pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian teknologi & pengurusan perisian (softam)
Hasimi Sallehudin ialah pensyarah kanan di Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, di mana beliau mengajar dan menjalankan penyelidikan mengenai Sistem Maklumat Kesihatan, Analisis dan Reka Bentuk, Seni Bina Korporat (EA), Keselamatan Komputer dan Rangkaian, Penggunaan Teknologi, Penilaian Sistem Maklumat, dan Rangkaian Komputer. Beliau memegang Ph.D. dari Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, M.Sc. dari Universiti Malaya, dan B.Eng. dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, semua dalam MIS, Sains Komputer atau Kejuruteraan. Beliau juga merupakan jurulatih berdaftar untuk Akademi Rangkaian Cisco, dan ahli Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia dan Lembaga Teknologis Malaysia. Beliau mempunyai pengalaman lebih daripada satu dekad sebagai Pegawai IT dan Ketua Jabatan IT di pelbagai institusi awam, termasuk Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara dan Hospital Angkatan Tentera Tuanku Mizan. Beliau juga aktif memberikan perundingan dan perkhidmatan SME kepada beberapa agensi kerajaan dalam pelbagai projek IT, seperti Perancangan Strategik Digital, Pelan Pemulihan Bencana, dan Seni Bina Korporat (EA).
Hasimi Sallehudin is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, where he teaches and researches on Health Informations Systems, Analysis and Design, Enterprise Architecture, Computer and Network Security, Technology Adoptions, Information System Evaluation, and Computer Networking. He holds a Ph.D. from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, an M.Sc. from the University of Malaya, and a B.Eng. from the University of Technology Malaysia, all in MIS, Computer Science or Engineering. He is also a certified trainer for the Cisco Networking Academy, and a member of the Board of Engineers Malaysia and the Malaysian Board of Technologists. He has over a decade of experience as an IT Officer and a Head of IT Department in various public institutions, including the National Institute of Public Administration and the Tuanku Mizan Armed Forces Hospital. He has also provided consultation and SME services to several government agencies on various IT projects, such as Digital Strategic Planning, Disaster Recovery Plan, and Enterprise Architecture.
jamaiah binti yahaya;muriati bt. mukhtar;hasimi bin sallehudin. (2024). a new green software process model for sustainable software product. - . .
rogis baker, nur fatinah husna mohamad puzi, nur surayya mohd saudi, haliza mohd zahari, hasimi sallehudin, noor azmi mohd zainol, mohd nasir selamat. (2024). the influenced of work-life balance on emotional intelligence, depression, anxiety, and stress. - kurdish studies. 43-57.
wan muhd hazwan azamuddin, azana hafizah mohd aman, hasimi sallehuddin, maznifah salam, and khalid abualsaud. (2024). mathematical models for named data networking producer mobility techniques: a review. - mathematics. 1-33.
afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain;rozmel binti abdul latiff;adi irfan bin che ani;muhamad azry bin khoiry;hasimi bin sallehudin;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2023). lmcr1582: using space industry as a tool for developing career-proof curriculum. - . .
kamsuriah binti ahmad;hasimi bin sallehudin. (2023). model integrasi data bagi menambahbaik landskap transformasi digital sektor awam di malaysia. - . .
wan muhd hazwan azamuddin, azana hafizah mohd aman, hasimi sallehuddin, maznifah salam, and khalid abualsaud. (2024). mathematical models for named data networking producer mobility techniques: a review. - mathematics. 1-33.
maria ijaz baig, elaheh yadegaridehkordi, liyana shuib, hasimi sallehuddin. (2023). identifying determinants of big data adoption in the higher education sector using a multi-analytical sem-ann approach. - education and information technologies. 16457-16484.
wan muhammad hazwan azamuddin, azana hafizah mohd aman, hasimi sallehuddin, khalid abualsaud, norhisham mansor. (2023). the emerging of named data networking: architecture, application and technology. - ieee access. 23620-23633.
abdulrahman sameer sadeq, rosilah hassan, hasimi sallehudin, azana hafizah mohd aman and anwar hassan ibrahim. (2022). conceptual framework for future wsn-mac protocol to achieve energy consumption enhancement. - sensors. 1-18.
siti rohana ahmad ibrahim, jamaiah yahaya, hasimi sallehudin. (2022). green software process factors: a qualitative study. - sustainability. 1-26.
baydaa hashim mohammed, hasimi sallehuddin, nurhizam safie, afifuddin husairi, nur azaliah abu bakar, farashazillah yahya, ihsan ali , and shaymaa abdelghany mohamed. (2022). building information modeling and internet of things integration in the construction industry: a scoping study. - advances in civil engineering. 1-20.
hasimi sallehudin, nurhizam safie mohd satar, nur azaliah abu bakar, rogis baker, farashazillah yahya, ahmad firdause md fadzil. (2019). modelling the enterprise architecture implementation in the public sector using hot-fit framewok. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 191-198.
azana hafizah mohd aman, syed abdul mutalib al junid, hasimi salehudin, adil hidayat, rosilah hassan, syed mohamed aljunid. (2019). ecosystem for healthcare services and management system. - 3c tecnologia. 120-131.
