Felo Penyelidik di Institut Islam Hadhari. Bidang penyelidikan ialah Pendidikan Alam Sekitar dan Pendidikan Sains
norshariani abd rahman. (2024). new insights, perspectives and strategies in phytotechnologies. - . 15.
nurhaziqah hishamudin, adawiyah ismail, fariza md. sham, roziah sidik atau mat sidek, ermy azziaty rozali, norshariani abd rahman. (2024). the impact of the covid 19 pandemic of women work from home in malaysia. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 2511-2525.
adawiyah ismail, fariza md. sham, roziah sidik, ermy azziaty rozali, norshariani abd rahman & nur haziqah hishamudin. (2024). managing emotions according to imam al ghazali among working women from home to achieve a balance between career and family. - 4th seminar on scholars of islamic civilization. 35.
nurfaradilla binti mohamad nasri;norshariani binti abd rahman;khairul azhar bin jamaludin. (2024). developing malaysian sustainable palm oil learning box (my-spo learning box) for secondary school science education. - . .
nazrul anuar bin nayan;joanna ooi su min;siti norul huda bt. sheikh abdullah;norlaila binti mustafa;shamsul azhar bin shah;norshariani binti abd rahman;farah ayuni binti mohd hatta. (2024). the development of covid-19 self-diagnostic systems using smart phones for the benefits of ummah. - . .
nuryazmin ahmat zainuri, norshariani abd-rahman, lilia halim, mee yeang chan, nisa nadirah mohd bazari. (2022). measuring pro-environmental behavior triggered by environmental values. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-17.
wan nur hafizah wan hussain, lilia halim, mee yeang chan, norshariani abd rahman. (2021). predicting energy saving behaviour based on environmental values an analysis of school childrens perspectives. - sustainability. 1-12.
fatin nur marhamah zabidi, norshariani abd rahman, lilia halim. (2021). integration of islamic values for environmental conservation: an analysis of school textbooks. - religions. 1-18.
norshariani abd rahman, fatin nur marhamah zabidi, lilia halim. (2020). integration of tauhidic elements for environmental education from the teachers' perspectives. - religions. 1-17.
lilia ellany mohtar, lilia halim, norshariani abd rahman, siti mistima maat, zanaton h. iksan, kamisah osman. (2019). a model of interest in stem careers among secondary school students. - journal of baltic science education. 404-416.
nurhaziqah hishamudin, adawiyah ismail, fariza md. sham, roziah sidik atau mat sidek, ermy azziaty rozali, norshariani abd rahman. (2024). the impact of the covid 19 pandemic of women work from home in malaysia. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 2511-2525.
muhammad hilmi jalil, norshariani abd rahman. (2023). literary novels as teaching material: business owners traits in merantau ke deli. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 714-720.
norshariani abd rahman. (2023). developing an instrument of sustainability in environmental volunteering participation (i-sevp) among youth. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 737-764.
noshariani abd rahman, fatin nur marhamah zabidi, muhammad hilmi jalil. (2023). how to integrate environmental education: analysis of teachers' perspectives in integrated islamic science schools. - international journal of education. 1-14.
nurhaziqah hishamudin, adawiyah ismail, fariza md sham, roziah sidik , ermy azziaty rozali, nor shariani abd. rahman. (2023). the impact of the covid 19 pandemic of women work from home in malaysia. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 2434-2447.
lilia halim, norshariani abd rahman, nor aidillina mohd ramli & lilia ellany mohtar. (2018). influence of students` stem self-efficacy on stem and physics career choice. - proceedings of the 5th international conference for science educators and teachers (iset) 2017, aip conference proceeding. 1-10.
norshariani abd rahman. (2024). new insights, perspectives and strategies in phytotechnologies. - . 15.
norshariani abd rahman. (2021). reflecting current issues in the muslim society. - . 15.
norshariani abd rahman, muhammad hilmi jalil. (2021). reflecting current issues in the muslim society. - . 149.
mohd yusof hj othman, muhammad hilmi jalil, norshariani abd rahman. (2021). reflecting current issues in the muslim society. - . 14.
norshariani abd rahman. (2024). new insights, perspectives and strategies in phytotechnologies. - . 15.
mohd yusof hj othman, muhammad hilmi jalil, norshariani abd rahman. (2021). reflecting current issues in the muslim society. - . 14.
norshariani abd rahman. (2021). reflecting current issues in the muslim society. - . 15.
norshariani abd rahman, muhammad hilmi jalil. (2021). reflecting current issues in the muslim society. - . 149.
norshariani abd rahman, lilia halim & abdul razaq ahmad. (2018). pendidikan alam sekitar dalam kalangan pelajar orang asli di malaysia. - . 117.
fariza bt. md. sham;shazli ezzat bin ghazali;mohd al adib bin samuri;hilwa binti abdullah @ mohd nor;abu dardaa bin mohamad;norshariani binti abd rahman. (2024). modul intervensi psikologi islam bagi menangani kemurungan dan stres dalam kalangan remaja akibat penggunaan media sosial . - . .
adawiyah ismail, fariza md. sham, roziah sidik, ermy azziaty rozali, norshariani abd rahman & nur haziqah hishamudin. (2024). managing emotions according to imam al ghazali among working women from home to achieve a balance between career and family. - 4th seminar on scholars of islamic civilization. 35.
nurfaradilla binti mohamad nasri;norshariani binti abd rahman;khairul azhar bin jamaludin. (2024). developing malaysian sustainable palm oil learning box (my-spo learning box) for secondary school science education. - . .
nazrul anuar bin nayan;joanna ooi su min;siti norul huda bt. sheikh abdullah;norlaila binti mustafa;shamsul azhar bin shah;norshariani binti abd rahman;farah ayuni binti mohd hatta. (2024). the development of covid-19 self-diagnostic systems using smart phones for the benefits of ummah. - . .
norshariani binti abd rahman;wan nasyrudin bin wan abdullah;mohd riduan bin abdullah;shamrul aizam bin abd rahman;muhammad hilmi bin jalil;shamsul azhar bin yahya;siti maheran binti ismail @ ibrahim;zubaidah bt mohd nasir;farah ayuni binti mohd hatta. (2023). pembangunan model dan garis panduan amalan pengurusan alam sekitar tauhidik. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN GARIS PANDUAN PEMERKASAAN PROGRAM AGAMA PENJARA BAGI BANDUAN MUSLIM | jabatan penjara malaysia | 96.9% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |