for online databases in nigeria. - 8th international visual informatics conference ivic 2023. 314-327.
irna hamzah, ely salwana, mark billinghurst, nilufar baghaei, mohammad nazir ahmad, fadhilah rosdi, azhar arsad. (2023). virtual reality for social-emotional learning: a review. - 8th international visual informatics conference, ivic 2023. 119-130.
muhammad azzam a.wahab, ely salwana mat surin, norshita mat nayan. (2021). an approach to mapping deforestation in permanent forest reserve using the convolutional neural network and sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar. - 2021 fifth international conference on information retrieval and knowledge management (camp). 59-64.
nita rosa damayanti, nazlena mohamad ali, ely salwana mat surin. (2019). technology acceptance among older adults with mild cognitive impairement. - 1st international conference computer science and engineering (journal of physics: conference series). 1-7.
aizan sofia amin, najwa afiqa roshaizad, mohd nasir selamat, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun, jamiah manap, wan hirwani wan hussain, ely salwana mat surin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 7.
ely salwana mat surin, norshita mat nayan, noorhafizah hassan, zahidah zulkifli. (2022). pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita: kesejahteraan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. - . 163.
aizan sofia amin, mohd nasir selamat, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun, jamiah manap, wan hirwani wan hussain, ely salwana mat surin ,wan arnidawati wan abdullah, nuraimirah zainun. (2022). kebolehkerjaan belia berkeperluan khas. - . 18.
norshita mat nayan, ely salwana mat surin, nazlena mohamad ali. (2022). pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita: kesejahteaan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. - . 8.
norizan abdul razak, jalaluddin abdul malek, ely salwana mat surin. (2021). inklusiviti gender di malaysia : isu dan cabaran. - . 188.
ely salwana mat surin. (2023). impak dan peranan teknologi digital bagi penuaan sihat. - . 177.
aizan sofia amin, najwa afiqa roshaizad, mohd nasir selamat, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun, jamiah manap, wan hirwani wan hussain, ely salwana mat surin, wan arnidawati wan abdullah. (2022). sokongan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19. - . 7.
ely salwana mat surin, norshita mat nayan, noorhafizah hassan, zahidah zulkifli. (2022). pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita: kesejahteraan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. - . 163.
aizan sofia amin, mohd nasir selamat, hilwa abdullah @ mohd nor, nasrudin subhi, nur saadah mohamad aun, jamiah manap, wan hirwani wan hussain, ely salwana mat surin ,wan arnidawati wan abdullah, nuraimirah zainun. (2022). kebolehkerjaan belia berkeperluan khas. - . 18.
norshita mat nayan, ely salwana mat surin, nazlena mohamad ali. (2022). pembangunan dan pemerkasaan wanita: kesejahteaan kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. - . 8.
norizan abdul razak, jalaluddin abdul malek, ely salwana mat surin. (2021). inklusiviti gender di malaysia : isu dan cabaran. - . 188.
mohamad taha bin ijab;mohamad hanif bin md saad;norshita binti mat nayan;ely salwana binti mat surin. (2023). pembangunan model kesediaan terhadap revolusi industri ke-4 (ir4.0) di kalangan industri di malaysia / development of readiness model towards industrial revolution (ir4.0) among malaysian industries. - . .
rabiah abdul kadir, nazlena mohamad ali, mohamad nazir ahmad, mohamad taha ijab, riza sulaiman, norshita mat nayan, ely salwana mat surin, mujahid abu bakar, ang mei choo. (2023). pelan strategik institut informatik visual 2024-2028. - . 1-210.
ahadi haji mohd nasir, ely salwana mat surin, mohammad nazir ahmad. (2023). towards unified information dashboard design - common principles, practices, and challenges. - information systems international conference (isico). 113.
norshita mat nayan, ely salwana mat surin. (2022). mobile application in islamic tourism industry in malaysia. - the 4th industrial revolusion @ukm. 5-6.
ely salwana. (2022). big data analytics: improving your organization performance via efficient data management. - eria reinvigoration programme series 1. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INOVASI PEMBANGUNAN SISTEM LETAK KERETA PINTAR "KEMAMAN PARK (K-PARK)" MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KEMAMAN | majlis perbandaran kemaman | 83.5% (2023-03-01 sehingga 2025-06-30) |