dr. ahmad monir bin abdullah

pensyarah universiti

pusat kajian keutuhan tadbir urus & akauntabiliti (grace)


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Dr. Ahmad Monir Abdullah, yang kini berkhidmat sebagai Pensyarah Kanan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), menggabungkan pengalaman luas dalam bidang akademik dan industri perakaunan. Sebagai Akauntan Bertauliah yang berdaftar dengan Institut Akauntan Malaysia (MIA) dan CPA Australia, beliau memiliki pengalaman lebih dari satu dekad dengan syarikat multinasional termasuk KPMG, Seadrill Ltd, Sapura Kencana Berhad, dan Kumpulan Fima Berhad. Selepas memperoleh PhD dari INCEIF pada tahun 2018, Dr. Monir beralih ke dunia akademik, mula mengajar di UNIKL selama lapan tahun sebelum menyertai UKM pada tahun 2020. Kelayakan akademik beliau juga termasuk sijil Perancang Kewangan Islam (IFP) dari IBFIM (2019), MBA dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (2009), dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan dari universiti yang sama (2001). Sumbangan beliau kepada jurnal terkemuka seperti Borsa Istanbul Review dan Cogent Business and Management Journal menonjolkan impak keilmuan beliau.
    Dr. Ahmad Monir Abdullah, currently a Senior Lecturer at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), combines extensive academic and industry experience in accounting. A registered Chartered Accountant with the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and CPA Australia, he has over a decade of experience with multinational corporations like KPMG, Seadrill Ltd, Sapura Kencana Berhad, and Kumpulan Fima Berhad. After earning his PhD from INCEIF in 2018, Dr. Monir pivoted to academia, initially teaching at UNIKL for eight years before joining UKM in 2020. His academic credentials also include an Islamic Financial Planner (IFP) certification from IBFIM (2019), an MBA from International Islamic University Malaysia (2009), and a Bachelor of Accounting from the same university (2001). Dr. Monir`s contributions to notable journals such as the Borsa Istanbul Review and Cogent Business and Management Journal highlight his scholarly impact.

  • ahmad monir abdullah, aini aman.  (2024).  energy prices and their impact on us stock indices: a waveletbased quantile-on-quantile regression approach.  - international journal of energy economics and policy.  216-234. 


    yongjun gao, norman mohd saleh , ahmad monir abdullah , syaima adznan.  (2024).  climate-related disclosures under the tcfd framework and business green innovation: evidence from china a-share companies.  - finance research letters.  1-8. 


    ahmad monir abdullah.  (2024).  embracing fintech revolutionizing islamic finance with innovation.  - islamic finance news.  1-2. 


    maizatulakma abdullah, mohamat sabri hassan, noorsakinah abdul wahab, ahmad monir abdullah.  (2023).  cadangan penambahbaikan pelaporan maklumat alam sekitar dalam industri sawit di malaysia: satu pendekatan sistem.  - jurnal pengurusan.  1-14. 


    ahmad monir abdullah, hamdy abdullah, norazlan alias, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman.  (2023).  assessing the potential for asset diversification: an analysis of brazilian stock indexes, bitcoin, gold, crude oil and exchange rates.  - journal of investment strategies.  1-31. 


    yongjun gao, norman mohd saleh , ahmad monir abdullah , syaima adznan.  (2024).  climate-related disclosures under the tcfd framework and business green innovation: evidence from china a-share companies.  - finance research letters.  1-8. 


    ahmad monir abdullah, aini aman.  (2024).  energy prices and their impact on us stock indices: a waveletbased quantile-on-quantile regression approach.  - international journal of energy economics and policy.  216-234. 


    yongjun gao, norman mohd saleh , ahmad monir abdullah , syaima adznan.  (2024).  climate-related disclosures under the tcfd framework and business green innovation: evidence from china a-share companies.  - finance research letters.  1-8. 


    ahmad monir abdullah, hishamuddin abdul wahab, maizatulakma abdullah, romlah jaafar, noradiva hamzah.  (2023).  investing amid turmoil: diversification opportunities in islamic stock indices, bitcoin, gold, and crude oil.  - jurnal ekonomi malaysia.  1-16. 


    ahmad monir abdullah, hamdy abdullah, norazlan alias, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman.  (2023).  assessing the potential for asset diversification: an analysis of brazilian stock indexes, bitcoin, gold, crude oil and exchange rates.  - journal of investment strategies.  1-31. 


    ahmad monir abdullah, hishamuddin abdul wahab, abul mansur mohammed masih, mariani abdul majid, wai-yan wong.  (2023).  the co-movement of china and us stock indices: a portfolio diversification analysis.  - journal of international studies.  1-35. 


    maizatulakma abdullah, mohamat sabri hassan, ahmad monir abdullah.  (2023).  sosio ekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia.  - 11. 


    maizatulakma abdullah, mohamat sabri hassan, ahmad monir abdullah.  (2023).  sosio ekonomi pekebun kecil industri sawit malaysia.  - 11. 


    ahmad monir abdullah.  (2024).  embracing fintech revolutionizing islamic finance with innovation.  - islamic finance news.  1-2. 


    ahmad monir abdullah.  (2022).  5 idea pendapatan pasif untuk usahawan yang ingin buat duit ketika tidur.  - majalah labur.  1-4. 


    ahmad monir abdullah.  (2022).  5 cara mengatasi masalah inflasi.  - majalah labur.  1-5. 


    ahmad monir abdullah.  (2022).  cara melatih minda anda untuk menjana lebih banyak wang.  - majalah labur.  1-5. 


    ahmad monir abdullah, hishamuddin abdul wahab, ruslan nagayev, romlah jaafar, omar alaeddin.  (2021).  diversification benefits of brazil stock indices and commodities: empirical evidence from mgrach-dcc and wavelets techniques.  - the 23rd malaysian finance association international conference 2021.  1-18.