Dr. Faizan Qamar is currently employed as a Senior Lecturer in the Center for Cyber Security, Faculty of Information Science and Technology at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), also known as The National University of Malaysia, located in Selangor, Malaysia. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Wireless from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which he received in December 2019. Dr. Qamar previously completed his M.E. degree in Telecommunication from NED University in Karachi, Pakistan in 2013 and his B.E. degree in Electronics from Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan in 2010. With over a decade of experience in research and teaching, Dr. Qamar is an active member of several professional societies, including IEEE(MY), PEC(PK), BOT(MY), and ISDS(JP). He has published over 50 articles in high-impact ISI and Scopus journals as well as IEEE conference papers. His publications have been featured in reputable journals such as Computer Networks, IEEE Access, and Adhoc Network, among others.Dr. Qamar also serves as a reviewer and editorial board member for more than 30 prestigious journals, collaborating with renowned publishers such as IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, MDPI, Wiley, and Hindawi. His research interests include Interference Management, Wireless Sensor Network, Internet of Things, Mobile Adhoc Networks, D2D communication, Millimeter-Wave Communication, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence approaches in 5G and Beyond Network Designs.
muhammad tayyab, khizar hameed, noor zaman jhanjhi, amer zaheer, faizan qamar. (2024). navigating cyber threats and cybersecurity in the logistics industry. - . 42.
faizan qamar;rosilah binti hassan;dahlila putri binti dahnil sikumbang. (2024). qos connectivity with improved optimal routing and interference mitigation approaches for iot-based ultra-dense network. - . .
syed hussain ali kazmi, faizan qamar, rosilah hassan, kashif nisar and mohammed azmi al-betar. (2024). security of federated learning in 6g era: a review on conceptual techniques and software platforms used for research and analysis. - computer networks. 1-41.
mahrukh liaqat, kamrul arifin noordin, tarik abdul latef, kahar dimayati, talha younas, faizan qamar, zhiguo ding. (2024). performance evaluation of multiple relay swipt enabled cooperative noma network in the presence of interference. - wireless networks. 2381-2394.
zhang liwen, faizan qamar, mahrukh liaqat, mhd nour hindia, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2024). towards efficient 6g iot networks: a perspective on resource optimization strategies, challenges, and future directions. - ieee access. 76606-76633.
syed hussain ali kazmi, faizan qamar, rosilah hassan, kashif nisar and mohammed azmi al-betar. (2024). security of federated learning in 6g era: a review on conceptual techniques and software platforms used for research and analysis. - computer networks. 1-41.
zhang liwen, faizan qamar, mahrukh liaqat, mhd nour hindia, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2024). towards efficient 6g iot networks: a perspective on resource optimization strategies, challenges, and future directions. - ieee access. 76606-76633.
mahrukh liaqat, kamrul arifin noordin, tarik abdul latef, kahar dimayati, talha younas, faizan qamar, zhiguo ding. (2024). performance evaluation of multiple relay swipt enabled cooperative noma network in the presence of interference. - wireless networks. 2381-2394.
muhammad azwan ibrahim, faizan qamar, zarina shukur, nasharuddin zainal, nazri marzuki, maria ulfah siregar. (2023). formalizing attack tree on security object for mysani in legal metrology. - systems. 1-16.
hafiz muhammad fahad noman, effariza hanafi, kamarul ariffin noordin, kaharudin dimyati, mhd nour hindia, atef abdrabou, faizan qamar. (2023). machine learning empowered emerging wireless networks in 6g: recent advancements, challenges & future trends. - ieee access. 1-35.
syed hussain ali kazmi, faizan qamar, rosilah hassan, kashif nisar, bhawani shankar chowdhry. (2023). survey on joint paradigm of 5g and sdn emerging mobile technologies: architecture, security, challenges and research directions. - wireless personal communications, springer. 2753-2800.
rana sabah naser, meng chun lam, faizan qamar and b. b. zaidan. (2023). smartphone-based indoor localization systems: a systematic literature review. - electronics. 1-32.
