pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
Dr. Muhammad Safwan Bin Ahmad Fadzil merupakan ahli terapi radiasi (MAHPC(RT)00144) berdaftar di bawah Akta 774 Profesion Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu. Beliau adalah ahli Persatuan Juru X-Ray Malaysia (MSR) dan Persatuan Fizik Perubatan Malaysia (MAMP). Kepakaran beliau berkaitan bidang pengukuran dos radiasi, radioterapi dan perlindungan sinaran. Beliau aktif dalam menjalankan audit dosimetri pos untuk pusat radioterapi di Malaysia berdasarkan rangka kerja Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) untuk meningkatkan status dosimetri dan mencapai tahap ketepatan yang tinggi dalam amalan klinikal radioterapi. Penyelidikan ini adalah dengan kerjasama pelbagai organisasi, seperti Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Malaya (UM) dan beberapa universiti terkemuka di seluruh dunia.
Dr. Muhammad Safwan Bin Ahmad Fadzil is a registered radiation therapist (MAHPC(RT)00144) under Act 774 Allied Health Sciences Profession. He is a member of the Malaysian Association of Radiographers (MSR) and the Malaysian Association of Medical Physics (MAMP). His expertise is related to radiation dose measurement, radiotherapy, and radiation protection. He is active in conducting postal dosimetry audits for radiotherapy centers in Malaysia based on the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to improve the status of dosimetry and achieve a high level of accuracy in radiotherapy clinical practice. This research is in collaboration with various organizations, such as the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), the University of Malaya (UM), and several leading universities around the world.
muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil;nor aniza binti azmi;akmal bin sabarudin. (2024). tld-100 dosimetry system for postal audits of megavoltage photon beams with irregular multileaf collimator fields in malaysian radiotherapy facilities. - . .
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). scimort: revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype. - 24th asia-australasia conference of radiological technologists (aacrt) 2023. 1-9.
rohaizah mohamad @ ab rahim, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, nor aniza azmi, akmal sabarudin, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, mohd taufik dollah, ung ngie min, noramaliza mohd noor. (2023). independent tps dose verification for photon beam shaped with multileaf collimator: evidence from single institution study. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S17.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, wan anwah filzah wan anuar, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, noraini ahmad wahid, nur khalis sukiman, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). quantifying cumulative equivalent dose in radiotherapy trainees during clinical practices: towards establishing radiation exposure baseline. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1-26.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, nurul elni md yusof, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, norhafidzah mohamed sharif, khadijah mohamad nassir, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). evaluation of occupational radiation exposure to radiography students during clinical attachment using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, noramaliza mohd noor, nizam tamchek, ung ngie min, norhayati abdullah, mohd taufik dolah, david andrew bradley. (2022). a cross-validation study of ge-doped silica optical fibres and tld-100 systems for high energy photon dosimetry audit under non-reference conditions. - radiation physics and chemistry. 1-7.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, noramaliza mohd noor, nizam tamchek & ung ngie min. (2022). time-temperature profiles effect on thermoluminescence glow curve formation of germanium doped optical fibres. - sains malaysiana. 1557-1566.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, noramaliza mohd noor, ung ngie min, norhayati abdullah, mohd taufik dolah, mahzom pawanchek, david andrew bradley. (2022). dosimetry audit for megavoltage photon beams applied in non-reference conditions. - physica medica: european journal of medical physics. 99-104.
zul iskandar johari, nor aniza azmi, nur fa izah ab muin, rukiah a latiff, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, rosmizan ahmad razali. (2023). two-dimensional and three-dimensional image-guided evaluation of patient positioning for intensity-modulated radiation therapy of head and neck cancer. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 915-926.
azmi nor aniza, johari zul iskandar, ab muin nur fa'izah, a latiff rukiah, ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan, ahmad razali rosmizan. (2023). assessment of standardized patient positioning protocols for image-guidedimrt of head and neck cancer: a single-centre study. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S15-S16.
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype approach (scimort). - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S14-S15.
rohaizah mohamad @ ab rahim, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, nor aniza azmi, akmal sabarudin, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, mohd taufik dollah, ung ngie min, noramaliza mohd noor. (2023). independent tps dose verification for photon beam shaped with multileaf collimator: evidence from single institution study. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S17.
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, noramaliza mohd noor, nizam tamchek, ung ngie min, norhayati abdullah, mohd taufik dolah. (2023). tl intensity fading of ge-dofs microdosimeter for photon beams audit in radiotherapy: characteristics and corrections. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S31-S32.
muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil;nor aniza binti azmi;akmal bin sabarudin. (2024). tld-100 dosimetry system for postal audits of megavoltage photon beams with irregular multileaf collimator fields in malaysian radiotherapy facilities. - . .
muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, nurul elni md yusof, siti hajar zuber, rozilawati ahmad, abdul khaliq mohd saparudin, norhafidzah mohamed sharif, khadijah mohamad nassir, ahmad bazlie abdul kadir. (2023). evaluation of occupational radiation exposure to radiography students during clinical attachment using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter. - 5th international conference on radiation safety & security in healthcare services (icorssihs) 2023. 1.
nor aniza binti azmi;norjana binti abdul rahman;rozilawati binti ahmad;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;nani adilah binti suhaimi;saiful izzuan bin hussain;nurul husna binti nor mohammad;noraini binti ahmad wahid;muhammad safwan bin ahmad fadzil. (2023). modul simulasi klinikal pesakit maya untuk pengajaran radioterapi (scimort). - . .
azmi nor aniza , mohd sukri nur afiqah , mustafa kamal muhamad ikhwan , ahmad rozilawati , yahya noorazrul azmie , ahmad fadzil muhammad safwan , suhaimi nani adilah , ahmad wahid noraini , hussin saiful izzuan , shuib liyana. (2023). scimort: revolutionizing radiotherapy communication skills training: an innovative chatbot-based prototype. - 24th asia-australasia conference of radiological technologists (aacrt) 2023. 1-9.
siti hajar zuber, muhammad fahmi rizal abdul hadi, siti aisyah zuber, wan nordiana w abd rahman, muhammad safwan ahmad fadzil, ahmad nazlim yusoff. (2023). verification of absorbed dose and dose enhancement factor in nanoparticle-enhanced radiotherapy using monte carlo gate simulation. - career development workshop for women in physics, international centre for theoretical physics. 1.
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