rogis baker, nur fatinah husna mohamad puzi, nur surayya mohd saudi, haliza mohd zahari, hasimi sallehudin, noor azmi mohd zainol, mohd nasir selamat. (2024). the influenced of work-life balance on emotional intelligence, depression, anxiety, and stress. - kurdish studies. 43-57.
wan muhd hazwan azamuddin, azana hafizah mohd aman, hasimi sallehuddin, maznifah salam, and khalid abualsaud. (2024). mathematical models for named data networking producer mobility techniques: a review. - mathematics. 1-33.
ahmad firdause md fadzil, mohd rafi yaacob, dzulkifli mukhtar, mohd nazri muhayiddin, fauzilah salleh, rashidah mohamad ibrahim, hasimi sallehudin. (2023). effects of entrepreneurial quality towards new venture creation: a multiple case study of successful new ventures in e-commerce in malaysia. - journal of nusantara studies. 184-225.
wan muhammad hazwan azamuddin, azana hafizah mohd aman, hasimi sallehuddin, khalid abualsaud, norhisham mansor. (2023). the emerging of named data networking: architecture, application and technology. - ieee access. 23620-23633.
maria ijaz baig, elaheh yadegaridehkordi, liyana shuib, hasimi sallehuddin. (2023). identifying determinants of big data adoption in the higher education sector using a multi-analytical sem-ann approach. - education and information technologies. 16457-16484.
azman azmi;farashazillah yahya;ervin gubin moung;hasimi sallehudin;rio guntur utomo;nur afrina azman. (2023). blockchain-based data sharing framework for malaysia government aid management system. - international conference on digital applications, transformation, and economy (icdate) 2023. 1-7.
zhang wenhua; wan muhd hazwan azamuddin; azana hafizah mohd aman; hasimi sallehudin; zhang yanke. (2023). simulation cycle for network scenario based on ad-campus solution. - 2022 international conference on cyber resilience (iccr). 1-5.
nur azaliah abu bakar, badrul hisyam azhar, surya sumarni hussien, nor azizah ahmad, hasimi sallehudin. (2023). using enterprise architecture to manage income tax compliance rate issues in malaysia. - proceedings of the international conference on information technology and digital applications. 1-10.
tan woei ching, azana hafizah mohd aman, wan muhd hazwan azamuddin, hasimi sallehuddin, zainab senan attarbashi. (2021). performance analysis of internet of things routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (rpl): energy, overhead and packet delivery. - 2021 3rd international cyber resilience conference (crc). 1-6.
ahmed mahdi jubair, azana hafizah mohd aman, rosilah hassan, hasimi sallehudin. (2021). dimensionality inspection for wireless sensor network deployment using multi-objective optimization. - ieee xplore: 2021 3rd international cyber resilience conference (crc). 1-5.
noor hasliza binti mohd hassan, kamsuriah ahmad, hasimi sallehuddin. (2022). tadbir urus integrasi data sektor awam keperluan model. - . 167.
hiyam nadhim khalid, azana hafizah mohd aman & hasimi sallehuddin. (2021). image steganography: the method of hiding information. - . 101.
rogis baker, hasan al-banna mohamed, mohd hamran mohamad, nur surayya mohd saudi, zailin zainal ariffin, noor azmi mohd zainol, hasimi sallehudin. (2023). tamadun dalam pelbagai dimensi. - . 10.
rogis baker, hasimi sallehuddin, hasan al-banna mohamed, hazril izwar ibrahim, ahmad azan ridzuan, norlaila mazura mohaiyadin. (2019). nurture young talent. - . 6.
hasimi sallehudin, razli che razak, mohammad ismail, ahmad firdause md fadzil, rogis baker. (2018). megatrends: diskusi jangkauan global. - . 40.
noor hasliza binti mohd hassan, kamsuriah ahmad, hasimi sallehuddin. (2022). tadbir urus integrasi data sektor awam keperluan model. - . 167.
hiyam nadhim khalid, azana hafizah mohd aman & hasimi sallehuddin. (2021). image steganography: the method of hiding information. - . 101.
jamaiah binti yahaya;muriati bt. mukhtar;hasimi bin sallehudin. (2024). a new green software process model for sustainable software product. - . .
suraya yaacob, hasimi sallehudin, surya sumarni hussein, nur azaliah abu bakar, roslina ibrahim, mohammad nazir ahmad, nur izzati shabdin, wira ismail. (2023). pelan strategik pendigitalan pendaftar mahkamah persekutuan malaysia 2021-2025. - . 285.
afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain;rozmel binti abdul latiff;adi irfan bin che ani;muhamad azry bin khoiry;hasimi bin sallehudin;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2023). lmcr1582: using space industry as a tool for developing career-proof curriculum. - . .
kamsuriah binti ahmad;hasimi bin sallehudin. (2023). model integrasi data bagi menambahbaik landskap transformasi digital sektor awam di malaysia. - . .
ts.dr.fazlina mohd ali dan ts.dr.hasimi sallehudin. (2023). webinar:kerajaan digital ir 4.0. - . 1-67.
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