hayder faeq alhashimi, mhd nour hindia , kaharudin dimyati, effariza binti hanafi, nurhizam safie, faizan qamar, khairul azrin, quang ngoc nguyen. (2023). a survey on resource management for 6g heterogeneous networks: current research, future trends, and challenges. - electronics, mdpi. 1-44.
anand gachhada, ram krishna maharjan, surendra shrestha, nanda bikram adhikari, faizan qamar, syed hussain ali kazmi, quang ngoc nguyen. (2023). power optimization in multi-tier heterogeneous networks using genetic algorithm. - electronics. 1-25.
chamali sandamini, madduma wellalage pasan maduranga , valmik tilwari , jamaiah yahaya, faizan qamar, quang ngoc nguyen, siti rohana ahmad ibrahim. (2023). a review of indoor positioning systems for uav localization with machine learning algorithms. - electronics, mdpi. 1-19.
zhang liwen, faizan qamar, mahrukh liaqat, mhd nour hindia, khairul akram zainol ariffin. (2024). towards efficient 6g iot networks: a perspective on resource optimization strategies, challenges, and future directions. - ieee access. 76606-76633.
syed hussain ali kazmi, faizan qamar, rosilah hassan, kashif nisar and mohammed azmi al-betar. (2024). security of federated learning in 6g era: a review on conceptual techniques and software platforms used for research and analysis. - computer networks. 1-41.
mahrukh liaqat, kamrul arifin noordin, tarik abdul latef, kahar dimayati, talha younas, faizan qamar, zhiguo ding. (2024). performance evaluation of multiple relay swipt enabled cooperative noma network in the presence of interference. - wireless networks. 2381-2394.
xiao ya zhang, abdul hadi abd rahman, faizan qamar. (2023). semantic visual simultaneous localization and mapping (slam) using deep learning for dynamic scenes. - peerj computer science. 1-21.
hafiz muhammad fahad noman, effariza hanafi, kamarul ariffin noordin, kaharudin dimyati, mhd nour hindia, atef abdrabou, faizan qamar. (2023). machine learning empowered emerging wireless networks in 6g: recent advancements, challenges & future trends. - ieee access. 1-35.
faizan qamar, anand gachhadar, syed hussain ali kazmi and rosilah hassan. (2023). successive interference cancellation approach to estimated outage and coverage probability for udn b5g network. - 2023 ieee international conference on artificial intelligence in engineering and technology (iicaiet). 182-187.
tamilkody doraisamy, dina fitria murad, rosilah hassan, faizan qamar. (2023). student's awareness of privacy and security during online classes. - 2023 8th international conference on business and industrial research (icbir). 161-164.
faizan qamar, syed hussain ali kazmi, rosilah hassan, mhd nour hindia. (2022). successive interference cancellation for ultra-dense 5g heterogeneous network. - the international symposium on intelligent signal processing and communication systems (ispacs) 2022. 1-6.
anand gachhadar; ram krishna maharjan; surendra shrestha; nanda bikram adhikari; faizan qamar. (2021). a 5g framework and its analysis of interference cancellation in multi-tier heterogeneous networks. - 2021 international conference on electrical, computer, communications and mechatronics engineering (iceccme). 1-7.
valmik tilwari, alaa bani-bakr, faizan qamar*, mhd nour hindia, dushantha nalin k. jayakody, rosilah hassan. (2021). mobility and queue length aware routing approach for network stability and load balancing in manet. - 2021 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 1-5.
muhammad tayyab, khizar hameed, noor zaman jhanjhi, amer zaheer, faizan qamar. (2024). navigating cyber threats and cybersecurity in the logistics industry. - . 42.
faizan qamar;rosilah binti hassan;dahlila putri binti dahnil sikumbang. (2024). qos connectivity with improved optimal routing and interference mitigation approaches for iot-based ultra-dense network. - . .
zeng zihang, faizan qamar. (2023). ips parking system. - . 1-19.
yang chenxu, faizan qamar. (2023). ambulance dispatches system. - . 1-14.
syed hussain ali kazmi, faizan qamar, rosilah hassan, kashif nisar. (2023). slfl: a server-less federated learning framework in software defined uav networks. - 2023 ieee international conference on computing (icoco 2023). 1-6.
wang xiaoxuan, faizan qamar. (2023). online resume system. - . 1-16.
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