pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pendidikan & kesejahteraan komuniti
Merupakan pensyarah bidang Pendidikan Khas di Fakulti Pendidikan UKM. Beliau merupakan Penerima Anugerah Best Research Idea dalam Program Young Scientist Network - Akademi Sains Malaysia yang telah mengumpulkan seramai 15 finalis saintis muda seluruh negara. Beliau juga merupakan penerima Australia-Malaysia Ph.D Internship Program 2022 di mana berpeluang melaksanakan program sangkutan bersama Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, Melbourne. Memperoleh ijazah pertama dari Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia dalam bidang Pendidikan Khas pada 2011 dan kemudiaannya memperoleh Sarjana Pendidikan (Pendidikan Khas) dari UKM pada 2016. Kini, beliau di peringkat akhir pengajian Doktor Falsafah dari Universiti Sains Malaysia.
He is a lecturer in the field of Special Education at the Faculty of Education, UKM. He is the recipient of the "Best Research Idea" Award in the Young Scientist Program by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, which brought together 15 young scientist finalists from across the country. He is also a recipient of the Australia-Malaysia Ph.D Internship Program 2022, where he had the opportunity to undertake an engagement program with the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre in Melbourne. He obtained his first degree from the Malaysia Teaching Institute in Special Education in 2011 and later earned a Master`s in Education (Special Education) from UKM in 2016. Currently, he is in the final stage of his Doctor of Philosophy studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia.
low weng sheng, mohd mokhtar tahar, siti mistima maat, mohd syazwan zainal. (2024). remedial teachers needs for developing new basic numeracy teaching aids a needs analysis. - e-bangi journal of social sciences & humanities. 299-313.
hui min low, mohd syazwan zainal, jee ching pang, yammy ang, marieke de vries. (2024). self-reported autistic traits and psychosocial outcomes among university students in malaysia. - autism. 174-186.
muhammad sofwan mahmud, mohd syazwan zainal, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2023). challenges of special education teachers in inclusive mathematics teaching in primary schools: a preliminary study. - 13th proceeding of international conference on special education in southeast asia region (icsar 2023). 199-225.
mohd syazwan zainal. (2023). a conceptual paper: career self-efficacy as the role of career transition programme for students on the autism spectrum in malaysia. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 1-13.
haikal anuar adnan, mohd syazwan zainal. (2022). isu-isu pekerjaan semasa tempoh pandemik covid-19. - . 11.
hui min low, mohd syazwan zainal, jee ching pang, yammy ang, marieke de vries. (2024). self-reported autistic traits and psychosocial outcomes among university students in malaysia. - autism. 174-186.
hui min low, mohd syazwan zainal, jee ching pang, yammy ang, marieke de vries. (2024). self-reported autistic traits and psychosocial outcomes among university students in malaysia. - autism. 174-186.
mohd syazwan zainal. (2023). a conceptual paper: career self-efficacy as the role of career transition programme for students on the autism spectrum in malaysia. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 1-13.
wan ahmad munsif wan pa, mohd syazwan zainal, muhammad sofwan mahmud. (2021). factor of brand loyalty in sportswear among student athletes. - journal of contemporary issues in business and government. 2735-2744.
muhammad sofwan mahmud, wan ahmad munsif wan pa, mohd syazwan zainal, nadia fasha mohd drus. (2021). improving students critical thinking through oral questioning in mathematics teaching. - international journal of learning, teaching and educational research. 407-421.
mohd syazwan zainal, wan ahmad munsif wan pa, muhammad sofwan mahmud. (2021). internship program for students with disabilities: are malaysian family ready?. - journal of contemporary issues in business and government. 2754-2761.
haikal anuar adnan, mohd syazwan zainal. (2022). isu-isu pekerjaan semasa tempoh pandemik covid-19. - . 11.
mohd syazwan zainal, mohd mokhtar tahar, mohd hanafi mohd yassin. (2018). transformasi dan pembangunan pendidikan di malaysia. - . 7.
mohd syazwan zainal. (2019). employers acceptance towards disabled worker. - . 1.
tuan mastura tuan soh, mohd syazwan zainal. (2019). let's recycle for a greener ukm. - . .
mohd syazwan zainal. (2019). challenges / obstacle for disabled people in workplace. - . 1.
mohd syazwan zainal. (2019). challenges faced by person with disabilities of themselves at work. - . 1.
mohd syazwan zainal. (2019). challenges by parents in career transition program for students with special need. - . 1.
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